Chapter 24: helpful devils and blades tipped with spells

1956 Words
Lara Graysons temper flared and for a moment I almost thought him and Amber were going to have a physical fight. When he’d left, I threw a bunch of apologies her way. “He has such a bad temper, I’m so sorry.” “It’s ok, I’ve come to know Grayson well enough I should have seen that coming.” She gave an awkward laugh as she straightened her shirt and sat back down. “My own temper almost escalated things for a moment.” Leo held her hand reassuringly. “You were defending yourself and had every right to. Now, please, continue.” “She is the real deal, I know the difference. She’s a dark witch and it’s not how it sounds, she’s a good woman, even has a family, two kids and a husband. She does do spells, but her main focus is demons, and I know the first thing that’s jumping to your minds is evil, but she says they’re not, they are essentially a god, a deity, neither good nor evil. If anyone would know how to imprison something on the other side it would be her.” Leo thought it over and slowly nodded, “ok, call her then and see what she says, but keep out what we are.” She nodded and went off to make the call. Inwardly sighing, I went up to find Grayson. Without knocking I walked into his room and found him lying down on the bed with his arms behind his head. He lifted his head to look at me then lay back down. I went over and laid on top of him, placing my hands atop one another on his chest and resting my chin on them. “You ok mr grumpy?” He snorted, but didn’t say anything. He lifted a hand and gently stroked my hair, grabbing a piece, twirling and playing with it between his fingers. I leaned down to kiss him, enjoying the taste of him and the feel of his hands sliding to my rear. Usually, I was a girl who needed some foreplay beforehand, but when it came to Grayson just looking at him got me wet and ready, so within minutes our clothes were gone and he was inside of me meeting me thrust for thrust as I rode him. I didn’t like being on top, didn’t like being watched, I was always too shy and self conscious, but with Grayson I’d been forced to get used to it because he liked to watch me, to see my face. My hands were on his chest and he put his on top of mine watching me as we both grew close. “I love you,” he whispered. “I love you too,” I whispered back and then we both came, as I rocked on him I faintly heard through the haze of pleasure him moaning my name. I collapsed on top of him after and gave a breathless laugh. “Feel better now?” “Much,” he grinned. “Good, so can you please be nice now, Ambers called the witch, so she should be done.” He groaned and opened his mouth to complain, putting my finger to his lips I said, “please, for me?” He made a noise in his throat, but gave a nod. After a small nap snuggled up together we got dressed and were pushing and shoving each other down the stairs. “Grayson move!” “You move! You’re hogging all the space.” “No, you are, we can’t go down side by side, get behind.” “I’m more dominant than you, darling let me lead.” “Ok,” I moved aside and as he smirked his way in front I waited then pushed the back of his head throwing him off balance and sending him flying down the stairs headfirst. He landed in a heap at the bottom. “Wow, you really wanted to lead.” I gave him mock wide eyes and stepped over him, but he grabbed my leg and yanked me down. I didn’t have time to even make an ‘omph’ before he was tickling me. I screamed and thrashed, I hated being tickled and he knew it. My foot connected with the side of his face, but he didn’t stop. “You alright there, darling, need me to get Amber to call her witch to exorcise you?” I headbutted him knocking him back, it hurt me too, but it was worth it. He fell on his backside and I tried tickling him, but he was one of those rare species of people who weren’t ticklish. Growling in frustration I shoved him away and tried to stand up, but he pulled me down into his lap. I squirmed, trying to break free and he murmured, “don’t wriggle too much darling, or I’ll be carrying you back to the bedroom.” I huffed a sigh of defeat and let him smother my face with silly little kisses that had me giggling. Leo wondering what all the commotion had been put his head around the door, seeing us on the floor he sighed, shook his head and said, “get in the living room.” I sat on the end of the sofa next to Amber, and Grayson dropped himself between Leo and Amber, his arm stretching along the back of the chair behind her. She looked at him and he asked, “what?” When she looked at his arm he followed her look too and removed it. “Still mad at me I guess,” he said. “No, surprised you’d want to be so close after earlier.” “It wasn’t you I was mad at.” “No? You stepping into my personal space and challenging me kind of made me