Chapter 2

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Weeks go by and my fixation with Lucas seems to increase. I'm getting to the point where either I get caught or I confess and face the consequences. It breaks my heart to think that Lucas would be so horrified by me that he would jeopardize our friendship. I don't think either of us is prepared to lose the other. Lucas and I are inseparable. He doesn't do anything without asking my opinion, and I've known for a long time that without my friend, life wouldn't be the same. This attraction comes at the risk of everything, and I reproach myself for it. - Liam, what if we go to the mountain section this weekend? I looked at Lucas, who had just taken a shower, and he was in front of me, with a towel around his waist and shaking the excess water out of his hair. May God save me. As soon as my eyes fell on his exposed torso, I stopped listening and thinking. I just wanted to know what that exposed skin tasted like, and I licked my lips. - Are you listening to me? - I shook my head and looked into his eyes, my face slightly blushing. - This weekend? Shall we take the girls? - I asked. - Do you already have another one? I haven't seen you with Linda. I thought you were over. And I am. 1 week after the camp, I broke up with her, but I couldn't find one that put Lucas out of my mind. Yes, I've hooked up a few and had s*x, basically a "one night stand" thing. - No, but I have options. - I answer and Lucas laughs. - You always have options. Let's not take distractions. The idea is to train in a more hostile environment. A complicated tour is coming up, and I want to win. - You can always come in second. Lucas laughs and, thank God, goes to get dressed. Maybe it's a good idea for the two of us to go alone. I need to have this awkward conversation with Lucas before something goes wrong. In short, I have two days to stop this madness or practice how I'm going to explain all this to him. On Thursday, while I was making dinner, I heard Lucas on the phone. I don't want to peek, but it's so rare to see him scream that my curiosity leads me to the room and look at him. When he sees me, he throws his hands in the air, and makes a gesture with one hand that indicates "boobs", and I realized that he was arguing with his girlfriend. I smiled and went back to the kitchen. 5 minutes later, he walks into the kitchen, hands in his pockets and looking bored. - Cook, what's for dinner? The nicknames this boy gives me. - Stuffed chicken breast. I'm overdoing it to freeze. That way we'll have something to eat over the weekend. - Good. I love your breasts. My heart shudders and my c**k pulses. Hell, everything in my head turns erotic. I know he's referring to the way I make the chicken breast, but my brain seems to be connected to another head, and I imagine him licking my breast and playing with my n*****s. I'm going crazy. - Do you need help? – he asks me, but just imagining him next to me while I'm with a boner makes me blush. - No thanks. I manage here. Set the table, it's almost ready. - Consider it done. Behind me, the clatter of plates, glasses and silverware reminded me, with every click and clack, of Lucas's presence. - Can you turn on the music? I feel like listening to something calm. - Damn, calm music at night? Are you sick? Do you need me to stick the thermometer in your mouth? OMG, why do you torture me? Sticking the thermometer in my mouth sounds so erotic. - Don't be silly. He laughs and goes to turn on the music and I put the casserole on the table. When he returns, after turning on YouTube and playing a selection of calm songs by our favorite singers, he sits down, serves himself and as soon as he puts the first mouthful of food in his mouth, he groans with pleasure. How am I going to be able to sleep or even eat? My c**k is hard as a rock after hearing the sound he makes moaning and I don't know how I'm going to hide it from him today. I'm f****d. I barely touched the food and Lucas finished my plate with satisfaction. He puts the rest in a container and freezes. That will be one of next weekend's meals. - Liam, please make your magnificent spaghetti for the weekend, pleaseeeeee. For the love of the saint, whoever the saint may be. I don't even know what spaghetti is at this point. He starts to wash the dishes and I, after tidying up the kitchen, disappear into the living room, turn off the music and turn on the television. Solution to my problem: Playboy TV. When Lucas sits down next to me and passes me one of the two beers he was carrying, my boner seems to be dwindling. Seeing beautiful women on TV seemed to have the opposite effect to what was expected. Lucas takes the remote and switches to a sports channel. - Basketball instead of naked women? - I asked, looking at him curiously. - Today I don't want to know about women. I had already forgotten, he had a fight with his girlfriend. - What happened to Mary? Did you argue? - I broke up with her yesterday. She was getting too gluey. I thought it was time for a change. - I thought you liked her. - And I liked her, but not for anything serious. It was fun while it lasted. We f****d, and I thought she was on the same page as me, but it seems as the weeks went by, she