Chapter 13: Grudges

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Grayson I could have cried I was so happy, she’d survived the change. My happiness didn’t last long, she looked at me, she was a beautiful wolf with dark brown fur, her beautiful hazel eyes on me, but they were filled with anger. I knew what had happened. She had been delirious when I had spoken with her, told her everything that had happened, and the change itself was the most brutal and traumatic part, it could cause some amnesia, and with the rage in her eyes I knew she’d forgotten everything I’d told her about the bite, about why I’d bitten her too. She growled and snarled whenever I tried to come near, in the end she’d only allow Leo. He had to go change and run with her, teach her how to be in wolf form. When she changed back she still wouldn’t talk to me, wouldn’t let me explain. I stopped trying, if she wanted to believe I’d done it then I’d let her, if it helped her cope, gave her an outlet for her rage then I’d let her use me, I deserved it after all, I’d broken her heart and now I’d turned her life upside down. Being part wolf came with supernatural strength, hunger only satisfied by meat lots of meat…and food in general, then there was the temper, well, ok, it was me who had the hot temper, but over the coming weeks we soon learnt that the wolf brought out Lara’s temper too. Whatever she’d been through in her life, all that pent up anger and rage and hurt was brought up to the surface with the wolf blood coursing through her body. It wasn’t her fault. She still hated my guts, if she saw me walking down the hall she’d slam her bedroom door shut, she’d eat in the kitchen only if I wasn’t there. When we did bump into one another it usually ended in arguments and chairs and cutlery being thrown around. I was coming down the stairs for breakfast when I saw her sat at the table. Her back stiffened, she didn’t need to turn to know I was there these days. “You ready to listen to me now?” I asked. “No.” I felt my own flare of anger rise, but stayed calm. “If you’d just let me explain you’d understand.” “I don’t want to hear it. You broke my heart and then decided that wasn’t good enough you’d turn me too, put me through that t.orturous hell.” “You love being a werewolf.” “That’s not the point!” “Whats the point then, Lara?” She shrugged, like she always did, there was no point really and she knew it, she just needed an outlet for all the new raging emotions running through her and I was her safest option. I went to sit down next to her, but she kicked the stool away. “F.ucking hell, you can’t stay mad at me forever.” “Watch me,” she growled. Trust me to pick myself a mate who can’t stand me. This was Lara though, and she was kind and gentle and shy, that hadn’t changed. By the second month she’d grudgingly started allowing me to join her on our runs. By the end of the year we always ran together even if Leo and the others didn’t join us, sometimes it would end with more than just a run. We were on a run now, just me and her, Leo said he had some work to do, but I suspected he just wanted to help me grow close to Lara again. We were stalking a deer, it was alone and old, nearing the end of its life. As a wolf I didn’t care about such things, my instincts were to chase, hunt and eat, not worry about what sort of life it led. Lara was different, she was different to any other werewolf I’d ever met, she didn’t allow her instincts to take control of her, she cared about bambis mother not getting eaten, she cared if it was young, so slowly against my nature, I’d followed her lead, only hunted the older prey. As the deer moved on to find more grass to graze I bumped my side along hers, nudging her to the left where we’d be more downwind. She butted me with her head not liking me bossing her about, but she followed my lead. When the deer found a new patch of grass and began to eat we crept forward on our bellies, inching closer. A bird squawked above us somewhere, but the deer paid no attention, a bird wasn’t a threat to it. When we were close enough I jerked my nose towards the deer and flicked an ear forward, asking if she was ready to move, she bobbed her head once as a yes and then we sprang forward. The deer bolted and we chased, we led it deeper into the forest and down a path that would lead to a dead end, it bounded down there and then jerked to a stop before it collided with a muddied hill too high and steep for it to run, jump or do much of anything. As always, Lara hesitated, her guilt creeping in, so I attacked, killing the deer quickly, when it was down, I stepped back allowing her to come forward and eat first. When she took the first few bites I joined her, as second in command and enforcer for the pack I was the second highest ranking pack member after the alpha, in our pack Lara was a submissive wolf, but as my mate it didn’t matter, I treated her equally to myself, my job was to protect and provide for her, I would never make her wait for me to finish eating before allowing her to start. When she was done she licked her muzzle and came over to lick mine, when I tried to pull away she placed her paw over my muzzle keeping me there and started licking me clean. When she was done I returned the favour and then we ran, we burned off as much energy as we could to satisfy the wolf and enjoyed the wind whipping through our fur, the smell of the forest filling our noses, runs had become much more fun since she’d joined the pack, it always involved us play fighting and nipping one another, playing hide and seek and chasing. When we were done playing, we went and found a place to change. It wasn’t pretty changing, so she refused to let me anywhere near her when she did. “You done?” I called out. She came out to me still naked and I pulled her in against my body. I kissed her and she kissed me back for a while, even allowed me to slip my fingers inside of her. I brought her to climax and she returned the favour, wrapping her hand around me and stroking it until I climaxed too. Afterwards, we would kiss and cuddle, but she never allowed me to have s.ex with her, she was always very clear on that, I was not forgiven yet. I stroked her hair softly as she lay in my arms on the ground. I kept one arm splayed out, so she could lay her head on it and I shifted my body so I was on my side facing her. Tracing my fingers lightly over her skin I said what I always said after our rare little moments of passion. “I love you, Lara.” Her lips opened, almost as if she were about to say it back, but she stopped herself and settled for snuggling in against me instead.
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