Chapter 9: First time

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Grayson I was bad, so bad, I knew Leo was going to lose his s.hit when he found out I wasn’t tracking the mutt. I had for the first few hours when I’d woken up, and then again while Lara went to the movies, I still couldn’t find a damn thing, I don’t know how he was hiding, but right now, kissing her, I didn’t care. She slid her hands under my top, running them over my chest, and I felt things I’d never felt before. She wanted to do more than just kiss and so did I. I racked my brain trying to think back to the movies Kai had shown me and the things he’d told me on how to please a girl. I’d watched p.orn alone recently, I had no interest in such things, it did nothing for me, but I wanted to study them, I wanted to know what to do so when Lara was ready to move on from kissing I’d know how to. I kissed my way down her neck and she moaned, taking that as a good sign I carried on kissing my way down and tickled my fingers lightly over her hips. I heard her heart rate pick up, not with desire but anxiety, she’d lightly hinted at having had a bad experience with a man, so without saying anything, I got up and made her get up too, swapping places so that I was the one laying down and she was the one on top, this way I hoped she’d feel a sense of control. I was surprised at how much my body responded to her being on top, feeling her crotch against mine brought mine to life, I was so hard for her. She moved against me almost shyly, unsure, I grinded myself against her, letting her know I was enjoying it and then she relaxed. I broke the kiss making her sit up on me so I could undo the buttons on her jeans, I used my wolf hearing to help me out. I could tell by her heart rate when she was enjoying something and when she was more nervous, when she was nervous I’d hear a little skip in the beat and it would sound a little more erratic, she grew nervous when I pulled down the zipper on her jeans, so I stopped there and didn’t try to make her take her clothes off. I brought her face back down to mine and kissed her until she felt comfortable again, and then I slid my hand down the front of her jeans, into her panties and stroked her. She moaned softly, so I kept doing it, surprised at how wet she felt, I found her c.lit and rubbed that, which she seemed to really like a lot, so I kept at it. When she was really wet, I slid my fingers inside of her making her gasp in pleasure. I moved them back and forth inside of her, the back of my hand was against my crotch rubbing it, the sounds of her moaning and the feel of my hand rubbing against me felt so f.ucking good, I almost climaxed when she did, her moans got louder and she cried out in pleasure, so I fingered her faster and rubbed her c.lit at the same time seeing as she’d enjoyed me touching that. When she was done she looked down at me breathlessly and said, “your turn.” “My turn?” She climbed off and kneeling on the floor she unbuckled my belt and tugged my jeans down just enough to free me. She stared at it and whispered, “woah, you’re big.” “That a bad thing?” “No, well, maybe for me,” she grinned. “What do you mean?” “Let’s talk after.” She wrapped her hand around me and started moving it up and down and f.uck me it felt so good, maybe Kai was right that there was more to s.ex than just s.ex. I think I only lasted a couple of minutes before I blew my load everywhere, that’s how Kai usually described it,and right now, I had to agree, it got everywhere, it was all over her hand, my lap, my chest and the floor. “Sorry,” I panted. “I’m not,” she laughed. “I’m still horny,” I breathed, looking up at the ceiling. “We could have s.ex,” she said, and blushed when I looked at her. “You want to have s.ex with me?” She nodded shyly, unable to meet my eyes. “Come here then,” I grinned. I pulled her back on top of me and we kissed and touched until we were both completely naked. I pushed myself inside of her and she winced in pain. I stopped immediately and asked, “are you alright?” With her eyes squeezed shut, she nodded, “yes, sorry, when I said about your size being great for women, but maybe not me, well, this is why, I find s.ex painful, it takes time for my body to grow used to it, I’ll be ok in a minute.” “Are you sure, darling? We can stop, I don’t mind.” “No, I don’t want to stop and I’m already feeling a little better, your good looks certainly help,” she smiled. I rose an eyebrow, I didn’t really understand the whole good looks thing, but if she liked how I looked then I wasn’t complaining. I moved more gently inside of her and we kissed, I kissed my way down her neck, Tracing my tongue along her skin as I did and kept going until I reached her b.reasts. I kissed them softly, open mouthed kisses and flicked my tongue over her n.ipples, she cried out and pushed them against my face wanting more, so I gave her more. I slipped a n.ipple into my mouth and sucked, then I did the same thing to the other one. She moved against me, riding me slowly and moving back and forth, it felt so good, she felt so warm and wet and tight, I held her hips and made her move faster on me, thrusting into her until we both came, I think I came harder than I had the first time. Afterward she lay on top of me while I held her, and stroking her hair softly I murmured, “we were meant to last longer than that, weren’t we?” She giggled and said, “well you’re so pretty to look at I couldn’t help it, what’s your excuse?” “I was a virgin.” She sat up on top of me wide eyed. “What? Seriously?” “Yep,” I grinned up at her. “I just took your virginity?” “Yep.” “No way.” “Why not?” “You’re too hot.” “Does being hot mean I have to have had s.ex?” “Usually,” she laughed, and then asked, “how come you’re still a virgin?” “Never met anyone I liked before.” “And you like me?” She smiled. “A lot,” I grinned, and kissed her. Laying back down in my arms she asked, “so you’ve been waiting for the right girl?” “Exactly.” She had no idea just how right she was. She was the one for me, I knew that. When she was sleeping, I whispered softly in her hair, “you’re my first and last, darling.” “You’re mine too,” she sighed dreamily. I hadn’t expected her to hear that, but I smiled and kissed the top of her head. The next few days I didn’t want to ever end, most days she spent staying over at mine and we’d walk to college together holding hands. I’d wait until she was asleep to sneak out of the apartment to track the mutt. It was risky, if she caught me it would obviously raise suspicions and she already knew I was hiding something. I knew I couldn’t hide it from her forever, but how did you tell someone, ‘oh hey, I’m a werewolf by the way.’ I needed time to come up with something. Apparently my time was up because Leo called me on one of the days Lara was sleeping at her own place. “You need to break up with her.” “Woah, back up, what?” “Don’t what me, Grayson, I know you’re seeing someone.” “How the f.uck do you know that?” “The more important thing is, if I know that then so will the mutt, he is targeting human women, you spooked him and he might decide a bit of revenge by targeting your new love interest.” “Her names, Lara,” I snapped. “Get rid of her, Grayson, this is too dangerous.” “No, I have a year before you can make me do that.” “Grayson, I’m not trying to be a jerk about this, I’m sure she is lovely, but it isn’t just us you are putting at risk, you’re putting her life in danger too.” I dug my heels in, I argued, I kicked up a fuss, but when he reminded me how the mutt stalked his victims, that he was more clever than the usual mutt, so that even I was having trouble tracking him, I stopped, and when he reminded me how painful the death was to a human when they didn’t survive the change, I agreed. I had to break up with Lara, I had to break her heart in order to keep it beating. It took every ounce of willpower in me to fight against the instinct to never let her go, I’d already decided she was my lifetime mate, I was warring with it so much that in the end the only way I could make myself do it was to just convince myself it was only words, that I didn’t really mean it and when the mutt was dealt with we could go back to how things were.
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