Playing The Game

1403 Words
She lays waiting a few minutes before sitting up; he has left the room. She sits quietly looking around, twenty minutes passing by. Standing up, she walks around the bed, her hand opening the door quietly. Camari begins moving through the house, as she nears downstairs she hears the faint muffled moans from Lysa. Her body is moving towards them. Her eyes start looking through the crack of the door, seeing Lysa's body wrapped around Mack's which he has pinned against the wall, his hand clearly failing at silencing her by covering her mouth. Camari stands watching, why she doesn't know, but some sort of force has her wanting to watch them until they finish. Her eyes stay fixed on them, watching as their moans and groans grow, watching as they orgasm together and collapse on the bed together. Something about Mack is different. She turns and walks back to her room; he never f****d her like that, not even at the start. Climbing in bed, she lays awake, watching as the morning glow comes through the window from the sunrise. The sound of the door opening, making her eyes close. She feels the bed moving, lips pressing against hers, her body curdling inside from the thought of his lips on Lysa's body. “I brought you breakfast.” Camari opens her eyes and forces the smiles onto her face before sitting up. “You look like you slept well.” Camari nods astonished considering she only for around three hours sleep. “I did, thank you.” She looks at him as he hands her the plate, hopefully, he goes out today, anywhere would be a good idea then she can get that phone. She needs to speak to Axel. Mack sits watching her eat, something she now finds disturbing, he never used to do this, is the money so important to him he would act so doting and lovingly? “A letter came while you were missing.” Camari nods at his words trying to seem uninterested. “It's from your uncle or rather his solicitor.” Camari turns and looks at him. “I don't have an uncle.” He nods at her words. “Look.” He shows her the papers, her eyes scanning over it, she reads looking at him. “I don't have an uncle, how can this be?” Mack shakes his head. “Maybe you do, perhaps your parents never told you?” Mack suggests. “Perhaps, there are conditions for me getting this money.” Camari reads through looking confused, Mack nodding to her. “You need to do a six-month trial course working at a business. It states each fortnight a contract will be sent, for the owner of the business to sign. That is set to change, could become weekly or daily.” Mack begins explaining, of course, he knows, he read the whole thing. “I don't think I can leave the house and work, not yet.” Camari shakes her head. “Something about working right now scares me. It will have to wait.” Mack looks at her, shocked. “You won't need to; I will find work for you to do at home for my business. I will sign it, all sorted. However, you need to find out who this uncle is.” Camari nods in agreement. “I will search my family history online, maybe that way I can find some information to prove I am the Camari they are looking for.” Mack nods, smiling at her. “Good, that money would help us so much, maybe after it clears we can think about starting a family?” Camari looks at him shocked, of course, he doesn't mean that. It is just a way of making her think he stills loves her. “Maybe, I will start looking up my family history.” Camari looks at Mack, his head nodding as he hands her the laptop. “I will be downstairs; I will stay at home today, to make sure you're okay.” Camari nods as he walks out, sitting with the laptop she watches films, hours passing by. Sitting she chooses only sad films, ones to make her cry, ready to tell Mack she just found out she was adopted. The sound of Mack walking upstairs causes her to close the movie, sitting staring at the blank screen, Mack walks in. “Something the matter?” Camari looks up at him nodding. “I was adopted.” Mack walks to the side of the bed, and sits down looking at her. “What do you mean? How do you know you were adopted?” He questions her, confused by her tears. “I couldn't find my name anywhere. I searched for his name, and found he had a sister. That sister was married with a baby. However, they died; the daughter was put up for adoption. My legal name was Sasha Vanderbilt. Maybe, maybe you weren’t the issue Mack and my family used you as an excuse to abandon me when we married because I was adopted?” Camari looks up at Mack crying, tears streaming from her eyes threatening to cause a tsunami. She can use the fact she was adopted as the reason her mum and dad left her when she married Mack, not long after her mum died, then her dad. “What about your uncle, why didn't he keep you?” Mack moves closer to her, his eyes on the blank laptop screen. “He clearly didn't want me; my whole life was a lie.” Camari starts crying, Mack's arms trying to comfort her. “I had hoped to look over what you found.” Camari nods, she should have known he would want proof. “I requested the original birth certificate to be posted out, along with my mothers, fathers and uncles.” Mack nods. “Right, well Karen has cooked, are you hungry?” Camari nods when really deep down she is fighting back the words tell her to choke on her own food. “That would be nice.” The next two days she stays in the house, Mack never leaving, every night she walks downstairs, just to stand and watch them from afar, why she doesn't know. Something about watching them together brings her pleasure; maybe because soon he won't have her, he won't have anything. Yet, part of it is because she never had that with Mack, s*x was just s*x. Nothing special, he hasn’t even tried kissing her since she came back. Sitting at the table Mack is opposite her, watching as she fills in the forms for the money, his happiness rising as he realises the money soon will be his. “All yours now.” She slides the papers over to Mack, his hand signing them. She is now his or working for him anyway. “Right, I guess today I will go to work, keep the door locked, any problems call me, okay?” Camari nods, watching as he walks out with Lysa and the contract. He really believes he is getting his hands on that fake money. She knows he will be home every night, for now anyway. She watches as they drive away, waiting ten minutes she walks outside, moving the plant pot Camari grabs the phone, walks back into the house she locks the door. Putting the deadbolt on as well to ensure Mack can't walk in while she is using it. Turning on the phone, she watches as the screen lights up, the phone beeping as messages come through. “It's Axel, let me know you're okay.” “Any news?” “Camari, please don't run, Ben thinks you are and is ready to tell Mack everything and kill me.” Camari smiles at the phone, hitting his name and the call button waiting as she hears it ringing. Her anxiety is rising with every ring. “Camari?” He stays quiet, waiting. “It's me, can we meet?” Camari bites down on her lip hearing his voice, the visions of that day flying into her mind. “Sure, meet where I told you, I will be there in fifteen.” He hangs up, and Camari rushes upstairs and gets dressed. Sitting, she puts on her makeup, sorting out her hair, so she looks nice.
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