The Plan

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The next morning after not much rest at all, I sent for breakfast which I would take in my rooms, I didn’t want to see my father and Emily this morning. My mind was made up.  I was going to speak to Thorn and find a way out of this mess.  If I had to beg him, I would, but we needed a solution from this problem, and my father and Emily would not be capable of dealing with him. I dressed very carefully that morning in a light green tiered ruffle gown with lace trim.  I knew green was Thorn’s favorite color. I decided to just part my hair and put it in a bun, not the fashion of the day but it will have to do seeing as Betsie was still nursing daddy and trying to ready him for the arrival of Thorn Alistair.  Daddy unfortunately decided to empty most of the cellar before Thorn can take possession of it.  Which honestly didn’t surprise me.   I heard the coach pull up to the house, I thought it strange that Thorn Decided not to just come by horse, but then I noticed he was accompanied by an older gentleman with lots of papers and folders with him.  I assumed that it must be his lawyer. I looked in the mirror a few strains had escaped, I fixed my hair, and gathered my courage, rubbed my clammy hands down my skirt and went downstairs to welcome Thorn to our home, or more accurately his new home.   Thorn’s POV: Emily and Lord Ainsworth were already waiting to Receive me when I walked in.  Emily spoke first “Good Morning Thorn, my I welcome you” I didn’t want to look at her or her husband “That’s Lord Alistair”,  they both stared at me with a confused look on their faces “you can address me as Lord Alistair, that is my Title” The air in the room changed, I could feel the electricity in the air, I felt her, when she entered the room, I could feel her coming closer, it was as if my whole being wanted to move to her and with her.  This mate bond was strong, I didn’t know how I was going to get through this day, her being so close and yet so far. Rose stopped a few feet before reaching me.  “Good Morning, Mr. Alistair, Welcome to our Estate the Southern Cross” I arched an eyebrow at her, she didn’t know of my fathers death “You meant to say my Estate Miss Cummins, and just to correct your address of me I am now referred to as Lord Alistair.  My father passed away a couple of years ago, leaving me everything” I said this last phrase looking directly at Emily. “I am now considered a very rich and prosperous man, and that is without adding your estate, which I will sell before I leave The Cape. I saw Emily’s face as the insult reached its mark.  Emily’s face went white and both Emily and Lord Ainsworth stalked off to the dining room without another word being spoken, which meant that the showing of the estate would now fall on Rose, which I wanted, but also dreaded. Rose cleared her throat, would you like to start at the fruit orchards.  She had an air of cold indifference towards me, or she tried, but I could smell her arousal, she couldn’t stop herself.  I felt the need to just strike out at her, I couldn’t stand this coldness, especially since I was the injured party “I’m assuming your father will not make an appearance after his embarrassing performance last night.” Rose instantly lost her temper, which I have to admit, I liked, I could smell her emotions and I loved being part of her, in anyway, that I could “Could we please refrain from speaking about my father in such an offensive manner, you took advantage of an old man whom likes to gamble, you have nothing to be proud of either” I turned my back on her and I started to laugh to myself, I know I was being shameful but I loved seeing the red spots on her cheeks when she got angry. Rose started walking out the door towards the fruit orchards, my eyes immediately followed the sway of her hips, I had to look away as I was getting very aroused. My heartbeat quickened I was looking for a quarrel, anything to take my mind of off her hips, she tried not to show it, but I could hear her heartbeat and smell the arousal on her to, which caused even more problems for me. I grabbed her by the arm to stop her.  The touch sent tingles up my hand and arms, I looked up at her face and she felt it to, I could see it in her face. I cleared my throat and tried again “We will start with the house and all its content” I could see I was effecting her,  she tripped on her skirts and I had to steady her before she fell over.  I held on to her for as long as I could before letting her go. “Thank you Lord Alistair, if you would follow me please” I gave a tight nod and gestured for her to move on, this was going to be torture. I felt an electric current shoot through my fingers where I touched her and it was spreading to the rest of my body, what was going on with me, surely I should be able to control this mate bond thing, but my wolf wanted to possess her and I wanted the same thing.  Since becoming Lord and having my own estate, there was no lack of women, being Alpha also didn’t hurt, but now I can’t think of anyone else, my thoughts are consumed with her, and giving her pleasure and taking mine. I tried to distract myself with mundane tasks and questions about the estate, I didn’t even want this bloody estate.  This was all to get her, time I admitted the truth to myself, I wanted Rose and I will have her. You don’t have an estate manager, miss Cumins. No Lord Alistair, we don’t, the Estate is managed by my father and some of the Family’s that live on the estate with us.  You might remember Betsie, she also works for us in the house, she has been part of our family since we came to the Cape. I quickly tried to change the direction of this conversation, I was not ready for the other reason I came here today to get out, yet.  But it was going to and I wanted to see her reaction when she found out.  “Miss Cumins, lead the way” She swept past me smelling of lavender and vanilla, my wolf howled and then some of those old memories came flooding back.  Rose still a child, the three of them exploring the estate, often only the 2 of them as Emily never liked just walking and investigating.  I looked at her long and hard, she wasn’t a child any more, she was exquisite. I cleared my throat and followed her to the library. “So this is your father’s library, very quaint” Rose pulled herself up straighter. “could you please stop with the insults Lord Alistair” I felt angry, when she defended her father, she will find out soon enough what the monster did.  But I wanted to hurt her, something in me wanted her to see who he really was, I wanted him to hate her as I did. “must be hard for you to suddenly see me as a peer, after everything you did”  I said this pinning her to the book case behind her, my mouth inches away from hers. Rose immediately became stiff and I wanted to wipe the haughty look and stiffness away, so I kissed her.  I pressed my mouth to hers, hard at first, but then, I felt her surrender, I leaned against her and deepened the kiss, she opened for me, like a flower, like a rose.  I took both my hands and cupped her face, but I still wasn’t happy, I needed more, and by the look of her, so did she.  I moved my hands over her breasts, until I found her n****e and squeezed it.  She gasped but then pushed herself more into my hand.  I was very aroused, and my wolf was threatening to come out.  I sucked on her tongue and heard her soft gasp.  I had to stop and now. I dragged myself away from her, we were both out of breath.  I turned my back to her so that she could not see my eyes changing, I inhaled deeply and turned back, in that time she was able to gain some composure.  She spoke to me very softly.  “I always saw you as an equal Thorn,  it’s you who felt you were not good enough, and as for that night, I admit I was jealous, but I also knew Emily was expecting and I truly tried to help you, I just went about it wrong, all I did wrong was tell my father you and Emily were going to run away.  I should have never told him, I should have told you” I looked at her, my wolf was howling, she was jealous, almost worth the scar. “I want to hear the rest of the story, you owe me that, it can never be in the past for me. Every-time I look in the mirror I am reminded of your father’s cruelty.” Rose gave a soft sob “I never wanted that to happen to you – just forget about it, please” she begged me, but not yet, her father had to pay, but I did like her begging me.  I wanted to get this over with, put my plan in motion, soon she will be mine and she can pay for her sins in the most enjoyable ways, I couldn’t wait.  “Fine, what’s next, let’s get this done. Before there is a repeat of what we just did” She gave me a shocked look, “You wouldn’t.  That was a mistake, we can never do that again” I could see she felt very uncomfortable. I laughed at her “I don’t make mistakes, and be sure, what we just did, is definitely going to happen again” She blushed “Let’s just go on”
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