The gold moon pack: facing the big brother

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Adira POV I've been worried about all my girls, they have been split up into different teams before but this time it feels different I can't shake off the bad feeling. I've had meetings with Zanda every day since they left and so far.. *abuse of un-mated she-wolves *reports of abuse *mate separations *reports of withholding food for pack members And the list goes on but so far the gold moon pack haven't really found any clues as such and are questioning pack members. But it's strange it's like they are keeping something from us and I'm worried. I decide to ring Zoe just to check in with her, to see if she is ok. It rings a few times before she picks up "hello" I hear her and I can tell she has been crying but trying to sound normal "what has happened why are you crying" I ask but she starts to cry more breaking my heart 'if someone has hurt her I'll kill them' Hope growls angrily 'I agree'. "Hey love what's happened is everything ok" Blane asks hugging me from behind as I'm pacing "no something has happened, Zoe is crying and I need to go" I say turning in his arms and he looks mad also "ok my love, you go see if she is ok, bring her home if you need to but make sure she is ok" he says but he's pissed at the thought of his baby sister is hurt. He wasn't pleased with the idea of her joining our group but we wore him down and then he agreed. "I will my love" I say giving him a kiss "please be safe, I'll handle everything this side" he said before deepening the kiss. I think of Zoe and close my eyes concentrating and there I am, stood in front of Zoe and she is trying to calm herself down. I sit besides her and pull her into a loving hug and she cries her heart and soul out, she looks absolutely heart broken and devastated 'Xena can you please explain the situation' we ask through mind link as I feel heartbreak from them both 'yes my Queen, we found our mate' she says but why would they be this upset 'what happened' Hope asks 'the first meeting we walked into him kissing another she-wolf but even though we were there he didn't care, she said she was going to be Luna but he said he didn't want or need a mate or Luna he just f***s anyone he wants and then he said we could hook up but nothing else' she explains broken causing both me and Hope to growl 'that peice of s**t' Hope growls out. ''She tried to avoid him but I begged for her to go to him, to forgive him but she was so strong, she didn't, she refused to be treated like s**t by anyone including her mate but he kept flaunting them in front of her and then not long ago he pretty much positioned her with a deal, making her feel cheap and worthless... he offered us to be his Luna but he would still be sleeping around because he isn't ready to settle down but it would make his pack happy and we could have anything... like he was buying us, paying for a service... she was devastated and I came forward and told him straight and agreed that we will be rejecting him then she tried to reject him but Arlo stopped her just in time because he is a sweet wolf, he didn't want us to be in pain and distracted with a threat around, he also said he understood why we have to reject them because of his stupid human but told us he loved us both and we ended up back here' Xena was now whining at the loss of her sweet wolf. 'That absolute selfish childish and irresponsible prick, he doesn't deserve to be an Alpha' Hope growled and I agree an Alpha is mature, understanding and always puts his mate and pack above all else. After she has calmed down and looks at me "oh my sweet girl you deserve so much more" I try and soothe her "It's ok I'm going to reject him I have been praying to our moon goddess for a second chance mate" she says inbetween sniffles "come" I say taking her hand and leading her out the room, he will regret the day he ever humiliated and devastated my sweet girl "fill me in on your progress let's get this wrapped up and then your coming home" I say and I listen as she fills me up on their progress and they have done good so far but it seems that Kelly is always in the middle of everything maybe that's our answer. We are now stood in front of the office door and I would always respect an Alpha and knock but he doesn't deserve that so we walk straight in and he is there sucking face with a fake looking b***h pissing me and Hope off letting out a growl. They are lucky they jumped apart when they did otherwise they would be dead. "You out" I say pointing at the b***h but she doesn't move what the f**k is wrong with this b***h "I SAID OUT" I shouted and she finally scrambles out and leaving the Alpha stood there looking shocked "who are you, we were not expecting any visitors today and I don't appreciate uninvited guests" he says in his Alpha voice but non of us flinch at all it just makes us angrier " you peice of s**t you dare break my sweet girls heart and then go on like nothing has happened, stood in here with a w***e in your arms while she cries her heart out upstai-" He cut me off big mistake Hope is fuming 'fuming doesn't even come close to how angry I am, he should think himself lucky he is Zoe mate or he would already be dead' Hope says "I said who are you an-" and there he goes again "YOU DARE CUT ME OFF, YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT YOUR QUEEN" Hope is on the surface and she is fuming at the disrespect. "I apologise my Queen, please forgive my disrespect" Darian said on his knee and baring his neck "THINK YOURSELF LUCKY BECAUSE IF IT WASN'T FOR THE FACT THAT IT WOULD HURT ZOE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DEAD" Hope growls out "sit down now and shut your mouth until you are told to open it" Adira is now back in control but she is full of anger too. We take a seat also and he is very nervous. "Please explain to me why I sent my best team to help you solve your parents murder and you disrespect them and instead of helping, you just think it's completely acceptable to be getting your pleasures with filthy whores" she growls out the last few words even angrier "I apologise my Queen if I've given the impression of not being bothered or helping, I agree that I could be doing more but with Zoe showing up and I have no interest in having a mate yet, I thought it best I