Chapter 9: Can the High School drama be over?

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Raelynn We had caught up to Sasha as the orientation was ending so we joined her to get our schedules, lunch, and afternoon tours. I mentioned to Zion he didn’t have to stay with us since he wasn’t a freshman, but he scoffed and ignored me. They announced that our books, laptop, uniform, and other essentials would be in our rooms when we got back there. Anything extra like cute pens or extra items we would to buy at the bookstore, so I made sure to put that on my to do list. I had a thing about different color pens and having way too many with me at all times. “And this is the cafeteria and dining hall.” Zion swept his arm in front of us as we walked through the double doors. “There is something for every type of supernatural here so pay attention where you walk because you might see something that disgusts you.” “Welp, thanks for hanging out with us newbies today,” I said to Zion pushing him forward. “You can join your friends now.” “Little Flower...” He started to argue but was interrupted by a few guys at one of the tables yelling at him to get over there. “Fine but I will find you later. We have some things to discuss.” We watched him walk away before heading over to the food. Sasha kept going on about how she thought my stalker was cute and protective but I was happy to have a few moments to myself. She had no idea what it was like to try to go to the bathroom while telling a crazy male who was a foot taller than you that he wasn’t allowed in the girl’s restroom with you. He didn’t let anyone else in as he guarded the door. “So what do you think I should do about the whole Greyson mate situation?” Sasha asked as she finished filling up her tray with meat upon meat. “Is he a student here?” I didn’t remember if we even found that out before we were kidnapped and knocked out. “I don’t know but I keep having these thoughts that he is going to show up out of nowhere and reject me in front of everyone.” She sighed and led the way to the closest empty table. “I don’t get why he won’t give me a chance.” I placed my tray down beside hers but before I could sit or reply three girls walked up to me with sneers on their faces. I already knew it was going to be one lead bully with two dumb followers. School hadn’t even started yet and I am already target number one. “Listen here you pathetic halfling.” The lead girl screeched. “Zion and his soul bonded are mine so back off before I have to make you.” “We’d tell you to warn your parents you might end up missing but we heard you don’t have any.” The brown-haired follower joked causing all three to giggle. “So I would pay attention to Sinthia.” “Oh, no somebody get me a tissue before I cry,” I said fake pouting. “I’ve never had anyone make that joke before.” I rolled my eyes at them and sat down. The lead girl was almost 6 foot with black scales on her forehead and small green horns. She huffed at my reply and hit the table with her hands leaning in my bubble. Sasha’s wolf was front and center showing herself through Sasha’s glowing eyes. She wouldn’t be taking any crap from anyone. “You heard what I said. Stay away from them.” She hissed, baring her fangs at me. “Especially Zion. I have had my taste of them and I will be the only center they ever taste.” I shoved her arms off the table sending her stumbling back. “No clue what a soul bond is but if it involves Zion you can keep it. I prefer to have some sort of privacy in my life.” “Don’t touch Claudia.” The third girl screeched stepping into my personal bubble. “I should kick your ass to show this whole school what a weak b***h you are.” “You can try, sweetie, but I don’t think it will go in your favor.” I gave her a smile and turned back to my tray. “Could you tell me if the food is good or not? It looks decent but you never know with school cooked food.” She huffed and stepped back behind Claudia. They gave one last threat of violence before storming off. Sasha and I stared at each other a bit puzzled before dissolving into laughter. It seems all the schools are the same with the crazies, hotties, and the standard groups of friends. “Now what is the plan?” I asked Sasha as we finished up our food. “Now you come with me to the dean’s office to have a meeting about your results.” A deep, dangerous voice spoke from behind me. We turned toward the voice and mouth opened at the fact that one of the most handsome men I have ever seen in my life was standing behind us. Holy smokes would I climb that tall hunk of man meat like a monkey in heat. His long caramel brown hair was pulled back into a man bun and his glasses didn’t hide his red eyes that were checking me out. “Excuse me, Ms. Raelynn?” He sounded a bit annoyed at me at my staring at him. “Umm. Yes, sounds like a plan.” Yup that sounded like a cool and calm answer. “Ready Sasha?” “She isn’t invited to this meeting. It is the dean, your tester, yourself, and me.” The guy stated with a frown. “Well, since I don’t even know your name or the dean I will be bringing my sister. If not you can walk your happy ass right back to tell them I have better things to do.” I lifted my left eyebrow and remained in my seat. “Fine. Let’s go.” He said and walked to the doors. “My name is Professor Black. You should remember it since I will most likely have you in my combat class.” Well, crap on a stick. I just made a bad impression on someone who is supposed to teach me to survive. I was screwed.
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