Chapter 1 Introductions and some news!

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Raelynn Holy cheese on a cracker. I looked like a girl, like an actual freaking girl, with make-up on and a dress that showed off all of my curves. I knew I shouldn’t have doubted my sister from another mister and bestie, Sasha, but I don’t dress up nor do I wear make-up. I did a twirl, watching my black strapless dress spin and sparkle as I moved. It made my long curly black hair appear to have a deep blue tint and my green eyes pop out. That would freak everyone out, which I was down for. I turned back to see Sasha holding back her reaction until she saw mine. I fought this in the beginning because dressing up wasn’t my thing. Sasha was the dress wearer and the more girly of us. Even though we were both short and curvy our similarities ended there. She was bossy and flirty which made all the guys in the pack want to find out if she was their mate. I used sarcasm and jokes to protect my heart which made it seem to all the shifters like I was a brat. And me being the only human among a pack full of wolf shifters made me more of an outcast, but I didn’t care. I had my adoptive family, consisting of Sasha and Dad. “Raelynn, you are one sexy beast. Now you can finally agree with me and stop fussing with your dress. Get your cute ass over here for pictures!” She ordered with a smirk on her face. Her voice was soft but had the strength in it to quiet a room full of men. It made my eyes land on hers even without an alpha command. “This is a party to celebrate you and the day the goddess knew to bring my bestie into the world.” I turned around to thank her, but the words got stuck in my throat. She radiated beauty causing a slight zing of jealousy that only lasted a second. Her shoulder length blonde hair and huge blue eyes made her stand out in a crowd like Barbie herself. She was a bit taller than me with wider hips and thicker thighs. All the guys here slobbered over her. Heck, sometimes I even did. “Damn, girl! You are fine as hell.” I made sure to slowly run my eyes up her whole body as I walked over to her. “Can I get your number?” We busted up laughing and she shoved me away. “Stop that! I can’t mess up my make up yet. We have pictures to take and men to flirt with.” “I know. I always get so nervous when I'm in the center of attention.” I barely stopped myself from showing my nervous habit of playing with my hair and tried to focus on Sasha setting up her phone on the tripod. “What if there is something in my teeth? What if there's toilet paper on the bottom of my foot? I would like one day without being a complete klutz.” “That might be a big ask.” She teased me and bumped her shoulder against mine. “We all know about the imaginary speed bumps and the fact that you fall uphill. I will be right beside you so that none of that happens. The main thing I’m concerned about is your long, curly, black, hair that can turn into a knotted, tangled, mess in a few seconds flat.” I agreed with her on my hair since I have been dealing with its rebellion all my life. I finally decided to let it do its own thing and now it is past my butt when I let it down. “Then we better get some pictures in before it decides to go crazy on us,” I said as she had finally finished how she wanted the camara and whatever was behind us in her all-pink room. It looked like someone dumped all the pink and sparkly items you could find at the store and then added more. We took a couple together before doing some silly poses alone. The party had already started downstairs and that was fine with me. I wasn’t the most loved in the pack and the feelings were mutual after the stupid s**t some of the pack had pulled. I only had this party for Sasha and Dad. “Ok, last pose before we head down. I need you to not stick your huge ta-tas out please. It’s the only thing I can concentrate on when checking the picture!” She giggled from behind her phone. “Are you sure those things are secure in there? It would be your luck to have one pop out when you’re blowing your candles out.” I shook my boobs toward the camara causing her to laugh even more. “It's called boob tape and I used a whole roll so these puppies are not going anywhere unless I give them permission.” “Knock, Knock. Old man about to walk in,” Alpha King Jerrick, my adoptive father, said before he pushed the door open and walked over to us. “I heard someone’s birthday party started an hour ago. Do you know whose it is?” He had a huge smile on his face and an even bigger present in his hands. “Mine, you senile old man. You know that it's my birthday at midnight so we're going to groove into my birthday.” I sung out to him. “And you owe me a dance.” I knew he would give me one dance and that was all. He said it was his old age acting up but really it was the she-wolves wanting to take his lap for a ride. He was handsome for being over sixty. He only looked about thirty and he acted like that most of the time. “I think I might be able to handle that. Happy early birthday, sweetheart,” he said as he gave me a huge bear hug. I'm glad he couldn’t hear my thoughts when I called him Papa Bear.I doubted wolf shifters appreciated being called a different animal. I haven't ever tried it and I don't plan to. The hours he put into training and the muscles to prove there was a reason he was the king alpha put a lot of my silly antics into question. “Dad! We are trying to get some pictures, so move it or lose it. Take a couple of us and then we'll set up a timer so we can take some together. We have to make sure we get some good ones. It's not every day that my best friend and sister turns the big twenty-one!” Sasha exclaimed before shoving her camera into her dad's hands and pulling me to her. “Ok but only a few. We need to have a talk before shaking our tail feathers.” He grabbed the camara and gave us a wink. “Ugh, quit trying to be cool dad.” Sasha rolled her eyes at her dad and pointed to the camara. “You know how to use that right?” He gave no response.
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