The Contract

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“What do you want from this? I need to know Camari before I can agree.” Axel looks at her, and she considers it, what does she want? “I want to feel like I had all those years ago like I am in control without control, I am happy for your orders to be illegal, or even make me commit a crime, but I want fun in there as well.” If there is no fun, will she still agree? She looks at him and considers it. “I can tell you now if you were ordered to do anything, it would not be anything crazy, I don't agree with rape, murder, child abusers or abuse in general. You can also refuse Camari, to everything if you want.” Axel looks at her, those things he would never agree to, and he would never tell her she had no choice but to follow his orders if she wasn’t comfortable doing something illegal then he wouldn’t force her. Camari nods relaxing and hearing him say that. “That will all be in the contract, a lot of things that are not acceptable by you or me. By fun, what do you mean?” “Well, I will enjoy the slave aspect of it, but does it have to stop before it gets s****l?” Axel looks at her shocked; he had not even considered that, to him, she would have been a Slave, purely for work and to complete the job. Could he really have her that way as well, or would it complicate things and cause damage? He looks at her and considers her words. “We will see, I am not sure. I had not considered that. I had only considered you as a business slave aspect, I will get a contract drawn up, but we need to talk in more detail while I take notes. I will be right back.” Axel gets up and walks out of the room, locking the door after him. Walking upstairs, he grabs the things he needs, Ben, looks at him, his head shaking in disbelief before he walks out of the room leaving Axel alone. Camari sits and considers her options. Yes, she can go through with this, and be his slave, or she can sign that contract get out, rip it up and run far away. She can't though, she can't go home without their help Mack would just kill her like he was planning, she can't run she has no money, and everything is in his name. Which means Mack would find her and she would be dead anyway. She realises her best option is to be Axel's slave, what other choice is there? It isn't a bad choice, it is being done legally, and she has the contract, and for a short time there more than likely won't be any sort of s*x, she can live with that. She has lived without s*x for ages now with Mack. Mack though, she looks around her. He needs to lose everything, he has destroyed her life, and wasted so many years of it, now is the time she takes her life back. Camari looks around her, wondering if she will forever be kept in this room. Axel had come back with a notebook, and for hours they spoke about her limits and his. They were both surprised by how alike their limits were, something which they had not expected. He had gathered all the information he needed to create the contract; now, all she had to do was wait for him to bring it back for her to sign. She will sign it, Axel is right now giving her a way to freedom she wouldn’t have had without him. She remembers the part about s****l pleasures, where it stated if he becomes comfortable, he wasn't expecting Camari to ask about that. She wasn't expecting herself to, but she knows full well her husband won't be touching her. With that thought in her mind she craves it now, purely because Mack always said no. The door opens, and she looks up, Ben stood glaring at her. “You think you have him fooled; you may. I, however, am not. If I so much as think you're ready to bolt, tell anyone or run with our money, I will shoot you, and Axel. Consider that, his death will be on your hands for trying to save you.” He turns and walks away shutting and locking the door behind him. Camari stares at it, Axel seems nice, and she doesn't think she can live with herself if he did kill him, especially when he is the only one wanting her alive. The door opens again this time Axel standing there with the contract in his hand. “I will leave it here for you to read, it goes into detail about contact with me, where you will stay if you're not at home and such”. Camari nods as he places it down and walks out, locking the door behind him. She picks up the contract reading the first line. 'This is a binding contract between Camari Alderson and Axel Lemmings'. Sitting she spends hours reading through it, making sure there is nothing in there she didn't agree to. Sure enough, there wasn't, a part of her thought that maybe he would try to put something in she didn't want, but he hadn't. It makes her smile and feel like she can trust him just a little more. She looks at the contract. 'The slave is okay with a 24/7 lifestyle.' 'The slave is okay with the use of paddles, whips, floggers and crops 'The slave is okay with the use of other items such as belts, slippers and such if first discussed.' She keeps reading through the equipment everything seems okay she moves on to the next part. 'The slave is okay with wearing restraints throughout her day-to-day life.' 'The slave is okay with being used as furniture such as a chair, or table.' 'The slave is okay with being used as a statue to hold a lamp or such equipment.' She spends hours reading the contract finally reading the don'ts. 'The slave does not agree to watersports and as such is a hard limit.' 'The slave does not agree with scat and as such is a hard limit.' 'The slave does not agree to auctions and as such is a hard limit.' 'The slave does not agree to any sort of activity with minors and as such is a hard limit.' She reads them all satisfied he had listed everything she disagreed with and him as well. She sees the final part, her eyes casting over it, unsure if she wants to know what he has put down. 'The Slave will be given s****l pleasure when the Master agrees or if the slave believes she deserves a treat, the following items are allowed to be used' Camari smiles, that is more than she had expected. Finishing reading the contract, she signs it, her hand shaking as she does.
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