Secrets revealed

1037 Words
Rose’s POV: Two hours later I felt exhausted, I was emotionally drained, my mind kept wondering to that kiss and most of Thorns questions I couldn’t answer, because I really didn’t know anything about the estate.  We were currently in one of the fruit orchards.  He plucked some red grapes from the vines, he brought the grapes to his mouth and started eating some.  I never wanted to be a grape so much, I couldn’t take my eyes of him.  He saw me watching him and I saw a small smile appear, I was mortified. Every time he looked at me, I would turn to mush.  This tour was really just a waste of time, half my time was spent lusting over Thorn, he had taken his jacket of because of the heat, from that moment on, all I thought of was his muscular chest.  The last time I saw him, he wasn’t as muscular and come to think of it as tall.  Everywhere I looked was a new muscle, after the jacket incident, my eyes roamed his whole body, they stopped at his legs they were beautifully sculpted, this man had turned into the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.  He was always beautiful, with that face how can you not be, but now he was perfect, he was a powerful man.  That’s when I noticed his scar again, and I felt guilty over what I had done 5 years ago.  Not that the scar took anything away from his perfection, it actually added to it.  He looked more dangerous, just more manly.  With that black hair and dark eyes, my dreams were filled with him, even over the last 5 years, I always just thought of him.  He looked more manly and a little dangerous with that scar.  I would be dreaming of him again tonight, I knew it, I wouldn’t be the only one, I saw the way Emily was looking at him at the ball and again at our house earlier, she wanted him, but now he didn’t want her anymore, which was very satisfying.   Thorn stretched and that old familiar lust came back, I needed to stop this and fast. He caught me looking at him and walked closer to me, my heart was beating at a wild pace.  He was so close now, our lips were inches apart, I wanted him to kiss me again, I needed him to kiss me again. I closed my eyes in anticipation.  He spoke, almost against my mouth.  I was startled back to our current situation and I wasn’t sure I heard right “Could we go to the workers houses now. “ I felt humiliated he knew I was attracted to him, and he was playing to it, I felt a sudden burst of anger towards him. I wanted him to pay for what he just did.  I knew Betsie and the others would not appreciate him just barging in on their homes.  “I don’t think they would like that” Thorn was annoyed again.  “Look Rose this is my property now and I want to see the farm workers houses” I turned around and started walking straight to Betsies house if anybody was going to put Thorn in his place it was going to be Betsie.  "Fine, follow me"  I looked straight ahead and walked as fast as I could to Betsie's cottage. As we approached the house Betsie and her daughter Emma, whom really is turning into a beautiful young girl came running out of the house. They ran straight past me. Emma ran straight into Thorn’s arms and cried and kept him in a tight hug, Betsie soon joined in on this hug.  I looked at Thorn and there was pure joy there. I could feel jealousy rise in me and then anger. I immediately felt suspicious and curious of what was going on, why this familiarity?  Was he just playing with us, to get to his true love, I was getting angrier by the second  “Whats going on here Betsie”.  I was very jealous of Thorn and my Sister Emily, but seeing Betsie’s daughter in Thorn’s arms, made me insane, I wanted to walk up to Emma and scratch her eyes out.  He was mine, but he also wasn’t and I knew that but this was more than I could take.    “Whats going on”  I screeched out as no one has answered me yet and I was annoyed and I started to feel like an intruder on this happy scene, but I had a right to know. This time a screamed it “What’s going on here” Thorn de-tangled himself from Emma and Betsie. “Ah excuse us Miss Cummins we haven’t seen each other in quite some time,  but let me be the first to introduce you to my lovely sister Emma and my real mother Betsie.” I felt all the blood drain from my face and I almost swallowed my tongue.  “What, your, your sister and mother.  I could hear the shakiness in my own voice, but at the same time, I was also relieved that this was his sister and not lover.  But how could they keep this from us so long, how did they hide the secret so long?.   Thorn’s POV: As soon as she screamed at us, I knew she was jealous.  I heard her the first time, but I purposely stayed in Emma’s arms to see how deep Rose’s jealousy and feelings ran.  I was very happy I did it, because by her reaction towards Emma, she was insanely jealous, which made me and Finn very excited and happy. I watched her closely as I delivered the news of Emma and Betsie, he heart was beating wildly, I could hear it and she immediately calmed down when she heard Emma was my sister.  I was very satisfied with the outcome of my little experiment.
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