Chapter 16

2247 Words

Lina's POV I look at the orange sky. And I sigh for a hundredth time today. There is no sign of Donovan and it is starting to worry me. The sky is slowly turning into a shade of purple pink. Funny how people relate to the colours of sky. When it's cloudy you think to yourself that it's gloomy. When it's bright and blue you feel it cheerful. I mean.. it all lies in you. However you wish to take the sky and relate it to you. Grey clouds doesn't really define how you feel at the moment. "Lina!!!!" I hear Adi shout for me. I want to curse him but then realise that he cannot mindlink. So I quickly walk downstairs only to see he brought a girl. "She is Carolina Siya Malloy" Adi introduces me to a girl beside him. She is blonde. Maybe five and half feet tall. She has blue eyes and I

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