Weak To Ian

863 Words

He won’t win, not while ever Ian is trying to get her. So again, the plan needs to change. A moment later, Ian walks out and past them, smiling at Axel, he winks as he walks off. “I'm sorry.” Camari closes her eyes. Her apology is weak, she is weak. “Why Cam? Why the hell would you agree?” Camari shakes her head. “Because I missed it, he keeps offering me it Master where you say no because others might find out.” Axel nods looking at her. “You're a fool pet, you fell to your knees at his feet, craving what he offered. Your mind was fooled; soon, you will see what he offers is not what you require. You're simply a game to him, to make you break your Master rules.” Axel looks at her. She wanted it, she needed it. “You don't know that isn't what I needed Master.” Axel laughs, shaking his

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