His angel

2079 Words
The following day, Lamar was officially welcomed by the Brawny’s club and shown signing his new jersey number 14. His choice left the other clubs, especially the Stalwart’s, worried. Lamar had only played against them once, but that was enough for them to know that they needed to really beef up their team while trying other means to convince him to join them. The journalists who attended the event who were curious about how the man of the moment got to make his choice were all surprised by the simplicity of it all. “Loyalty is everything to me. It’s really hard for players from poor backgrounds like myself to get a chance. Everything has become so complicated that it’s not only about talent anymore. If you have no connections, you will really struggle to get noticed. Captain BB was there and believed in me when I was still invisible. Loyalty, that’s what drives me and influences my decisions,” Lamar explained. “Does that apply to your love life as well?” one journalist asked. Lamar chuckled, knowing too well what was coming. A lot of the journalists had contacted her asking for his official statement on the nature of his relationship with Stephany, who was apparently admitted for a nervous breakdown after the stunt she pulled the day before. He knew that her interview had left a lot of people curious and confused about his love life and needed to set the record straight. “I have been blessed with a gorgeous, brilliant and extremely loyal woman. Lola and I have been together for over two years now. She’s my angel and voice of reason. I would be a serious fool if I ever let her go. To this day I still wonder how I got so lucky,” he said, making Lola, who was sitting a few feet away, blush. “What about the cheerleader, Stephany?” one journalist asked. Lamar’s statement was not explaining the intimate photos of him with Stephany that she posted on her wall. Lamar sighed. “There is obviously a lot going on with Stephany which does not involve me. All I will say is that she and I have never been an item, we have never even had a fling. It would not be wise or kind of me at this point to say anything bad about someone you all clearly saw was struggling with psychological issues. I have been informed that she is currently admitted and I honestly hope that she gets the help that she needs and wish her the best for the future,” he said sincerely. Everyone left the press conference with some idea of Lamar’s principles, which left an impression on a lot of his fans. It took a lot of maturity for someone not to strike their foe when down. His praises of his girlfriend also led to Lola being the envy of town and on a spotlight, something she dreaded. ***at the Leap hospital*** Stephany sat across from her psychologist, opening up for the first time since she was admitted. “He cares,” she said with sparkling eyes. “He wished me well,” she added. “That was very kind of him,” the psychologist responded, guessing that the he she was referring to was Lamar. “He loves me and wants the best for me in the future,” Stephany said excitedly. She was really sad when Lamar wrote that she was not even on his list of friends and thought that he did not care, but his interview now told her otherwise. “He also said that he loved his girlfriend,” the psychologist reminded her. Stephany seemed to be very selective in her hearing of Lamar’s statement. Stephany nodded. “Yes, his angel,”she said, repeating his sentiments. “That’s what he called her,” the psychologist responded, watching her every expression. To her surprise, Stephany did not look angry or hurt by that statement. “Angels live in heaven,” Stephany said. “Some people believe that angels do live amongst us and some use that as a figure of speech,” the psychologist explained. “I am tired now,” Lola said, getting up to leave. The psychologist nodded, letting her go. She was relieved that Stephany seemed to have taken Lamar’s interview better that she had expected. Stephany was completely different from the devastated, suicidal woman she admitted the day before. Unlike yesterday when she had to be sedated and tied to her bed to stop her from hurting herself, Stephany even seemed to be looking forward to the well future Lamar wished her. ***in Lola’s flat*** A week later, Lola woke up to a breakfast in bed and her sexy, irresistible man staring lovingly at her. “Do you have to look like that so early?” she asked, yawning. Lamar was wearing a simple black track pants and a tight vest that did nothing to hide his masculine physique. It did not matter how many times she had seen him wearing those or even naked, Lamar was the definition of an eye candy. Lamar chuckled, pleased by his impact on her. “I have something for you,” he said, passing her a velvet box. Lola shook her head. “Lamar,” she called him softly, tears welling up in her eyes. She did not have to open the box to know what it was. “No!” a horrified voice shouted, startling the two. “Stephany?” Lamar asked, appalled, as Stephany walked out of the closet. “No! You can’t! You can’t propose, you love me!” Stephany yelled, shaking her head frantically. She had planned to come out when Lola was alone but the velvet box she saw through the partially closed closet door forced her to show herself. Lola got out of the blankets, everything feeling unreal. Stephany did not seem to be aware of how bizarre her appearance in her flat was. “How did you get in here, Stephany?” Lamar asked, standing in front of Lola, putting himself between the two women. “I have the