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CONNOR's POV I don't know why I did what I did, but it seemed like the best idea. She was the perfect match for me. How would I know when I just met her? Time will tell. As I watched her leave the premise, I decided to concentrate on my conversation with Pierre. "So, what's new?" I asked and from the other end of the line, I could hear papers rustling which meant Pierre had been really busy. "I have something here that might really interest you but it's not something we can discuss over the phone. Perhaps, we should meet sometime tomorrow over coffee. I'll explain to you." With a hand over my face, I exhaled shakily, impatience clawing at my heart. "Just spit it out already, Pierre." Pierre hesitated. "Thing is, I found out your mother had an affair while he was still with your dad. Nobody knew about this except her and the man. Like I said, it's complicated. I'll tell you when we see." With a resigned sigh, I nodded and decided to let him be. "Fine. Meet me tomorrow at five, Dinero café. Don't be late." I hung up and looked up at the sky. Everyday, I see more reasons to not get married or get caught up in love. My father's image popped up in my head as I imagined him with mom having the best time of their life, probably on a bridge in some country. My father's eyes full of life and color and my mom's eyes brimmed with guilt and heavy weight. Snapping out of my thought, I decided I was going to focus on the task at hand. Find out who killed my father and inherit those things from my grandfather. Gathering my clothes, I looked over at the bench and remembered Annette. Hopefully, she agrees to my proposal. If she doesn't, I'll do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't have a choice. This will really help her. I just hope her pride does not get in the way. The alarm jarred me awake the next morning and I sat up, feeling a slight headache circling my head. "F*ck!" I muttered as I stepped out of the bed and went to take a shower. Five minutes later and I was ready for work. I didn't have time for breakfast as I was already running late so I just slipped into the back of my car and motioned for the driver to move. As he did, I pulled out my laptop and began to type away. I needed to get as much information as I can on Annette before she slips away. I didn't want to have to travel to London to find her if she does. I clicked on the first profile and a picture came up. She looked so innocent and wholesome in the picture with her eyes pulling me in and her lips inviting me. My insides tightened at the memory of us almost kissing last night. "Thank God, I was in my right senses." The car pulled up to the company's garage and I stepped out and walked to the building. As the boss, one would think I can come to work at anytime. However, as a disciplined man, I've learned to not take advantage of time. "I feel sorry for him, actually," a tiny voice said pitifully and it stopped me in my tracks as I almost pushed the door open. Instead, I gripped the handle. "Having to lose your parents and then your wife and child. It's no wonder he is cold-hearted. I'd be too if someone broke my trust that way." "It's a part of life, Wendy. Get over it." Another voice replied, the tone uninterested. My secretary was gossiping me. I clenched my teeth and stepped in, trying my best to keep a stoic expression. The two were startled as they saw me. "Oh, sir. You're here. Good morning!" Wendy greeted, a nervous smile on her face as she came over to collect my briefcase. I didn't glance at her for a second more before stepping away to get into the elevator. We rode up in silence while I dipped my hands into my pockets. When we got to my office, I used my card to get in. "Get me a cup of coffee, Wendy." She nodded quickly and turned to go but I wasn't finished. "And quit digging your nose where they don't belong. Or I'll have to fire you." "I'm sorry, sir." "Get out!" I barked, not looking up from my table. She scurried away. I was left alone in my office and I picked up my phone while still staring at her picture. She has to call. For the next few hours, I tried to bury myself in work rather than let my anticipation for her call fill my mind. Soon enough, the sky started coloring the sun into a glowing orange ball. The time was 4:45pm. I grabbed my phone and made for the café. "Dinero Café," I told the driver and after a few turns, I reached the place. Getting off the car, I put on my sunglasses and stepped into the Cafe. However, I bumped into someone who seemed to be in a hurry and felt a warm liquid spill on my shirt. "What the hell?" I bellowed, taking a step backwards and feeling the urge to strangle whoever it is. "I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking." It was a woman and she was estranged enough to think I wanted her to scrub my shirt with her napkin. I grabbed her wrist to stop her. "Don't you dare touch me?" The woman with rumpled hair and tiny wrist looked up and I did a double take before calling. "Annette?" "Connor?" "What are you...why are you here?" I comported myself as I asked, my hand still wrapped around her wrist. She scowled as she looked up at me, her eyes a fiery pair. "Do you own here as well?" "Unfortunately, no." I released her wrist and she quickly ran her hand through her hair to straighten it. She was a pretty mess. "By the way, I've been expecting your call." Heat crept up her face as though she was recalling what happened the previous night. "I didn't think you were serious about it." "Ann," I called, not knowing if she really understood the gravity of the situation. "Come here for a second." We found a private booth where I guided her to sit on one side. Now, that I had a good look at her, I realized she was pretty short with a seductive shape next to me. Her ass wobbled a little as she made her way on the chair and I caught myself staring. "I understand this seems rushed or anything but I just find it hard to come across someone I can trust for something like this." "How are you so sure I'm a trusted person? What if I agree for your money?" I scoffed. "As if that's a problem. Just say yes, Ann. I promise to give you anything you want." "Anything?" She looked at me with those wide eyes, making me lose concentration for a second. "Yes, anything." I wanted her and no one else. "I'll still have to decline it, Connor. I promise to call regardless of how our relationship turns out. I mean, I have a life back in London and people to return to. I don't think I can leave them for anything. Thanks for the offer though." She bit her lips and stood to leave. "What can I do to make you say yes?" I asked before I could stop myself. Ann shook her head as she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "I don't know. What can you do?" With that, she walked away, leaving my mind getting tossed around by thoughts of her. How could she walk away from such offer? This was such a slap in the face and immediately, I wanted to see her realize she was wrong. That I could make her mine. What the hell? What am I saying? "Mr. Connor?" A voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see a man in his mid thirties with a buzz cut stand over me. His intelligent brown eyes looked at me through his dark rimmed glasses. "Pierre. It's so nice to see you." "Sorry, I'm late." He took the seat across from me. "I just had to gather a few things before coming..." "Get to the point, Pierre." "Well, I was going through the list of enemies that your father has made over the years. I decided to go with the less dangerous ones first to seek information. Most of them were clueless and had just flimsy rifts with your father like getting fired or getting yelled at..." "You're wasting my time." I barked and he jumped, shut his eyes and sat properly. "I'm sorry. One of the less dangerous ones happened to be one of your father's friends, Miller. They used to be high school best friends until your mom who was his girlfriend then broke up with Miller and married your dad. One would think it just ended there until your mom went to sleep over at his place and their affair started from there." Pierre explained with details. I was disgusted, angry and filled with fury. How could she? Was that why my dad divorced her and sent her to die alone in an isolated town? Or did she just decide to do that out of guilt? "Your father didn't find out till he died." "Do you think he killed my dad to make sure he never did?" Pierre nodded and I placed a clenched fist against my lips as I watched the man before me. That was too easy a reason for my dad to be killed. "Keep searching, Pierre. I'll handle this one myself." Hiring a PI was better than getting my hands dirty again. I was way past that life and will not stoop so low to seek help from them. But it's been years and I've gotten no lead. Whoever his killer is, I'm pretty sure they will be after me soon. I have to find them before they find me.
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