A Budding Peony

1137 Words
Noah “My apologies for the inconvenience, sir. I honestly hav…” before I could even finish Mr. Salvi raised his hand to stop me. “Noah please! Don’t throw my concern out of the window as if I regard you as nothing but a chess piece,” he said sighing, “you are more precious to us than you think. And for this to happen under my watch is unforgivable.” “But sir it’s no-..” I tried but was stopped again. “It is, young lady. When was the last time you took some time off? I don’t know, rested, or had yourself pampered? Whatever you youngsters do” he said rubbing his chin: an antic of his unsure self whenever he is under the scrutiny of his beloved wife – Mrs. Chiara is a wholesome woman who shines wherever she goes and is unequivocally a force to be reckoned with. “I believe it was around eight months ago, sir” interjected Alan from the front seat without even bothering to hide his accusing tone. Come on man, it is not like I am exploited like a mine worker. Nonetheless, being corned by my boss and partner sure is no feast. “That’s it then! Alan, set the HR to schedule a paid leave and with a bonus,” the decisiveness in his instruction was evident but I had to try. “Mr. Salvi it-…” an yet again silenced,“ Not a single word Noah” and reprimanded. I slumped back onto my seat and sighed. There is no way around this. I do not even understand anything to explain it in a logical way, so to even argue for something I cannot fathom seems like a farfetched matter at the moment. It was only two hours ago that I was discharged under strict orders to rest and avoid stressful situations for as long as possible. Having Mr. Salvi and Alan by my side listening was reassuring and cornering – those two were watching me like hawks and I was nothing but a vulnerable bunny in a plain. One thing is certain at this point; I am having a break for a while. I guess I have built a solid foundation and a reliable profile for my boss to arrange a paid leave and top it with a bonus. I am at least proud of my hard work and dedication. “We are here, sir” Alan informed us as they parked next to my building. I was about to open my mouth when Mr. Salvi said, “I’ll walk you to your apartment” Astonished, “You will?” my question slipped. “Get moving young lady” he replied not waiting anymore. He got out and I was about to too when Alan said, “Rest Noah, really. Don’t get me to place a watch on you. I’m not above that” He further pinned me down with his infamous stare and finalized, “I’ll swing by to check on you,” and with that he let one of his doting smiles slip. The kind of smiles that he seems to reserve for the few people he considers worth his time – and I am one of those I guess. Even his boyfriend has told me before that he has a peculiar taste in people and not many are treated kindly by him. “Yes sir! Roger that!” I acknowledge his worries and smiled back attempting to comfort him to the best of my abilities at the moment. He reached back and patted my head – another habit he reserves to kids mostly but I hold it dear. I get out of the car and fall into step with Mr. Salvi. As we reach the elevator, he breaks the silence, “Noah, are you sure you are alright?” Taken aback by the sad tone in his voice I look up at the man who rivals a mountain to me and see his strong face marred by dejection. I hurt to see the person I held as a father figure in such a low state because of me. “I will be. It’s not the first time this happened and I honestly have no clue way” I smile up at him and reached to his arm to pat it comfortingly, “I am definitely healthy though. You hear the doctor yourself too” “We’ll see” he sighed and we got on the elevator. He walked me all the way to my door and did not leave until I getting through the threshold. “Ah yes!” He uttered. “Mr. …. Wishes you get better soon and said that his second will be in touch to confirm your wellbeing” he finished. I was perplexed enough to not respond and Mr. Salvi noticed. “Don’t worry. He is an unusual man but a righteous man nonetheless” he noted with pride. “Now get in and do as you were told” he smiled one last time and closed my door as he was leaving. Am I seeing that man again? I am too out of it to think now. I need a bath and food. I will get a delivery from Christina’s first. “Thank you, Christina! I’ll be waiting” I hang up the phone and proceeded to get my bath ready and sorted my stuff. I grabbed my agenda and checked if Alan is on point on the tasks scheduled for the financial and legal department as Mr. Salvi requested further details a few days ago in regards to a certain guy that one of our hospitals hosted. Maybe I should take it on altogether as I am the one who keeps track of the side charity that Mr. Salvi regards as secret but of extreme importance that even Alan is not given charge of because he tends to too “rigid” according to my boss’s words. I glanced at the clock across the room, 20:05. That is no room for tonight to contact anyone. I will have Linda from the reception to do me this favor without getting caught; she is a sneaky one who owes me one too many slips but she is a cheerful darling that reminds me of an overhyped face Pomeranian husky who is on a sugar high. I chuckle to myself imagining the face she would make after she hears that she will have to go all the way to the club of old witchy geezers as she calls the legal department. That would definitely be a good start for tomorrow. The door rang interrupting my string of thought and I was sure it the part-timer from Christina’s so I just slipped on a large hoodie and headed to the door with my wallet. “Coming!” I yelled and ran the last few steps left. I swung the door open without checking, but instead of the cute seventeen-year-old boy, I was met with a chest wide enough to cover up the entire threshold. “s**t!” was my only word.       

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