Emily's Seduction

1065 Words
Emily’s POV:   I looked over to my father, he looked absolutely defeated “Daddy, I think I am in the position to help” “Out with it Emily, what can you do” “Well, I am the one that Thorn truly wants, Rose is just his consolation prize.  Well, what if he can have me” My father immediately perked up, he walked closer to me, and I saw him smile “I see what you are saying Emily, I will be forever grateful to you daughter, if you could get me my land back” I smiled at my father and walked to my room, I wasn’t doing this for my father, I wanted Thorn, since the moment I saw him at the ball.  I carefully dressed myself in the most provocative gown. I knew Thorn only wanted Rose as his mistress because she reminded him of me.  I decided to go to his rooms at the hotel he was staying at.  He was more handsome now that he is older and I wanted to taste him, I was going to use the guise of my father’s estate to see him I was wearing my new gown, the gown showed off enough of my bosom to tempt any man, I felt confident in the way I looked. I caught my reflection in the mirror, I smiled to myself.  Thorn was in for a very enjoyable surprise.  When I saw him at the ball, I was shocked at how handsome he had become, I wanted him, I was denied him before but tonight was going to be ours and the other benefit was, I was going to get my fathers land back and have fun doing it. His rooms were at the top floor.  I walked in without knocking, I wanted to surprise him.  He didn’t look surprised at all, which caught me a little off guard, but I recovered quickly, I closed the door behind me and walked further into the room. He had a brandy in his hands and he was standing in front of the fireplace.  He watched me as I walked closer. “Dear Thorn, how I missed you, us” I took of my bonnet and loosened my hair, he used to love my hair, especially when it was loose.  He just stared at me without saying anything, his eyes followed me as I came closer to him.  As a young man, he use to lust after me and I had fun dangling myself in front of him, but he has changed now, I felt a moment of insecurity, but then my confidence returned, surely he hasn’t changed that much.  He was still just staring at me, he took a sip of his brandy and placed the brandy on the mantel.   I walked closer to him.  He was wearing only his shirt and pants.  I touched his shirt and started to loosen the buttons.  He grabbed my hand and removed my hand from his chest.  So he wanted to play games, I could do that.  I gave him a coy smile and tried to unbutton his shirt again, he removed my hand again and stepped back.  I smiled at him again.  The game was on.  I walked around and dragged my finger across his shoulders. “Thorn I wanted to come tonight, I was hoping we could come to some arrangement” He picked up his brandy glass and  walked over to the chair in front of the fireplace and took a seat. I walked to where he was sitting and started to rub his shoulders.  He took another sip of his brandy.  I walked around his chair and took a seat on his lap.  I saw a flicker in his eyes and he got up and pushed me from his lap, I fell hard on my bum.  I gave him a startled look. “Something the matter Thorn” He looked at me, I saw disgust in his eyes and I was taken aback and confused. “You can say that Emily, what are you looking to achieve here?” I looked down and I stared at him coyly through my lashes, I could still achieve my goal. “I thought it was obvious, I want you and I also want my fathers land back.  Surely we can come to some arrangement that will be beneficial for the both of us.” He started laughing and emptied his brandy glass. “We could if I haven’t already gotten everything I wanted, YOU, not being one of them” I felt an embarrassing flush creep over me, I was so sure he still wanted me.  He went on talking. “You see Emily, destroying your father and taking his land was all I wanted, that is until I saw Rose, now all I want is her, and I already have her, as your father basically sold her to me.  So you being here is just sad and a waste of time and I have to say a little pathetic, even for you” He walked over to the door and opened it, “NOW LEAVE” I walked out and he slammed the door behind me, as I walked down the corridor I could here him laughing.  I felt mortified.  He was going to pay for what he just did.   Rose’s POV: I was still angry with my father and Thorn, but I was now resigned to what had to be done.  During the night a storm started and I knew we were going to have to travel in this rain and cold, and if it doesn’t pass, we will bored the ship in these conditions, and that made me nervous.  I hated ships, it’s one of the reasons I didn’t visit my sister much, the other reason was her, I actually really disliked Emily, she was awful. I smiled when I finally realized that I admitted that little secret to myself.  I fell asleep thinking of my dilemma, at least Emma is a lovely girl and would be great company.  I was still worried about what would happen, when Thorn grew tired of me, but for right now I was going to take things day to day.  
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