37: Disbelieve

1526 Words

ALEXA Immense anger consumed me on realizing that my twin had been the one spreading rumors as absurd as that. It suddenly made more sense as to why I had been receiving weird looks on my way here. I attempted to storm out of the door almost immediately but was stopped by her frail hand around my wrist. “You know it would be best to put your emotions in check, I didn't believe all of these when I heard them too." She tried calming me down but I was having none of it. In some way, I was displeased by her asking that I opt for peace, because why? The urge to beat Elena to a pulp was very intense in my mind. How dare her? For having the audacity to spin the entire narrative around and paint me in such a bad light when she’s literally the one who had been sleeping with Trevor behind my bac

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