1338 Words

CONNOR'S POV Things were going as planned in London, with Annette being in the care of those two trusted women. So long as she learns everything that needs to be learnt, I'll have no problem publicizing our marriage. All these came to play when I received a call from an unknown number while in Italy. "Hello?" I had called. A gruff voice answered on the other end. "Looks like you're the man of the moment right now, Connor. Or should I say Keith?" I clenched my fists as I knew who it was already. "What do you want?" "Well, what do you think? You're wanted by so many people, man. Not just me. And to think everyone has eyes for that sexy woman of yours," I shut my eyes furiously, wishing he was near me. "If I were you, I'd come over quickly to seek refuge." "Our partnership ended t

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