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Several hours had passed when Ara was seen meticulously finishing up her attire, her hand gliding down the fabric of her dress to iron out any perceived wrinkles. She had chosen to wear a deep green velvet bodycon dress that gracefully ended at her knees. The dress, featuring a high collar and long sleeves, was backless, adding a touch of allure. She might have opted for a different dress, but this one strategically hid the hickeys and bite marks scattered along her neck. Although the design of the dress didn't allow for a bra, a few discrete pasties would prevent any unwanted exposure, thereby avoiding her mother's disapproval. Her signature white gold necklace, adorned with a large emerald jewel, was nestled safely between her breasts, hidden from view. A gift from a man with a desire to possess her. A man staking his claim. The memory sent a shiver coursing through her, causing a warm sensation to spread. The piercing ring of the hotel phone jerked her back to reality, serving as a reminder of the obligatory gathering she was required to attend. Her determination to attend the occasion almost faltered until she heard a knock at the door. Grasping her Gucci clutch, Ara opened the door, warmly greeting one of her bodyguards. "Josh, your presence is always appreciated." The light reflected off her silver heels as they made their way to an elevator nearby. "The feeling is mutual, ma'am. Are you prepared for the family dinner?" She responded with a smile, but inside, her nerves were a tangled mess. "Would it be possible to make a pit stop at the drugstore en route?" She had searched for her emergency contraceptive pill but to no avail. She had a sinking feeling that her intruder had disposed of it. Josh looked apologetic as he stated, "The directive is to escort you directly to the estate. No detours allowed." "Are those my mother's instructions?" "John's." Hearing his name caused her mood to take a nosedive, the rigid chains of her family obligations tightening around her. "Could you perhaps pick something up for me instead?" Josh averted his gaze, seemingly wishing he could blend into the walls rather than address her question. "John has requested that all your activities be reported to him, so if you need me to pick up anything for you, I'll need to seek his approval first." "You're joking, right?" What was happening? It was inconceivable that John would make such a demand. The idea was preposterous. She was not an object to be owned! "I'm afraid not, ma'am. He suggested you direct any inquiries to him." "Really?" Her hands clenched around her clutch, the soft leather threatening to crumple under her grip. Why was this happening to her? She'd gone to great lengths to avoid John, and now she had to run her errands past him for approval? The thought was mortifying. She could lie to him, perhaps tell him it was something else. Her body still remembered the repercussions of her last lie. The elevator doors slid open, and Josh escorted her to an SUV she didn't recognize. "What happened to the Porsche?" It had been her favorite, not that she had ever driven it, but it had provided a sense of comfort and familiarity. "The Porsche wasn't deemed secure enough. This vehicle is." Ara was left speechless, merely nodding and stepping into the back seat, her clutch carelessly tossed beside her. One of the guards took the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio, while Josh navigated the vehicle towards the family estate. What other changes were in store for her now that John was back in town? She felt an overwhelming urge to vent her frustrations, to scream at her guards, to throw her belongings around and run away. But instead, she sat gracefully in the backseat, the picture of decorum. Her mother would have been horrified had Ara behaved any differently. A blush crept up her cheeks at the thought of her mother's reaction if she ever found out about her recent escapades. The poor woman would probably have a stroke. But perhaps if her mother attended a party like the ones Ara was used to, she could loosen up a bit. The thought brought a smile to Ara's face. Not long after, the SUV came to a standstill at the estate's main entrance. As identification badges were distributed, the gates lazily creaked open, permitting their entry. The sight of several cars already parked along the sprawling driveway signaled to Ara that a significant number of guests had arrived for the evening function. A pang of dread hit her at the thought of a potential marriage proposal that night. She couldn't help but question her decision to return home. Ara extended her gratitude to Josh as he helped her out of the vehicle. The chilly air caressed her exposed back and legs as she began her walk towards the mansion, her strides refined despite the gravel beneath her feet and the high heels she wore. The stately mansion door swung open before she reached it, revealing a butler ready to welcome her. This one was older than the last, his bald head and rosy cheeks standing out. His upbeat disposition was a rare sight for someone in her mother's employment. A sense of relief washed over her as she spotted Lucielle amidst the gathering crowd. Lucielle was there with her parents and younger sister. Ara waved, closing the distance between them, and embraced her best friend in a warm hug. "I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight." A hint of guilt flickered in Lucielle's eyes as she glanced at her younger sister before offering Ara a smile. Jenny, Lucielle's younger sister, scrutinized Ara from head to toe with a hostile expression before dismissing her and scanning the room for someone else. Ara didn't particularly care for Jenny either, finding her attitude somewhat extreme. Guiding Ara away from the crowd, Lucielle whispered as they walked, "I only learned about this event this morning. Were you aware that your mother is attempting to arrange a marriage between Jenny and John?" Ara stopped in her tracks. "Jenny? She's barely out of her teens!" And she was notoriously difficult. "I know. It's hard to comprehend how or why this is unfolding. I'm genuinely sorry, Ara." "There's no need to apologize." Ara felt a strange sense of detachment from the conversation, as if she were observing it from an external perspective, barely registering Lucielle's words. "I feel I should. I'm aware your past with John is complex." A blush crept up Ara's neck as her eyes darted around to ensure no one was within earshot. "That's history, and I'd rather not delve into it." "Right, I shouldn't have mentioned it." Lucielle's smile held a knowing glint as she looked at Ara. "What happened to you last night? I leave you for a few minutes, and then you disappear for the rest of the night. Did you meet someone?" "Well, I wouldn't exactly term it as 'meeting'. The whole event was supposed to be anonymous, remember?" Lucielle rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. Did you enjoy yourself?" "Actually, I did." "That's great! It's a good thing John didn't spot you there; otherwise, there would have been massive consequences." Ara froze, dread pulling her back into the moment, forcing her to concentrate on Lucielle's words. "Why would he have seen me there?" Lucielle gave her a knowing look. "Ara, he was at the party last night. Weren't you aware?" "What?" Ara hissed at her friend, gripping Lucielle's arm and pulling her into a deserted hallway. "What do you mean he was there? And you didn't inform me?!" "Okay, I can see that maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it now. Will you take it easy? If your mother senses that you're anything less than calm and composed, she'll have a fit. Breathe deeply." "Lucielle!" "Relax. I only meant that the place was teeming with Irishmen, a number of them rather intimidating, and there were rumors that John was in one of the back rooms. That's all I heard." No, no, no. There was no way that John was her mystery lover from last night. "Hello, dear Ara," a dark, familiar voice with a distinctive accent whispered in her ear.
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