key,” Stephany said proudly, waving the key. “You will be surprised at how much money can get you. I sometimes come here to smell your clothes and sleep on your bed to be close to you,” she added with a proud voice. She had owned Lola’s flat key for over a month now and always sneaked in when there was no one. Lola’s jaw dropped, shocked. All along she thought Stephany’s mental breakdown was an attention-seeking stunt but she really sounded crazy. “What?” Lamar was equally shocked. “Yes. This place will be perfect for a love nest. Even when we own a mansion, we can keep this place. We can both mourn her death and make out here. It will be perfect,” Stephany beamed. “Mourn who’s death?” Lamar asked, his heart sinking. He had no idea that Stephany’s condition was this bad. She always seemed extreme in everything she did, whether it was cheerleading or pursuing him, but she was obviously insane now. “Lola’s death, silly. She’s your angel, remember?” Stephany said dismissively before taking out a knife. “She can only be that if she is dead. No one got your message but I did. She must die so she can be your angel and I can be your future. You said so,” she added, coming close to the bed. Lamar shifted to keep Lola behind him. “Stephany, no,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s okay, Lamar. I know that you are so kind and would never kill anyone. That’s why you sent me that message. I can do it for us. I can make her an angel,” Stephany said, getting closer. “Stephany, that’s not what I meant,” Lamar said. “What? But…,” Stephany hesitated. She was now confused by Lamar’s actions. “You are sick and need help,” Lamar said softly, doing his best not to agitate her. “Don’t say that! I got your message!” Stephany shouted. She hated it when people talked to her like that. All the hospital employees and her family were speaking to her like she was crazy. “I was not sending you any message, Stephany. I meant that statement as I said it. I love Lola and only her. I really do,” Lamar explained. “No! You don’t!” Stephany shouted, now holding the knife with her right hand, ready to attack. “I don’t mean to shout at you but Lola must die, then you will see that you love me,” she added with a soft voice. Lamar looked at the shiny, sharp blade getting ready to defend. He figured that he might sustain some cuts, but with his fitness he should be able to easily overcome Stephany. “Move away now Honey, so I can make Lola an angel. We can make out afterwards and release your stress just the way you like it. Against that wall, the shower and kitchen counter. I promise you that I have learned every move. You won’t miss ….” Stephany was still talking when Lamar pounced, dropping her on the floor and sending the knife flying a distance away from her. Stephany was caught off guard and so surprised by Lamar’s move that she started sobbing. In her mind, Lamar is meant to help her, not work against her. He was betraying her by protecting Lola. That’s why she was now devastated again. Lola was still so shocked and frozen to move when the police and Stephany’s father arrived. It seemed that Stephany pretended to be doing well in the hospital until the security lowered their guts, only for her to escape during the visiting hours. She probably got to Lola’s flat when she was sleeping and when Lamar went to get breakfast. Her plan to kill Lola during her sleep was disturbed by Lamar returning with the breakfast. Stephany’s family only realised a few days after her admission the extent of her obsession. The cameras she installed in Lola’s flat and the footage of the two’s s****l encounters that she kept in her bedroom were what she meant when she said she learned every single one of Lamar’s s****l moves. When the hospital informed Stephany’s family that she had escaped, there was only one place they could think of that she would go to. “Thank goodness for grandma's necklace!“ Lola exclaimed when they were alone again. “Where did you even find it?” she asked, opening the velvet box that Stephany assumed to be an engagement ring. “I hunted the guy I sold it to for days and bought it back,” Lamar said, taking it from her and putting it on her neck. Lola had gladly given it up for them to pay their debts but he knew how much it meant to her. Even though the guy charged him double the price he sold it for, he paid it gladly because he had to get it back. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Lola could not hold back her tears. The silver necklace with an emerald pedant was the most expensive possession her late grandmother owned and she gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday. It was not as expensive as diamonds or gold but it meant a lot to her. “Thank you.” “No, Babe. I should thank you,” he said, pulling her into his arms. They were about to loose themselves to each other as usual when Lola recalled that Stephany had cameras in her flat. She shook her head, pushing him away. “No way! Let’s get rid of those cameras first!” she cried. “You do realise that she, her family and the police have seen more than enough already?” Lamar teased. If Stephany got hold of Lola’s flat keys a month ago, she definitely had more than enough footage of them together. He was just relieved that Stephany was now committed to a high-security mental institution. He was not really bothered by that footage like Lola was. “I mean you are addicted to all this,” he added mischievously, while making a s****l gesture and making her blush.
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