Chapter 14

2752 Words
Lina's POV "If that is what makes you happy" he adds again. I fall at a loss of words. Did this man seriously think that I would leave either him or my pack just to stay together? "What do we have the supernatural council for?" I ask him. "You know that it does not work for my world" he says slowly. "Then we can make supernatural council and your spiral council sit and talk!!!" I am almost yelling at this point. Donovan falls into deep thought. And I let him be. If he is making his brain work faster to come up with a solution, then I shall give him the time and space he needs. Meanwhile I see Papa walk away. Maa to the kitchen. And Adi sits before us, looks at Donovan. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows. I shrug my shoulders and he nods. I see Maa brought a plateful of snacks, a bowl of halwa (an Indian dessert) and puts that on the table before Donovan. He smiles and nods which I feel is a progress!! He only used to nod but now, he smiled and nodded his head. That clearly screams progress!! And ... Serving the guests with food is an Indian tradition is what my mother always told Adi and I. She is from India and she hasn't forgotten her roots. "Where's your Papa?" She asks me. I shrug again and she nods. She looks like she mindlinks someone and I sure as hell know that it's dad. She excuses herself and soon leaves to find Papa too. "What do you do, Mr. Donovan?" Adi asks out of blue. "Adi..." I whisper but Donovan's hand on mine stops me from further tantrum. But why is my older brother seriously behaving this way out of blue! "Warlock" Donovan answers out of courtesy. "So you do magic?" Adi asks again. "Some sort" Donovan answers again. "Why are your replies always short? Is he this way to you too?" Adi now asks me too. "His answers are not always short and no!! He isn't this way with me so now Adi.. please stop this" I say through my gritted teeth. Adi raises his hands in surrender and stands up to leave. I mentally Thank Moon Goddess for it. "But hey!" Adi calls again and Donovan looks at him, "make sure you keep her happy. Else I wouldn't mind travelling to other world just to chop your balls or better kill you" My eyes go wide at the threat. My brother Benjamin Adi Malloy who is a human just threatened greatest of Warlocks Mr. Donovan Fade just because he wants his sister to be happy. Now if this is not what sibilings bond is called, I may ask you to reconsider what it is then. Adi then leaves the house probably to meet his best friend, Andrew Wood. I wonder if my brother has a werewolf mate. It would be good if she can turn him into a werewolf. "I envy you, your brother is everything a sister wants!" Donovan says as soon as Adi leaves. "You should have told this when he was here. He'd faint hearing you speak such lengthy sentences" I whisper back still looking at the main entrance. Once I made sure Adi isn't coming back, I turn towards Donovan. "Mind coming with me?" I ask him. He raises his eyebrows but eventually nods when he notices I am not kidding. I hold his hand and stand to walk out but he stops me. "Wait wait" he says and quickly eats the bowl of halwa sitting patiently. "I can see your mother put lots of her efforts making this" he says and I smile. Someone finally saw through Maa's efforts in making these snacks. At my house, everyone takes these for granted. I see people bow to me as I walk. Few people walk up to me letting me know few issues they have and I assure them that I'll make sure to send guards and teams to clean that up. Donovan stares at me in awe whenever we pass through the crowd and they treat me as their leader. I can see he is absolutely in love with me being an Alpha. But I am just glad no one really asked me a question about the man standing behind me with hearts pouring out of his eyes. We reach the clearing with much difficulty and I look around. Thankful that no one is around, I take my coat off. I see Donovan smirks. "So you have wild fantasies, eh?" Donovan says with his smirk only getting wider. And there again, I seriously don't understand why I blush a lot around him. But I do. "Shut up, will you!!" I roll my eyes with a smile still etched on my face. I suddenly don't feel comfortable stripping before him so I quickly mindlink Blake to place some clothes at clearing few minutes later. I just told him I'm up for a run and he agreed to get me some clothes and place them behind the tall bushes on left side. Once done, I give Nora the full control over my body. She roars before taking full control over my body. And before I know, I feel my clothes ripping apart. My bones deforming. My body change and me shrinking back and back. And before