Chapter 3

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On Saturday, at 7 am, we had everything we needed in the car and the bikes tied up. We turned on the radio and sang and laughed the whole way. The trip to the mountain took close to 3 hours and it was after 10 am when we arrived. We stopped the car at the beginning of the section. The car couldn't go any further. It was a beautiful place. With a clearing prepared to receive campers, and a stream that came from the north and fell like a small waterfall, into the river that passed below. We set up the tent and made some coffee. We were looking forward to riding. We extinguished the small fire with some water, put the valuables inside the car and grabbed the bicycles. Clapping palm to palm, we started pedaling, following me in front. The path was narrow for us to go side by side, but very well kept. Many cyclists take that route to train strength and endurance. We kept a steady pace, but my mind, instead of focusing on the path, was tempting me with images of what might happen when the two of us were alone in the tent. I was so distracted that when I heard Lucas shout my name, it was too late for me to balance, and the rear wheel of my bike skidded, sending me tumbling and rolling to the ground, hanging on to a root that stuck out of the earth above the downhill. In horror, I watched my bike fall and bounce against the hillside, until it landed about 160 ft from me. Lucas drops the bike and runs to pull me along, only to see his bike join mine. He panicked and grabbed my hands, screaming my name. I tried to hold on and evaluate my possible fall. If I slid down the slope, I could get away and land there without much damage to my health. Lucas watched me, trying in vain to make sure I didn't fall, but I was in a position that would drag him down with me if he didn't stop trying to pull me up. We didn't have time for much. The old, dry root snapped, and I slid down the slope, dragging Lucas with me. When we reached the ground with great care, we were both scratched and could see several bruises, but nothing was broken. It was a true miracle that it happened when the slope had a steeper slope and was basically made of loose sand. Once we've checked that we're both okay, we run to the bikes. s**t, they were in pretty bad shape. We weren't going to be riding them anytime soon, and our parents were going to freak out when we told them what happened. Of course, we could omit it, but we needed money to fix such damage, so there was nothing to do. We sigh and look up. How were we going to climb back with the bikes? There was no easy way up. All around the safe point where we were, was a ravine close to 300 feet in height. We sat down. We had to appreciate the fact that we were alive. Suddenly, Lucas hugs me and I feel his tears fall on my shoulder. - Hey, hey, what's up? We are fine. Do not cry. - I say caressing his back. - I thought I lost you. When you were hanging there, all I thought was that I had brought you to your death. - he says without stopping crying. Unresisting, I wiped the tears away with my fingers, and he stared into my eyes. I feel my c**k throb. Damn, not even in this situation does my body stop betraying me. I push him away from me, and with my head down, I sigh and open my mouth to speak. - We need to talk. – to my astonishment, we both say the same thing. I lifted my head and looked at him, and because I knew what I was going to say could end our friendship, I told him to speak first. - I have something to tell you, but I'm afraid you'll be upset with me. I don't want to lose your friendship. – He told me without looking at me, but I could see the drops that continued to drip onto the sand from his eyes. - Lucas, nothing, really nothing you can tell me will erase the love I feel for you. There is absolutely nothing more important to me than you and our families. You know that I give my life for you. He tries to start talking but stutters a little. Then take a deep breath and start talking. - We've been friends for many years. Practically a lifetime. I can't imagine my life without having you by my side. Everything that belongs to one belongs to the other, even our parents treat us like brothers. We share everything; clothes, cars, houses, even women. I really want it to be like this until I die. - Jeez Lucas, it looks like you're going to war and you're saying goodbye to me. He laughs at my comment, shakes his head, and continues. - A few weeks ago, I found myself having strange thoughts. - That was enough for me to forget to breathe. - When I was with Mary, and she kissed me or we had s*x, I found myself imagining she was someone else. It's not that I wasn't enjoying being with her, but she wasn't the one I was thinking about. Last week she confronted me. She asked me what happened, if I was in love with someone else, and I told her the truth. I told her I didn't know. I told her I felt some kind of an attraction, but I didn't know if it was real or in my head. He shuts up, waiting for me to say something, and I tell him to go on. - She insisted on knowing who the woman was, and I refused to tell her. She got really angry, and started saying the names of several girls, and I ended up saying that was one of them, just to get her to shut up. She had a row with the girl, and the poor thing didn't even know what she was talking about. Finally, Mary believed that I was just thinking these thoughts and didn't press