Chapter 25: Intimacy

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Lara The rest of that day was relatively quiet, we didn’t go out and while Leo and Amber hung out in his office doing goodness knows what, I flicked through some channels on the tv and grew bored until Grayson came in. “Wanna come practice with me outside?” I jumped up and we spent the next two hours sparring, practicing our blocks and hits. He flipped me onto my back and I quickly rolled out of the way and was back on my feet before he could pin me. He threw a punch, I ducked and hit the back of his knee making his leg buckle and he fell to his knees, without stopping I was up and behind in a flash, my palm under his chin forcing his head up and to the side, one tug I could snap it. He grinned up at me. “You’re getting good darling.” I let him go and he stood up facing me. “Alright babe, you can drop the Cheshire grin,” he laughed. I mockingly flexed my arms and grinned wider, “what can I say? I’m the big bad wolf now.” “Is that so?” His face looked serious, a dead pan expression and I frowned, caught off guard…which was exactly what he wanted, he grabbed me around the waist lifting me up and spun me around before planting me back on my feet and kissing my forehead. “Food?” He asked. I pulled a face. “Not sure I want to go back in yet.” “Run?” My eyes lit up and he grinned, taking my hand and leading us into the woods. “Wait, we aren’t allowed to run in there with the wendigos lurking so close by.” “S.hit, right. Uh.” He looked down at the floor thinking hard and then said, “I know a place.” He drove us away from the area, in the opposite direction to the town, he drove until we were a good hour or more away from the wendigos. I watched outside the window as the scenery whizzed by, trees, fields with cattle in them, another field with cattle and two horses, the smell of manure was strong enough to make my nose wrinkle even with the windows up. Grayson pulled into the left, into a forest. I looked at him and feeling my eyes on him he said, “better to park a little inside, don’t want anyone being curious about some fancy car parked outside a forest.” “Makes sense,” I sat back and a few minutes later he parked up. We climbed out and walked deeper into the forest then found our own spots to change. When we were done we padded alongside one another, Grayson turned to look at me, leaned in and lightly bit my ear, tugging on it and jumping away. He put his head on his paws, looking up at me with his rear in the air, tail swishing and asking ‘do you want to play?’ I feigned disinterest, carried on walking while he ran around me, nipping here and there trying to entice me. I ignored him, pretending not to care and then when he next dove in to tug on my ear I pounced. I knocked him to the floor on his back and put my jaws around his throat gently biting down. He bit my front paw, hard enough the spike of pain distracted me enough to let him slip out from under me. He got up and ran off into the trees. I tried to keep up as he zig zagged all over the place and I realised he was throwing his scent trail all over to confuse me. I tried to keep up, but he’d always been the fastest runner and when I ran into an open clearing I stopped confused, I looked around, but couldn’t see him anywhere, couldn’t hear, smell him, absolutely nothing. I walked around sniffing the air, the floor, the trees and while I could smell his scent, it was just that, his scent, all over the place, but no sign of Grayson himself. Damn it. I was looking around warily, treading as quietly as I could as I left the clearing and went back in among the trees, almost two whole years of being a werewolf and I still hadn’t mastered the art of stealth, I stepped on a crispy leave and in the silence of the forest it sounded like a firework going off it was so loud. I quickly lifted my paw and held it midair tensing, waiting for the ambush. None came and as I carried on I grew more anxious, if he hadn’t come out yet and he was keeping downwind so I couldn’t catch his scent then it was highly likely he already had his sights on me and was stalking me. I started growing paranoid, looking from side to side and jumping at every little sound, the sound of a bird taking flight, the sound of a cricket, you name it I was jumping at it. I whined softly and then I caught a blur of white flash by up ahead. I bounded over towards him but he was already gone. Ok, time to think like a human. I padded around like I was searching for him, when I found a big tree branch that had fallen to the floor I ran and leaped over it and then made myself tumble to the floor in a heap and yelped like I was in pain. I stayed laying down and started licking my back paw and whined in between licks. Grayson came barrelling down a small slope and snuffled my back leg checking for blood or signs of injury. I licked it again and he licked it too. I waited until he was distracted trying to sooth the pain for me and then I leapt up and threw myself at him toppling us to the floor. He pulled back his teeth snarling and snapping trying to intimidate me, I clamped my jaws around his muzzle shutting him up. Getting his feet under me he kicked up throwing me off and it ended how it always did, me the sore loser pinned beneath him. I huffed and he licked my muzzle and gave me loving little nips on my neck. I felt something I was too embarrassed to admit. Arousal. Werewolves didn’t mate in wolf form, it was something they had no interest in, but me, well, I personally never had a problem with the idea, to me we were as much wolves as we were human, we retained enough of our humanity and as werewolves we were the same species regardless of how we looked, so what did it matter what shape we were in while intimate, both our forms were us. I don’t know how Grayson felt about it, I was too embarrassed to ask and he had never