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Ara was jolted from her peaceful slumber quite abruptly, her fingers tightly clutching the plush silk sheets as the harsh, piercing sound of her alarm clock reverberated through the room from its perch on the nightstand. Every single muscle in her body throbbed with a dull ache, a clear sign of exertion and strain as she hastily disentangled herself from the soft bedding. She retrieved her discarded nightgown from the cold floor, pulling it over her smooth, creamy skin. The cool touch of the silk provided a soothing contrast to her warm, flushed body. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, half-expecting to glimpse her enigmatic visitor casually sprawled in a chair, silently summoning her to join him. However, in the stark, revealing light of day when every detail would be clearly visible, he was, quite predictably, absent. Ara reached into her neatly arranged wardrobe, pulling out her elegant silk kimono. She draped it gently over her shoulders, its soft fabric cascading down her body, before venturing out of the bedroom to fetch a much-needed cup of coffee. A quick scan of the area confirmed that he wasn't there either. If it weren't for the fresh aches and discomfort in her body, she might have chalked up the entire incident to an intensely vivid and detailed dream. However, the physical evidence was hard to deny. A man had somehow gained access to her hotel room, taken possession of her body, and then disappeared as if he was never there, all before the break of dawn. She had willingly submitted to him, had permitted him to reach climax inside her, and then, as if she was a naive, lovesick teenager, she had drifted off to sleep in his arms. It was a testament to how irrationally she had acted. John's chauffeur had driven her back to her hotel, which would explain how he knew her exact location. But Ara was always under the watchful eyes of a team of security personnel, a courtesy extended by John. How had he managed to slip past them unnoticed? A horrifying thought fleetingly crossed her mind - had she engaged in a passionate s****l encounter with one of John's men? But that seemed impossible, right? One of John's men wouldn't dare approach her, she was considered off-limits. Even though John had been away from America for quite a significant period, no one would dare to defy his firm orders. Whoever the man was, Ara was certain she couldn't afford to get entangled with him again. John would be livid when he returned from his extended stay in Ireland, if he ever did, and she didn't want another death weighing heavily on her conscience. One was already too much. The sudden ringing of her phone from the bedroom sent Ara darting back to her nightstand, a groan escaping her lips when she saw her mother's name brightly flashing on the screen. She steeled herself, mentally preparing for the conversation before answering the call. "Hello, mother." your father sent for you to return to the family estate weeks ago, we had anticipated your prompt arrival, Ara," her mother's voice resonated from the phone, a tone of stern disapproval evident. Ara expelled a sigh, already feeling the burden of regret weigh down on her decision to come home. "Yes, mother, I'm fully aware," Ara responded, her voice steady. "However, as I painstakingly explained to Douglas, my stepfather, it was impossible for me to abandon my academic commitments before my graduation ceremony." The sound of her mother's voice was tinged with a dismissive sneer. "A frivolous graduation ceremony for what you deem an important degree. You do realize, don't you, that your current lifestyle will never accommodate an actual profession?" "As you never fail to remind me," Ara retorted, her patience wearing thin. "Now, may I ask the purpose of this call?" Was it just to remind her of her destined role as a housewife trapped in a loveless marriage, much like her own mother? "We are aware that you are currently residing at the family-owned hotel, but your presence is urgently required back at home. We are dispatching a car to your location within the next few hours to bring you back to the estate. Ensure you are dressed appropriately as we will be hosting some guests for dinner." "Who exactly are we entertaining?" "A charming young lady and her parents will be joining us for an evening of dinner and drinks. If we manage to navigate this situation correctly, it could potentially lead to a marital alliance in the near future." Ara furrowed her brow, her mind whirling. "A marriage? Mother, what on Earth are you implying?" "Why, for your brother, John, dear." Ara's grip on the phone tightened involuntarily, her stomach churning with anxiety. John was getting married? "He's been resisting the idea for years, but now, as the head of the family, it is expected that he find a suitable wife to bear his children." "I'm not entirely sure why inviting a woman and her family for dinner would matter considering John is currently in Ireland." "Really, dear, must you always be so obtuse? John has finally returned home to take over the reins of the family business in Boston." Ara sat down abruptly on her bed, a sudden chill coursing through her veins. "When did John return?" She knew in her gut that she should have stayed away from Boston. She moved towards her suitcase, her mind made up to pack her things and leave immediately. She wasn't ready to face him again, and she feared she might never be. Clearly, five years weren't long enough to heal old wounds and move past everything. "Two weeks ago. It was John who insisted that Douglas call you back home. Apparently, you are supposed to assist him in securing a wife." "What? No, mother. Absolutely not." What was John trying to pull here? She was not going to help him find a desperate woman aspiring to be a housewife and the mother of his children. Her young, naive heart pounded painfully in her chest, but she steeled herself, refusing to let herself be dragged back into his cruel, twisted games. "You will assist him, Ara. He was quite adamant about it." "I need to go now." "Your chauffeur will be at your hotel at five p.m. to pick you up. I would advise against any foolish attempts to evade this, or you might find yourself regretting your actions sooner rather than later." With that veiled threat, her mother ended the call, leaving Ara in a state of disarray. Did this mean John would be present at the dinner? Was she even prepared to face him?
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