A Lone Daffodil

1083 Words
Noah      “I’ll get the financial report first thing in the morning. Will that be all sir?” I spoke into my phone while going through the document on my tablet. “Yes. That’ll be all” my boss replied and I bid him a goodnight before hanging up. I stretch my neck and rest my head back. “We’re almost there, Miss Noah” I heard Oliver, the company driver, say. Without moving I ask, “Please drop me by the restaurant around the block.” He affirms and I shut my eyes for some darkness.      Tomorrow’s schedule is rather unique. For the first time in the three years I have been working for the Romano group, it is an open schedule. My boss and his brother are not the type to be fickle when it comes to working. For the successful corporation, they have spent twenty-something years on, taking anything lightly can cause unpredictable consequences. They are unnervingly astute and I prefer to remain on their good side. The Romano Group deals with import/export and distribution. In what exact area? Everything and anything…even the questionable areas. My position though is in the clean and I would like it to stay as such. They understand that and I am never introduced to any of those activities, but Alan is; their second in command and the only other person I execute orders from without questions. All three of them and I have an unspoken agreement: I am their employee but not a scapegoat.  I am a pawn that favors not being informed and lacks curiosity and ambition but is not one that will be dragged to hell. I work hard and I am proficient- not stupid. The less I know the better.      Tomorrow though is making me restless. I was asked to clear the schedule of the entire day, delegate tasks to the secretariat to keep track of the work, and get the finance department to prepare a detailed report of the last five years in less than twenty-four hours. But aside from all that, Alan and I are to accompany my boss and his brother for this assembly which I am completely uninformed about. “…iss….-oah…Ms. Noah!” I am brought out of my thought by Oliver. “Yes?” I look upfront to find him looking back at me from his driver seat. “We have arrived Miss,” he says. “Ah, thank you, Oliver. Have a goodnight” I gather my stuff and step out. “Goodnight Miss. I’ll be here in the morning at 7:30” He replies and I just nod. I cross the street to the restaurant I have been eating at for the last year as it has a good menu and they stay open for late hours. I look at my watch and see it is 10:56 pm: the usual time.      “Good evening Miss Noah. Your table?” I am greeted by Christine, the hostess. “Yes, please” I answer and I am guided to my table by the window and presented with the menu of the day. “I’d like the grilled pesto steak with the special salad on the side and some peppermint tea to take afterward, thank you,” I say and return the menu. “It’ll take a few minutes.” She leaves and I settle in the chair. I guess I will have a good sleep tonight after a hot shower. It will relax me and I will be on the dot for the event. With the limited set of instructions and lack of data, I will have to tread waters carefully-just like I always do: blend in and be forgotten. It is something that comes to me easily. Everything is mild about me: looks, personality, mindset, and emotions. Well, at least that is what I heard some colleagues gossiping about. People change. I did and now here I am. “Here’s you are, Miss Noah. Please enjoy your meal” I look around to see my food being placed on the table and Christine already retreating. The accommodation for regulars in this place is triumphant.      My alarm clock went off ten minutes after I woke up. I was already in the bathroom getting ready. It does not take me long in the morning as I tend to skip breakfast and I am not big on makeup. I did as instructed: formal and professional which means my black suit and placid attitude; nothing out of the usual, nothing that stands out and nothing below standards. I finished getting ready, shut my electronics, and left my apartment. I have a habit of taking the stairs even though the lift functions properly and is reliable in this average but convenient building…some habits are excusable. Just when I was about to reach the entrance, my phone rang and I saw that it is Oliver. He is here on time. “Good morning Ms. Noah” he greeted as I left the building. “Good morning Oliver. Shall we?” I replied. He nodded and opened the door for me. I thanked him and we proceeded to the company. I have to retrieve the financial report first, proofread it, and then join my bosses at the main hall at 8:45.      The assembly location is ten minutes from our headquarters with minimal traffic in peak hours. I managed my tasks and met my bosses. “Good morning, Sirs, Alan. I got the documents ready and sorted. Would like to have a look?” I addressed the three of them and received a greeting in return. “No need Noah. Keep a hold of them till I require them.” My boss said and continued “Oh and Noah? Keep a passive facade and stay by Alan’s side.” I look at him in the eye for a brief moment wondering if that is a threat or a warning, and I saw a stern look -- That is the only hint I receive to understand that it is both. “Yes, sir” I affirm. “Alright then. Let’s get going” my boss’s brother suggested. The ride was over in a flash. The building, high and upscale, is flooded by people that screamed power and money. Everyone is in formal attire with an unsympathetic demeanor. “We’re heading inside” Alan nudges and we are shown to the conference room where a dozen of the richest men in the country gathered along with a handful of individuals I can only assume are their executives and assistants. The main heads of business greeted one another and the rest remained in the background awaiting orders. I hope it will be over soon with no mishaps.        
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