tried to instigate any sort of mating or s.exual flirtations. This was usually as close to flirting as he got, licks and little nips then we’d change back and have s.ex, the rush of adrenaline from the change making the s.ex ten times better. I nipped Grayson back and made a sound in my throat that was more a purr than a growl. He knew I was enjoying the attention and climbed off me so I could get up and we gave each other more nips, nuzzles and licks. He led us back to change, but I stopped walking, he looked back at me head tilted, I gave a small whine and backed away. Could I let him know what I wanted or would it send him running and thinking ick? He was more wolf than any of us, so at the very least I trusted that he’d turn me down gently, but understand. He followed me back into the forest and then I lay down. He laid beside me so I got up. Communicating as a wolf could be difficult, we didn’t have any cool telepathy or anything, so we had to communicate in a sort of sign language. I nudged his front leg, using my muzzle to lift it onto the top of my muzzle, he looked at me, blue eyes confused, but lifted his paw and I laid beside him and he let his paw drop around my neck, I nudged my side against his firm enough to make him roll to the side. He stood up pacing me with a tilted head and looking more confused, his eyes asking, ‘what do you want?’ I growled in frustration, still embarrassed and I got up, went over to him and slid underneath him, when I was laying down I wriggled my rear against his underbelly, he laid down on top of me pressing his face against mine, and gave a soft gruff asking if this was what I wanted. I wriggled to confirm and moved my tail out of the way and felt his shock. Now he understood. He looked down at me and I met his eyes while he searched mine for any sign he’d misread me, when he didn’t find it he got into position and started mating with me. As I’d suspected it felt as natural to me in my wolf form as it did in human. The pleasure wasn’t quite the same, but it was still good and the thrill of what we were doing made it better. When he was done he climbed off me and jerked his head back to where we’d left our clothes. I nodded and we ran back, the mating had been fun, but it had been more of a form of foreplay not quite as satisfying as s.ex in human form, so we changed and I was barely standing up when Grayson came and found me and grabbed me up into a crushing, breathtaking kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist, wriggling into position and then I slid down onto him, enjoying the feel of him filling me up, a slight familiar burn before pleasure took over. My body had grown used to Grayson and I felt like my wolf had always known Grayson was her mate even before I’d accepted it myself, it was never painful or unpleasant with him. He pushed me up against a tree, thrusting into me and making me gasp and dig my fingers into his shoulders as he gave me all the pleasure a woman could want and more as I came for him. “Yes, oh god, yes, yes, don’t stop!” I cried out. “Wasn’t planning on it,” he chuckled, his voice so dark it was more of a growl. He slid his hands to my before the bark began cutting into my skin, sacrificing his own hands. Such a gentleman. A few more thrusts and he finished. He kept me up against the tree, still inside of me while we caught our breath. He kissed me and said, “that was hot, did you like that?” “What part?” I grinned. “The wolf part.” I nodded. “Would you do it again?” He asked. Again I nodded and he grinned. “You were made for me, I swear.” I grinned back and he put me down, kissed me then went to grab his clothes. There was no such thing as a true mate or anything as cool as the movies or books, but it didn’t matter because with werewolves we thought like real wolves anyway, wanting only one mate for a lifetime, well, maybe that was just me and Grayson, but the others felt it too, just maybe less intensely as Grayson did. Someone cheated on their mate they’d find themselves dumped, for Grayson the wolf was so deeply ingrained that I could cheat and it would break his heart, but he wouldn’t leave me, he’d take me back or he’d wait for me. That broke my heart, how deep his love went for a mate that nothing she did or said would make him leave her, luckily for him I despised a cheat and would rather cut my own hand off than betray someone like that. There may not be such a thing as true mates, but there was something else between us. A bond. If I got hurt or Grayson got hurt we’d both know it, feel the twinges of it, if we got lost we had this uncanny ability to find one another, if one was in trouble the other would sense it like this feeling of impending doom. I’d learned it wasn’t common, but could happen, a bond of sorts could form from the one who’d bitten you, kind of like a vampire being someone’s sire I suppose. When we were dressed, he walked alongside me holding my hand. “You are such a cheat pretending you were hurt, I’d say I’m mad about that, but you more than made up for it.” Blushing, I met his eyes and saw them twinkling with boyish charm and mischief. “It didn’t freak you out or bother you then?” I asked. “Darling, you’re talking to me, wolf boy, of course it doesn’t bother me, why should it.” “You’ve never hinted at being interested in it before.” “I’m too wolf like for most werewolves, there are things I can’t really share that they’d understand. I thought you’d be the same, at least when it came to mating in wolf form, I don’t expect you to want any part of that, but to me it’s as natural to doing it in human form, there’s no difference, why would there be, I’m still me, you’re still you.” “I felt the same way, it felt natural, but more foreplay than s.ex in human form.” He grinned, “I agree on that.” We climbed into his car and drove home.
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