
1293 Words

Rose’s POV: I was shocked, I couldn’t believe what I did.  He stole all my in-habitations; I couldn’t trust myself with him.  I made a promise to myself, I will not be alone with him, ever again, but then I remembered, my father basically sold me to him, just to get a portion of his land back. Plus, he had already told me I was going to be his mistress, but that didn’t mean I had to throw myself at him, which I had basically done.  I made up my mind, I will just avoid him, stay with his sister or somebody else at all times. I found Emma standing with the captain at the Stern of the ship, they were both just staring at the vast sea in front of them. “Ah, there you are Emma, I was looking for you” The both moved a little apart and looked a guilty for some reason, but I was so absorbed i

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