I realise, I see paws with Golden Fur. I smirk to myself as Nora roars letting the world know she is now free. I see Nora walk to Donovan and he places his hand on her snout. Nora wiggles under his touch and then she tells me that she feels ticklish because of the sparks. Nora and Donovan then play together for a while that makes my heart swell. This is why I brought him here. Donovan and I already share a bond. But I want Nora and him to get equally closer too. Nora absolutely adores Donovan and I would be happy if Donovan accepts her too. Because Nora and I are the same. If someone wants to have me, then they have to accept the fact that I am a werewolf and my wolf is a part of me too. "Gosh, Nora!! You are so adorable!!" Donovan says as he holds Nora's tail. Donovan is a man who stands at 6 feet tall and Nora's wolf is equally tall. Alpha wolves are taller but people suspected if Nora being a she wolf can be tall and buff! She proved everyone wrong by standing tall. She is now taller and stronger than few Alphas and Nora and I take it to our pride. "He likes me!!!" Nora jumps and I smile to myself. Good thing. Because I would have rejected him if he doesn't like my wolf. "Your Fur. Wow!!" He says in amusement as he feels Nora's soft fur. I smile wider. It is good thing that Nora gets to meet and spend time with Donovan too. Because just like human sides of two people mate and bond, the wolf sides have their own bond too. Donovan being a warlock.. that only makes Nora alone. Which, I don't like a least bit. "Shut up!! I am happy if you are happy. Donovan is good and non judgmental. You shouldn't let go" Nora says and I smile again. I look at Donovan through Nora's eyes. He is amazed by what he is looking at right now. He is totally loving Nora. That only added as fuel to Nora's excitement. She nudges Donovan with her snout and Donovan stood there with no clue. So I did what I did with Adi the first time. Nora smirks and sits down on the ground. That is when Donovan takes the hint and climbs Nora's back. He grips Nora's fur and sets himself on her back. Nora slowly stands up and wiggles a little removing the dust stuck at some parts of her fur. Once she feels she is done, she howls once more and starts running through the woods. I cannot really see how Donovan is at the back but I only hope he likes speed. Because Nora is someone who can run at fastest pace. Nora is almost close to Caleb's. Making her the finest of Alpha wolves. Caleb's wolf.. Roger .. is the King of all wolves so it is given that no one can beat him in matter of speed. Nora makes sure she jumps as high as she can just to make the run a little more exciting. I smile to myself as I see Nora run around with excitement clearly seen through her wolfy smirks and her wagging tail. She finishes one round around the pack's borders in just an hour and she finally lets Donovan get down. I patiently wait to see his reaction. I see Donovan wiping away dried leaves and little twigs that fell on his coat. And he runs his fingers through his black hair in hopes of setting it right, only for it to get messier than before. Once he turns around I see a wide smile on his face and do a happy dance at the back of my mind. "Seriously!!! Nora I am deeply amazed by you!" Donovan says walking towards Nora again. He holds Nora's big wolf face with both of his hands and hugs her. I see several emotions rushing through her and I cannot help but feel the same. Nora's tail doesn't stop wagging and she just wouldn't pull away from his hug. Eventually few minutes later Donovan and Nora pull away and Nora runs around in little circles expressing her happiness. This is what I wanted. Nora's happiness. Last life and this time, she went through a lot to put us where we stand at right now. She deserves all the happiness. Once Nora walks behind a bush where Blake already put my clothes, I quickly shift and get dressed. I walk out of bushes in a jogger and red oversized t shirt that looks like Blake's. I remember telling him to put my clothes but screw this stupid.! "Another man's clothes?" He raises his eyebrow at me. And I decided to be a little playful with it. Not really sure what to say, but Nora helps me somehow. "Yeah. Since you won't let me borrow yours" I roll my eyes and shrug. "Should I strip right here and now?" He asks and my eyes go wide. I seriously wasn't expecting such reply but ... Damn you Donovan Fade!! "Take them off!!" He is now shouting at me. Jeez! Donovan and I start walking back to my house and once again, we are interrupted by so many people all over again. Sometimes, I wish my people could understand that their Alpha needs to run some personal errands