thought this was for marriage. - f**k, thats wird. Was she the one you argued with? - Ya. She called me to ask me to give her another chance. That was just for the s*x, but I don't want to. That sounds like a trap, and she proved me right when she started to ooze venom. - I'm sorry. - I said, looking at him. - Do not be sorry. Nothing to do with you. By the way, I don't even want to hear about girls until next Monday. Let's have a "bros on wheels" weekend. God, he makes me laugh. God, he has the most beautiful smile in the world. My eyes lock on his lips and I stop listening. When he yells “good basket”, I wake up and look at the television. My heart almost jumps out of my chest, I can't stay there. - I'm going to bed, I'm tired. – I forgot my c**k and I got up. Lucas's eyes lock on my boner and I blush. f**k it, I'm so fascinated I forget about life. - Are you going to sleep or are you going to end up in the bathroom? I think you need to finish what Miss June from playboy did to you? - he says, laughing and pointing to my crotch. - Shut up. Just because you prefer basketball to girls doesn't mean I have to become a monk. Lucas laughs. - I will never prefer basketball to girls. Cycling maybe, but never basketball. I shake my head and go into the bedroom, undress and get into the shower. My hand moves down my chest until I grip my c**k, but in my head, it's Lucas's hand stroking me. Firmly, I start stroking my c**k, and I feel the pre-c*m start to drip. Instinctively, I take a finger to my tip and take a little of my seed to my mouth. I'd never tasted semen before, not even my own, and the disgust I expected to feel never came. It was salty and weird, but it wasn't nasty and disgusting. I close my eyes and imagine Lucas leaning against me, rubbing his c**k on mine, kissing my neck, teasing my n*****s and his hands gripping my c**k firmly as he stroked. With my eyes closed, the moans that have accumulated in my throat are released and I moan completely surrendered to the pleasure. - Lucas! - I moaned his name, as if he were there. I feel my orgasm approaching, when my balls contract, and when, with one last stroke, I release my milk on the shower floor, my legs lose strength and I slide down the wall, sitting on my ass and hiding my face in my hands. A slight movement made me look towards the door and there he was. Leaning against the doorframe, arms and legs crossed, and looking at me with an amused look. - f**k Lucas, what are you doing there? - I was in my room and was going to take a shower, but your moans echoed on the walls and I came to see why the hell a handjob made you moan like I'd never seen you before. - Stop being cripy. He laughs and goes back to his bedroom. Did I moan that loudly? Did he hear me moan his name? My floor threatens to open over me at any moment. I finish washing, brush my teeth, dry off and lie down on the bed. Damn, why is this happening to me? I had never gotten to the point of jerking off thinking about him. Am I changing teams after 19 years of straight life? Am I just gay-curious? I had to test my sexuality before I went crazy. I started thinking about James, a teammate. If anyone on the team was gay, it would certainly be James, with his effeminate air, whom we often caught appreciating our coach's hairy body. I closed my eyes and imagined him kneeling in front of me, holding my c**k in his hands and stroking it. I imagined him licking my tip and… the image was too graphic and disgusting. No, James definitely didn't turn me on. Does it have to do with types of people? I searched my mind and remembered Edu, the team badboy. I imagined him grabbing me and kissing me, his chest… no, no, no, repulsive. I couldn't imagine these things with a man. So why Lucas? I sat on the bed and searched my laptop for free-to-view gay movies and from those that came up, I chose one called “my first time”. There were two boys about my age, sitting by the river. One with black hair and another with blond hair like me. Obviously, my sick mind imagined it was me and Lucas in the movie, and my c**k automatically throbbed. They were kissing like there was no tomorrow, and their hands roamed each other's bodies. The blonde dude grabs the waistband of his lover's swimming shorts and releases the c**k, which looked like a snake ready to attack, and without much dispute, he sticks it in the mouth and swallows it all, making the other moan. The other held his head, while with a hip movement, he buried his c**k deep in the blonde's mouth and he swallowed it with pleasure. Seeing the Dark hear guy fuking the blond guy's mouth was making me hot, not really because what I saw excited me, but especially because it was me and Lucas in my head. I forced my mind to remain aware that I was watching a gay movie with 2 actors and not having a vision of me and Lucas. When he comes inside the blonde's mouth and I see the white liquid dripping from the corners of his mouth, I turn off the film and erase the Google search history, feeling my heart wanting to come out of my mouth. I put the laptop down, lay down and cover my head to sleep. There was no doubt about it, I wasn't gay, but I was lost in lust for my best friend.
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