Fantasy girl

2150 Words

“Come on, Lamar,” Trey pleaded. “No,” Lamar said decisively. “Please, man. Who turns down a s*x scene with the sensual Bianca?” Trey asked. They all could not believe it when Tim told them about the sponsor and Lamar’s response. Bianca More was the big deal in Leap. She started acting as a child. Now twenty-two years old, she was rated amongst the top five sexiest movie stars. Her posters sold like hot potatoes because almost every guy had them mounted on their wall or hissed somewhere to get them through the dry lonely days. “I don’t care who it is. I’m not doing it,” Lamar said adamantly. “Have you seen her lips, the boobs and those curves?” Stein, the half fly, asked while making the hourglass shape with his hands. “You get to touch that. Man, are you crazy?” he asked. Man would

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