me anymore, but when I was done with her, all hell broke loose and she wanted to know who the other woman really was. Even though I told her from the beginning that it was just s*x between us, she said that she was in love and wanted to know who her rival was. - What did you say? - I asked with my heart tight in my chest. - I said the truth. That there was no she. That I was having thoughts about a man. I turn to him, making an astonished sound, which he interprets as critical and cringes. - Go on. - I told him. - She didn't believe it at first. Then he asked if I was gay, which I obviously denied. I'm not gay. Then she asked me if I was being gay-curious. And I replied “maybe”. Despite insulting me, she said "wanting to be curious is okay, as long as I don't make what I imagined real". - Is that why you argued on Wednesday? - No. We argued because she wanted us to get back together and I refused. We were silent, and in my ears the boom boom of my heart echoed to the point of leaving me deaf. - And did you try anything with that man? - I finally ask. - Naaaaaaaa! - he answers me. - Why? - I ask. - He wouldn't understand. I'm not going to trade what's right for what can't be more than some twist that popped into my head. Am I that man? My chest fills with hope, I take a deep breath and grab the silence to speak. Now it was my turn to be brave. - I also had strange thoughts, and you noticed it and you've been asking me, and I denied it. He looks at me, and I try to make out what his eyes are saying. Those green eyes that seem to pierce my soul. - I don't know how to explain why, much less why now, but... I shut up - Speak freely. I won't judge you either. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and continued. - I can't get you out of my head, Lucas. Don't hate me, but all of a sudden, I started having weird thoughts that I can't control. - wait. - he says suddenly. – are you having thoughts about me? I nodded silently, not looking him in the eye. He lets out a laugh, and I cringe. - Sorry, I'm not laughing at you. I'm actually laughing at us. - I look at him with furrowed brows. – I've been trying to hide this, for weeks now, trying not to make you see me looking at you, and scared that you'd act weird with me because you'd noticed. I clowned around and said nonsense, just to prove it was your impression, and now you tell me that all this time, you were doing exactly the same thing? I chuckle and ask. - Have you been looking at me? - Ya! Didn't you notice? - No, God, no. I thought you noticed me and I was in a panic. We both laughed, but quickly fell silent, looking at each other. - When the other day I woke up with you caressing my lips, I was hard as f**k. I was mesmerized looking at you and wanting you to kiss me. But then your reaction led me to think it was all in my head. - Then you caught me in the shower jerking off, and I was scared to death you heard me say your name. - God. Did you do it thinking about me? What do we do now? What do you want to do? - he asked me, looking me in the eyes. I saw hope and desire in those big green eyes. - Sincerely, I do not know. I mean, I know what I want to do, but what if we destroy a friendship over something that's all in our heads? - We will not destroy our friendship if we are aware of what we do. If we try and see that it's not what we want, that everything was just a silly attraction, we carry on as if nothing had happened. - What if it's different for one of us? - So we both try to make everything okay, without getting hurt. I don't want to lose you Liam. - God, we're talking like we're going to have s*x. - And you don't want to have s*x? – he asks me and again my heart stops. - I don't know what I want. To be honest, I just know that when I look at you, my head fills with images and I want to taste you, discover the taste that your skin has. Without realizing it, my eyes were fixed on his lips. - Liam? - Yes? - I said without taking my eyes off his lips as I licked my lower lip. - Stop looking at my lips if you don't want to kiss me. I looked into his green eyes that had darkened with desire. I wipe my palms on my shorts and cup his face. My eyes move from his eyes to his lips and back again, and overcoming the hesitation, I bring my lips to his and kiss him softly. His lips are soft. They're not like the girls I've kissed, always slippery with the gloss they wear, but they were velvety, smooth and appealing. I pull away, expecting to see him laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, but he grabs the back of my head and presses his lips against mine again, but as in despair. I felt his tongue pass over my lips, trying to enter my mouth. His teeth bite my lower lip. I parted my lips, letting his tongue slip into my mouth, and it was heaven I arrived after weeks in hell. Our tongues fight for dominance in the kiss, and I let him win for a moment. Feeling his tongue explore all over my mouth, my c**k throbs with desire, and I master the kiss and explore his mouth like he explored mine. When we finally broke apart, we joined our foreheads. We were both out of breath. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was no better than me. His boner was evident. We laugh at each other. Nothing was strange about that situation. We looked each other in the eyes, and we felt that this was what we needed. No big questions or decisions. Just feel each other warm.
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