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Zoe's POV... Waking up in the middle of the night, I had an immense urge to eat some chocolate cake. So, I decided to go in search of Amelia’s delicious chocolate cake that she had made earlier. Passing by Blake's room, the image of him and that girl vividly replayed in my mind. So I tried so hard to push those images away from my mind. Shaking off all the awful feelings and images, I hurriedly went down to the kitchen quietly in order not to wake anyone up. Opening the fridge, I wondered where Amelia had hidden the cake. “Where the hell is the cake? I'm going to kill Amelia for this,” I internally screamed to myself. So frustrated and hungry, I decided to settle for an apple pie and a glass of milk. Taking a bite of the apple pie was amazing, which immediately put a smile on my face as I savoured its awesome taste. ‘Okay, it's confirmed. Amelia makes one hell of a great apple pie," I said out loud as I continued to savour every bite. “Yes, she does." I suddenly heard Blake's voice say from behind me, which sent me into a nervous state. “Blake, what are you doing here,” I asked in a low tone as my hands began to shake nervously. “Oh, the last time I checked, this house and everything in it belonged to me,” he claimed quite softly as he put his arms around me, using his fingers to explore every inch of my skin. I couldn't breathe. The way my body responds to his touch, it was like he had a spell on me. “Yes, Zoe! Absolutely everything.... including you," he continued, swinging me around to look at him. The look in his eyes was that of want and desire that made me shiver in pure lust. I tried to comport myself, trying my best to look away. I wanted to move but his eyes kept me in place. It fed me whole with so much desire, that I wanted nothing else, but for him to rip my clothes off and have me here and now. Soon his gaze swiftly moved from my eyes down to my parted lips, as I unconsciously licked my lips and patiently waited for his next move. All of a sudden, he busted into a fit of laughter, moving away from me and over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of orange juice. “Oh, God! Zoe, you thought I was going to kiss you right now, didn't you?” He continued laughing. “Oh, darling. Don't joke with yourself, okay,” he said in a more serious tone. “You are only here because you managed to rope me into believing that you're pregnant. And I'm not even sure if it's mine, or if it is for that boyfriend of yours that left you. Oh, what's his name again?... Ah, yes! ZACK!... That’s his name, right?" he asked sarcastically, sipping from his drink. Dumbstruck and confused, I tried to say something but the words kept on failing me. ‘How did he get to know all about my past with Zack,’ I mentally asked myself. “Oh, dear, are you shocked that I know all about Zack? I, also, know how he left you on the night before your wedding. And, come to think of it, it is quite obvious why he did so," he said, looking at me from head to toe. Consumed by rage and disappointment, I walked up to him, slapping him hard. “f**k you, Blake! I f*****g hate you with every part of me. You know nothing about me or my breakup with Zack. So keep your damn opinions to yourself, " I yelled as tears started rolling down my eyes freely. Blake didn't even respond, he just looked at me with pity and walked away. (*) After my encounter with Blake, I didn't get much sleep. His unkind words cut deep. I, particularly, cried until the break of dawn, blaming my pregnancy and the crazy hormones that made me fall for his tricks. I, purposely, waited for Blake's car to leave the manor before I came out of my room. Entering the kitchen, all I wanted was a glass of coconut milk to get me started for the day. Looking up, I noticed the same brunette that was with Blake last night, pouring herself a cup of coffee. The sight of her made me sick to my bones. I wanted nothing more than to drag her by her hair and throw her out of this manor. ‘But a girl can only dream right, and it shouldn't bother me that she was here,’ I mentally said to myself, dismissing the thought from my head. “Good Morning!” I greeted her, moving to the fridge to pour myself a glass of milk while ignoring all the negative feelings which were threatening to drown me just by the sight of her. “Oh... Hi, good morning," she chirped, looking up from her magazine. “You must be Zoe. Blake's mistake,'' she said, with a smirk, and her words cut deeper than any knife. 'Anyways, my name is Ashley Stones, and it is nice meeting you.” She said, smiling with her hands out for a handshake. ‘Oh, my God! She’s Ashely Stones, the famous model and Blake's long-time girlfriend that Anna had always talked about. I thought the media said they had broken up. So, why is she here?’ I mentally yelled to myself. “I know what you're thinking about, darling. You know, the media loves to say rubbish about famous people," she said, as if she had read my mind. “Anyways, I know you are carrying Blake's child. Lucky you, girl!" She said sarcastically. “But look! Blake is mine, all mine, so it is in your best interest that you keep your gold-digging hands away from my man. CAPICHE! She said, blowing me a kiss as she walked out of the kitchen. Watching her walk away, I thought widely… ‘WHAT JUST HAPPENED?’
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