
Broken Binding

fast and rough

When Camari finds herself kidnapped, she feels like she will soon be rescued by her husband, only she gets a shock when he tells them to kill her and save him a job. She finds herself falling for one of the kidnappers, but is his story really innocent or is there more behind those deceiving eyes. Includes scenes of b**m

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Lonely Night
Camari sits at the table, the candles flickering in the dark room. Her eyes are facing the food, the now cold food that she put off eating while waiting for him. So, where is he? He said he would be back for 6 pm. Her eyes glance up to the clock, 10 pm, she should have known he wouldn't be back. When is Mack ever back these days? She stands up, blowing out the candles as she begins collecting the plates, she can't be bothered to wash them. To be honest, she is fed up of scraping plates so much. She opens the bin and puts them in it; she doesn't care as she hears the smashing. A slight smile on her face at the fact they were Mack’s mothers, maybe now he will come home when he says? She walks upstairs and climbs straight in bed, one last look at her phone, nothing. Not even a text to apologise or explain he can't make it, then again when does he ever? Her frustration grows, tears brimming in her eyes as she stares at the phone. “You did it again; I don't care what your excuse is Mack. I know it isn't work; I am not a fool. Maybe once I am gone, you realise what you missed? Because I won't be sticking around if this is our life, how can we bring a child into this? Oh, and by the way, you might want to apologise to your mum for making me smash her plates. Night!” She hits send and rolls over, her eyes falling closed quickly. Waking up, Mack is asleep next to her, climbing out of bed she walks downstairs. Making breakfast, she sits and eats it, Mack walking into the kitchen smiling. “Sorry love, work got on top of me, and my phone died. Where’s food?” Mack glances at the table not seeing food at his place. “In the bin Mack, didn’t want to cook for you this morning just in case you weren’t hungry.” Mack nods, not arguing with her as he starts grabbing his things. “I need to get to the club's Cam, tonight? I promise I will be home before seven, I don’t care what emergencies come up, I will be here.” Kissing her, he walks out, Camari shaking her head. Maybe tonight he will come home? Walking upstairs, she goes through her drawers. She could buy something new. Perhaps a picture or two will ensure he comes home. Walking out the house she drives to the store, her eyes glancing over the lingerie as she smiles. Her hand stops on the PVC suit. She could wear that, but her head shakes suddenly, Mack isn’t like her ex’s. He made a point of making sure she knew he wasn’t and had no interest in b**m, not even enough to let her wear PVC. Picking up a lingerie set, she heads home. As the day passes by, cooking she puts the food on the table before getting showered and changed. Sitting at the table she takes a picture, sending it to Mack she smiles. Her eyes glance at the clock, watching as time passes by again, her head falling forward as she feels tears slip from her eyes. She should give in, and walk away, but if she does, she has nothing, no family, no one. They all left her when she married Mack, saying he wasn’t welcome in the family. Sitting, she glances around herself, seeing the clock hitting ten o’clock, a scream escapes her mouth as she throws the plates on the floor. She should walk, her eyes glancing around the house, it is beautiful, yet Mack made sure all her money went into his accounts, accounts only he has access to these days. Walking to her room, she takes out her phone again, feeling herself giving in. “I quit Mack; I hope she was worth it.” It feels like the thing making him late so much is a woman, hitting send, she lies down, finding herself drifting to sleep as she cries. Her dreams shake her from within as silent moans escape her lips. She can feel the rope, tightening around her wrists, her body jerking as it tries to escape. A smile creeps across her face as she sees her past, her Master. Someone who made sure she felt worthy, not how Mack made her feel. Her moans in her dream, quickly turning to screams plaguing her mind as she realises, she can't escape, the kidnappers dragging her from the bed as her head hits the floor. Her eyes snap open as she hears the wind howling from outside, the branches scraping against the glass, like chalk on a board. She almost rolls over to go back to sleep as she realises her hands can't move. Her eyes now taking in the sight around her, two people stood at the door seemingly talking, black masks covering their faces. She stares and her mind tells her it is the dream. Camari begins screaming, her body thrashing as she tries to escape the nightmare, her mind trying to get her to wake up before something worse happens.

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