think you were.” “I was responding to your challenge.” “I wasn’t challenging you to a fight Grayson.” “To me you were, full eye contact, standing up stepping towards me, hands squeezed into fists.” She opened her mouth to argue, but Leo gently touched her arm and explained, “I should have talked to you about Grayson sooner, he doesn’t think the same way we do, he thinks like the wolf and not the human, he can’t differentiate between the two.” She looked at Leo, then up at Grayson. “So, you’re more wolf like than the rest of us?” Grayson nodded, tapping the side of his head and said, “all wolf up here, Leo taught me how to behave and act in society, but…” he shrugged. She looked to Leo who carried on, “I can only show him how to behave in a way that won’t risk exposure or questions, but he will always be more wolf, I can tame him, but I can’t domesticate him.” “You did a great job,” Grayson cut in. Leo rose his eyebrows. “Really? My broken walls and furniture over the years says differently.” She sat back. “Huh, now it all makes sense.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” She looked at Grayson and shook her head, “nothing, I just understand you better now, anyway, I made the call.” “What did she say?” Leo asked, giving Grayson a warning look when he rolled his eyes. “She can help with both our dilemmas, the blade she said is easy, she can make us a silver blade tipped with a spell to pierce the wendigos spirit, stop it escaping on the other side, as for imprisoning them she’s going to need to work with—” her cheeks flushed with embarrassment when she glanced a look to Grayson and continued, “Leviathan, he’s the gatekeeper to hell and will know how to imprison them, it’s going to take the most powerful spell casting and drain her even with his help, so as expected, she wants something in return.” Grayson opened his mouth, but Leo held a hand up to him and said, “what does she want.” “She knows supernaturals exist, she isn’t just a witch, but can astral travel, she’s come across all sorts of other beings in the astral world, anyway you don’t care about that, the point is she knows about us supernaturals and she asked for something belonging to a werewolf, a tooth or a claw or even just some fur.” Leo looked uncomfortable and sat back. “I don’t know if we can do that, does she know what we are?” Amber waved her hands at him and rushed, “no, I never mentioned you, but,” more sheepishly she added, “she knows I am. I met her when I was younger, we were friends and she helped me out of a few bad situations, she can be trusted and at worst people will think she’s one of the many scammers who try to convince the world they can commune with every supernatural being they could hope for.” “What does she want a piece of werewolf for?” She looked at our faces and said, “ok, I can tell you guys aren’t used to dealing with witchy stuff or ghosts, but it’s for a spell she’s working on, it’s one she hasn’t had any success with yet. She’s working with a werewolf in spirit who wants to be bonded to a human.” “Has she recently got out of rehab? Maybe we should send her back,” Grayson said. I stood beside Grayson and slipped my hand into his. “You promised,” I murmured. He sighed, but gently squeezed my hand and didn’t say anything more. Amber tried to explain. “I don’t know all the details, but the werewolf was complaining of being bored on the otherside, he wants a living person to be bound to so he can speak with them, hang out, learn things and whatnot. She can’t use it to do anything to hurt or control a werewolf.” “You know this how?” Grayson asked. “I’ve done research on magic myself and I used to watch her and learnt some things, you can’t use magic for evil intentions without it firing back on you ten times worse, the spell would fail and you’d still get that ten times worse.” “Let me think on it. Where does she live?” Leo asked. “Florida.” “How is she going to get the blade to us?” “She will, don’t worry about it, it might take her a couple of weeks to make it though.” “She’s going to make it from scratch?” Grayson asked. “Yes, I told you, she’s the real deal.” With that settled, Grayson asked the next most important question. “How do we deal with the wendigos in the meantime?” Leo answered. “We don’t, one scratch they can infect us, a wendigos version of rabies and from what Amber explained it’s worse than a humans version, much worse. The most we can do is keep a look out, stay close by but not close enough for them to notice, make sure they don’t attack anymore humans.” “And what if they do, we just stand by and watch?” I asked. “No, you can help, but don’t stick your neck out on the line to do it, it may be selfish, but my pack comes first and I won’t risk losing you from a mere scratch.”
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