keep my distance" he explains but Zoe rolls her eyes as if he is full of s**t. "And what do you intend to do" I ask making his eyes go wide with panic, he obviously didn't think I would ask what he will be doing now to help "erm... I'll go with your team to question the people who was in the kitchen and dining room" he said in a rush, he really is stupid "you asked for secrecy because you don't want the people responsible knowing your close to finding the truth, so my team have been foing great with the task I'm just disappointed you didn't think with your brain and not your d**k" I say but he just put his head down "you are supposed to be the Alpha here, how can your pack have full confidence and faith in you leading them when so far you have been a selfish jerk, your supposed to be here for all pack members, if they have good news or worries you are supposed to guide them, love them and keep them safe, how do you think they will feel about that when you disrespect your mate, their Luna, flaunting your whores around her, hurting her and thinking this is a suitable situation, then you disrespected and hurt her more by offering for her to be your Luna while you have side whores when it pleases you." "I mean no disrespect to you my Queen but my situation with Zoe has no effect to the investigation she is one of your warriors and I don't think it needs your attention" is he serious, I'm the queen and it's my business if a mate is being abused or neglected in anyway, my position is so I can help and protect everyone.we give him a ferocious growl "you really don't have a clue hey, well I'll be back in a few" I said fuming before disappearing and reappearing in front of Blane who is in his office dealing with paperwork, "you need to come with me Zoe needs our support" I explain everything while he mindlinked Zane about the situation and for Zane to step in and keep an eye on everything until we get back. To say he and Jack are mad would be an understatement. We all look out for Zoe she's our little darling and anyone that upsets her deals with her family, Zane also wanted to come but Blane explained he needed someone here. I make a small portal walking through it with Blane. As soon as he sees his little sis he pulls her into a hug asking if she is ok, Zoe reassures him that she is ok, he shoves her behind him as he turns to Darian "YOU" Blane and Jack say as one before launching at him but he didn't have time to prepare before he is dangling by his neck, Blanes big hand wrapped around his neck choking him. I wished I could leave him but I can see how it is upsetting Zoe, even though he has been a s**t mate and she is thinking of rejecting him, he is still her mate so I put my hand on Blanes arm "my love your hurting Zoe, please calm down and tell this peice of s**t what happens now, shall we" I say calming him down and he drops Darian to the floor where he coughs and splutters. "You better listen good pup because I won't be repeating myself and be warned if I have to then it doesn't end well for you" Blane says eerily calm and Darian nods and sits on his chair. "Not only do you disrespect your mate but you made her feel worthless but trust me when I say you are the worthless one, as king and queen we have decided to remove you from your position when we find a suitable replacement" Blane says and Zoe and Darian eyes go wide "wait..wait.. I'm a good Alpha, I put my pack first, I am as I should be and because I'm going through tough times with your warrior shouldn't go against me as an Alpha" he says but his words make it worse "that warrior you keep referring to as if she means nothing, as if she hasn't earned the right to be shown respect has done more with her life than you could ever dream of.. saving packs, Alphas, Lunas, pups, witches and rogues when they needed it she is a better and more advanced warrior than your whole pack including you but most of all how proud we are of her for all she has achieved, but mostly I'm a very proud BIG BROTHER" Blane growls the last 2 words to get across the seriousness of the conversation and Darian is shocked to the core, he started shaking a little "sis..sister, your her brother my king, I had no idea I apologise" Darian now apologising trying to take back his words "she actually has 4 big brothers and not to mention 4 sisters in law, me included that wants to kick your ass" he pales at this realising his mistake. "Blane please don't take his position away, as shitty of a mate he is he is a good Alpha, his pack is well cared for and the former Alpha and Luna were great leaders and built a strong and solid pack up from the ground and it's not fair to tarnish their name because their son doesn't appreciate the mate the goddess blessed him with" Zoe said making Darians eyes wide in shock probably wondering why she has saved his ass but that is the kind of loyal and beautiful she-wolf she is. "Are you sure because what he has done is lower than low" Blane asked seriously and she nods yes "please Blane, he obviously doesn't want or need me and I'm coming to terms with that and I plan on rejecting him when we are done so we can both move on and be happy" she says how can anyone not want her but it's his loss. "Ok if your sure sweet, but I have a few more things to say before we leave, First you cause any more tears for our sweet girl nothing will stop me from tearing you apart leaving nothing behind" I say and Darian pales more nodding yes "and Zoe you have until tomorrow night to solve this mission and then you and our girls will be coming home" I say smiling to her and she nods yes giving me a small smile "lastly YOU do not go near another she-wolf while Zoe is here, you want her or not you will respect her while she is in your pack if not I'll be teleporting all 4 brothers back here to deal with you" I say turning back to face Darian "I won't and I apologise again" he says shrinking back a little. With that we double check with Zoe that this plan is ok or if she wants to come home now but she is determined to solve this and see it through to the end. We bid her goodbye before warning that peice of s**t again and leaving through a portal. He should think himself lucky that he got a mate like Zoe and I do wish it turns out ok for her but I'm not sure if it's too far gone.
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