Ian's Truth

1307 Words

Axel finds himself sitting worried. He saw Ian come in, so why the hell has Camari not shown up yet? Sitting, he waits, an hour passing before he stands and walks out, making his way to Ians. Stopping at the door, he begins knocking, each time getting louder. What if Ian knew all along? Axel finds himself panicking. Camari rushes out the room, wrapping a gown around her as she walks groggily to the door. Opening it, Axel looks at her worried, his face changing as he notices the marks around Camari's neck. “Now, I understand.” Axel shakes his head; he should have known she would give in to Ian. “I'm sorry, I tried saying no.” Axel laughs, his head shaking. “No you didn't Camari, I hope you enjoy your time with Ian Cam.” Axel turns to walk away. He won't do this. Ian isn't one to share,

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