1903 Words

ANNETTE'S POV "What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?" I asked myself as I stood before the bathroom mirror and sobbed. There goes my friendship with Sheila. It had hit the rock, not once, not twice. And now, it was on the verge of breaking apart. I'd done everything to make sure I kept the friendship but it didn't look like it needed saving. I couldn't just throw away all that we shared. Especially not when I know Sheila could not be doing all these on her own accord. She's not foolish. But I couldn't shove away the fact that she had snatched my boyfriend, kept away her relationship from me and now, she was involved in my abduction. How could she have the nerve to do that? Without thinking, I picked up my phone and held it for a while, contemplating whether or not to

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