53. Accusations

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I wake up when Zion stands over me and blocks my sun. I roll over on my back. He is staring at me. "Did you need something?" He swallows hard. "I thought you were going to ride?" "The bikes were taken once I got done eating. Then I wanted a nap. This seemed like a better idea. Were you riding?" "They want me to show them some tricks. Figured I'd see where you ran off to." "I'm right here. I didn't run off with Scotch." "I didn't mean that. I'm heading back. Enjoy your nap." "Have fun." I flip back over and cannot go back to sleep. It's nice listening to the water, but I am wide awake now. "Why did the asshole wake me up?" I go over to the offices and my boys are meeting with Drake. "You just wake up, woman?" "Yea. I fell asleep in the sun. Sorry I forgot about your meeting, Drake." "It's fine. I saw you sleeping and left you alone. Figured you needed a nap." "I appreciate that." Tim winks. "I love your bikini, but we're in the office." "It's a beach office. It's fine. Bring me a little skirt to go over it." "Yes, ma'am." Tre walks in. "Zion is doing bike stunts over in the village." Drake about half jumps up. Tim chuckles. "You can go. We're done." I sit on Malax and snuggle. "You going over to watch, babygirl?" "I better not. I'll end up trying them and breaking my head." They laugh. "That is true. You like to do everything on your own. Where is Scotch?" "Probably working on a ship somewhere. He wasn't on the beach is all I know." "What did he say to Zion this morning?" "Zion hates him. He punched Scotch the first time he saw him. He got me away from him at the party." I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe they knew each other before. This morning, Zion yelled and asked him why the f**k he was here. Scotch told him it was none of his business. I think it was the first time Scotch said anything to him." "What were you talking about with Scotch?" "I asked him why he was here. But I asked nicely." They chuckle. "Then I told him how to claim a room. He said he didn't have 1." "Did you talk after that?" "No. I had to have the meeting. I don't know where he is now." "Does he have a girlfriend?" "No idea." "You 2 don't talk much." "We're not even friends." "Stranger who kisses you on occasion?" "Sounds about right." I snuggle Malax. "You want to go swimming, babygirl? We can take you swimming." "It's not the same. I won't be naked." "What do you need, sweetheart?" "I think I'm waking up." "Alright." Malax rubs my back and lets me sit with him. 10 minutes later, I go to the beach. I pick up seashells where the water comes in over the sand. The seashells are black here for some reason. They are pretty on the pink sand. "These are different. They seem like a straw." I smile at Scotch. "They are different. They're pretty though. This looks like a bone." He takes it from me. "That is a bone." "Oh." I drop everything in my hands and rinse them off in the water. "How come you're not in the village?" "I'll stay away from Zion. Not sure what the hell I ever did to him though." "He brought me a fast-food burger. I threw money at him to pay for it. He told me it was $3, and he could buy me a burger." I shrug my shoulders. "He's always mad." "He blames me for you paying him like that." He nods and we walk on the beach. "I understand now. Hell, I'm still pissed at myself about it. I was f*****g stupid." "It's ok." "No it's not. There is no reason to do that to somebody. I got excited about money. I've never had much. My parents are quite stingy. The more I think about it, the more I realize I've always had everything I need. I've been able to go to things like concerts and shows whenever I want. I have more money than a lot of people. We go on vacations. Can I take you out again?" "I don't..." "Poor date." I crack up laughing. He laughs and guides me in another direction. "Let's check out this village. We can stay away from the bike sound. The rest of the village is probably empty. But no money. I think those might be the best dates anyway." "That's cheaper than a poor date. It's a broke date. I can't think of those." "Yea. Foods out. But a walk on the beach is free. Watching the stars." "Why are you doing this?" He puts his arm around me and walks me into the candy store. "Because money will never impress you. It will never mean anything to you. What impresses you, is a guy remembering you like candy." He hands me a bag of gummy bears. "A guy who can show you something you've never seen before. Like fast food or a concert. A guy who wants to spend some time with you and have a conversation." I step closer and kiss him. I feel his hands on my back and shiver. I get tingles. We walk into another store. "You know, this counts as a free date." "How is that?" "You forgot to turn the brains on. Everything is free in the resort and village. So, this is a free date. Did you want anything from the store?" I crack up laughing. "I think you're right. And I do need some new bubble bath." "I need a swimsuit. I don't think they're here though. The bath section is over there." I get a whole bag of bath products and good smelling candles. "You need any bath stuff?" "No. I already have soap. That's all I use." I hand him 2 of my bags and he laughs. "I'm going to go get a golf cart." "I'll come with you. I'm done here. We can try to find clothes next. Get your swimsuit." We get a golf cart. Then we go to the swim shop. I find the biggest sunhat and put it on my