53. Accusations

2118 Words

I wake up when Zion stands over me and blocks my sun. I roll over on my back. He is staring at me. "Did you need something?" He swallows hard. "I thought you were going to ride?" "The bikes were taken once I got done eating. Then I wanted a nap. This seemed like a better idea. Were you riding?" "They want me to show them some tricks. Figured I'd see where you ran off to." "I'm right here. I didn't run off with Scotch." "I didn't mean that. I'm heading back. Enjoy your nap." "Have fun." I flip back over and cannot go back to sleep. It's nice listening to the water, but I am wide awake now. "Why did the asshole wake me up?" I go over to the offices and my boys are meeting with Drake. "You just wake up, woman?" "Yea. I fell asleep in the sun. Sorry I forgot about your meeting, Drak

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