too. "Alpha! That man behind you .. is he your mate?" A girl asks me. I blush but I don't answer. It is something I don't want to reveal this way. It is something I want the whole world to know at once. I want the werewolf world and the supernatural worlds know that the first female Alpha found her mate and he is the greatest of Warlocks.! "Wait wait!!! Alpha.. if he is your mate ... Then what is he?" Another girl asks me. I almost open my mouth to tell them that he is Donovan Fade, the finest Warlock in their world but I am beyond stunned to listen what my people just said. "We cannot call him the Luna. He cannot be an Alpha since we already have one!" A group says and I am beyond shook. I look at Donovan and he already has his jaw clenched. Are my people insane? Or is there still male dominance in my pack. "Watch your words before an Alpha" I hear Andrew's growl and everyone bows to him again. I look at Andrew and let out a smile that is probably one of my weakest ones. He bows to me and turns towards the crowd. "Oh so what? You people are now so heavy headed that you talk about your own Alpha?" He yells at people. "Sorry Alpha!" "Sorry Beta!" They whisper in Unison and before I know, Andrew clears the crowd. I thank him and start walking back to pack house with Donovan tailing behind me. "Don't take them to heart, Lina" Andrew says and I nod. But guess what Andrew? I already did. "I appreciate you for earlier. Thanks" I say and look at Donovan. He nods at Andrew and Andrew takes it well. Probably he heard it from Adi that Donovan doesn't talk much and all he ever does is nod is head and answer in simple words. Donovan and I reach my house back and we walk to my room. I look at the skies through the windows and I see the sun is ready to set. Wow I really lost the track of time! "It's getting late, you should probably leave" I whisper. I hear no response from Donovan. So I turn around and see that he is now sitting on my bed. And he looks like he is deep in thought. I don't say anything and just walk towards him. I sit beside him and none of us try to initiate the conversation. We both sit in comfortable silence until Donovan's hand sits on my knee. I look up at him and he is already looking at me. He then holds my hand and kisses my knuckles. "I promise I'll do anything that keeps you and I out of this trouble" he says. I sadly smile but still nod. "Why would you do that?" I ask him again. Because the last time I remember, I only know that he likes me. We only agreed to give this whole mate bond thing a shot. And I did not hear him saying that he is willing to accept me as my mate. All I have heard through him is that I can reject him if he wants to. That is, however bullshit so let us just cut it. What else? I see nothing. "What do you mean by it?" He asks me again and I shrug. "You just promised to keep us out of trouble. I am thankful for it but why would you do that?" I question him again. He doesn't answer but only stares at me. Looks into my eyes. And few seconds later, he smiles as he lets go of my hand. "Go change your clothes first. I don't like to see some other man's clothes on you" he says. I roll my eyes slowly starting to get angry. Doesn't he have any answer or is he just playing games with me at this point?! "Oh just shut up and leave" I shout at him. "Do you really want me to?" He asks. "I really want you to!!" I say without wasting any second. "Okay. Change your clothes first it is starting to irritate me!!" He says. I bite my own tongue forcing myself not to react or shout as I slowly walk towards my wardrobe. But it all goes in vain when I finally about at him. "You are just being ridiculous!!" But it drives me more crazy when he doesn't react. "Why do you do this to me?" I question him. And within a fraction of second, Donovan stands before me. He pushes me to the wall and traps me between him and the wall. He leans closer and I feel my breath get stuck in my own lungs. "I don't like you wearing some other man's clothes" he whispers. "You want to know why?" He asks again and I slowly nod. "Because Lina... I am deeply in love with you" he whispers again as he captures my lips. I feel my soul leaving my body as he said that and kisses me on my lips. But I don't want to give in. Not yet. Because he took time letting me know he loves me. So what fun it is if I give in this quick? "What if I don't want to change my clothes?" I whisper when he pulls away. Donovan smirks at me. He leans forward and whispers in my ear something that sent shivers down my spine and made my womanhood wet. "I would make you scream my name while you're still in these damn clothes"
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