head. "What's it say?" He pulls down the brim. "Beautiful. It's right about that." I smile and he goes to find his stuff. He comes back with some sunglasses and shorts. I hold up the littlest black bikini I can find. It's another one with no ass. "It goes with the letters on my hat." "Yes. Yes, it does. You should put that on now." I laugh. "I'll take pictures with it later." "Pictures?" "Yea, for my mailing list." "I need on that list." We find a table in the shade and I tell the brains to bring us some tacos. Then I show him my picture with the thong. "I send all kinds of pictures." "I'm glad I'm not a vampire. My eyes would be black for 2 years." I smirk. "This swimsuit is next. I think I'll even wear my hat for it." He shakes his head. "Add me." I laugh and have the brain bring him a ship phone. I show him how to use it and send a couple of my pictures while we eat tacos. He shakes his head. "What's he mad about now?" Zion is standing in the middle of the path with his arms crossed. It seems like he's staring at us, but his helmet is on. I can't tell. I can't see his eyes through it. "Who knows? It's always something." "I guess he can be mad." He eats his last bite of a taco. Thora sits with us. "You forgot to turn the village on. Everything is free here. I got a new hat." I laugh. "I got a whole golf cart of stuff." She cracks up laughing. "I want some of those sandals too." "Grab a pair before my boys figure it out." She runs off and Zion comes over. He pulls the sunglasses off Scotch's face. "Now you're stealing from her? Leave her the f**k alone." "I didn't steal shit." Scotch jumps up. "WHAT THE f**k IS THAT?" Zion motions at the cart then shoves Scotch. Zion grabs a chair and I jump in the middle of them. "Enough." "That asshole..." He tries to swing the chair at Scotch. Instead, he hits me with it. I grab my arm and fall on my knee. "HEY." "s**t. I'm..." Scotch starts beating the hell out of him. I get up, and my knee is bloody. Nadine pushes me into a chair. "OMAR." "Boys." Omar heals my leg and arm. Dipak and Tre grab the boys. Then Malax comes over. "WHAT THE f**k NOW?" "HE'S f*****g STEALING FROM HER." "NO. I'M NOT. YOU HIT HER WITH A f*****g CHAIR. SHE'S BUSTED UP BECAUSE OF YOU." I stand up. "Thank you, Omar." "You're welcome. Don't get in the middle of them anymore." "Yea. Lesson learned." "How the f**k is he stealing?" Malax stares at the golf cart. Then he shakes his head. "What the hell is going on?" "These are sunglasses from over there. The stores are off. They're not taking money. He knows this, and he's taking whatever he wants." Malax looks at Scotch. Scotch smirks. "I bought them." He points at a brain. "Scotch purchased the sunglasses and swim shorts from the shop." "What about?" Zion points at the cart. "Everything on that is hers. The food is from the ship. That's not stolen either. Anything else you want to accuse me of? Or would you rather keep getting your ass kicked?" Scotch sits beside me and looks at my arm. "Her arm is still bruised where you hit her with the chair." Malax rubs his face. "Omar, can you check her arm again? Woman, stop stealing from yourself. Turn the stores on to accept money." I sit up. "Thora's shoes can still be free." "Yes, ma'am." Malax shakes his head. "Zion, come with me. The rest of you, find something else to do." I wait for everyone to leave and look at Scotch. "You paid for them?" He shrugs his shoulders. "You're not the only person I messed up with my f**k up. I honestly can't take 1 cent from you. I know these are your stores. I can't not pay. Are you alright?" "Yea, I'm fine." "I am making good money now." "Don't lie. I know you work for my dad." He cracks up laughing. "That man is cheap. But honestly, he started me out higher than anyone else was willing to." "Are you going back to school?" "I'm not sure. I was planning to but after the invasion, I decided to take a year off. I'm figuring out I like this. I can get a place on my own. I make enough money." "You'll make more money if you go to school." "Yea. I'm stuck on the decision. Start life and live for real. Or go back to books for 5 years and party on the weekends. Then start life in 5 years with a little more money and a lot more debt." "When you put it that way..." He laughs. "I think some majors are absolutely pointless. They add to the debt and don't pay off when people graduate. Some majors are worth it though. I'm sure you will learn a lot in terraforming and colonization. I don't think you could even get a job in those fields without a degree." "What were you planning on going into?" "Engineering. It works with the suppra job. It's mechanics and building. How they go together. Then the computer stuff is on the other side of it. Then some science building the materials. Engineering helps with that too." "Sounds like you might be in the right position." "I could learn more if I went to school. But do I need to? I've already got the job. I don't want to go to five years of school to get the same job." "That would piss me off. Go to school for 5 years and get the exact same job I had before." "Come on, woman. It's getting dark. We have an all-day meeting tomorrow." I jump up and Tim hugs me. "Did you eat?" "Yea, we had tacos." "Good girl." He kisses my head and motions for the brain. "Get her stuff to my room and put the cart away." "Yes, sir." "Come on, Scotch. You can't be out all night either. We need you both working tomorrow."

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