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EP 2 CHAPTER 7 EMBERLYN WOLFSONG The wolf suddenly turns towards me and lifts me in its large arms. "What the hell is going on? This is not an ordinary wolf; this particular wolf is not walking on fours; this is a Lycan, and this particular Lycan is a very large one, maybe an alpha; I don't even know because I did not get a chance to look at the wolf in the eyes." The wolf suddenly carries me briskly as far as the wind, leaping away from the arena and obstructing my face from seeing its movements. I hear the large shouts of students around the arena, and I know that everyone is gazing at him, with shock and surprise on their faces. "Who is this wolf, and why is this wolf helping me? What the hell is going on?" In a few moments, everything suddenly turns silent. I feel myself being laid on the ground, and then the large palm covering my eyes lets go. I open my eyes briskly, and it takes a while before I can realize where I am. I am in the hallway that leads to the various restrooms in the school building. "How the hell did he get here so fast?" I immediately turn my head toward the direction where I feel the presence of the wolf, and I watch as the wolf struggles to a position and begins to growl. I hear its bones snapping and cracking as it falls to the ground, growing, and within a short period, Alex is kneeling right before me, completely unclad. He looks up at me with his eyes glittering blood red before shaking his head, and his normal pupils return. He walks towards the direction of the hallway and takes out a bag, where he brings out a new set of clothes, and he puts them on quickly. Immediately, I find my eyes go wide when I behold his manhood, and a faint blush creeps up my cheeks. "Holy s**t, stop being a p*****t right now, Emberlyn; what the f**k are you looking at?" I immediately snap my gaze away from him, unable to contain the shock still running through my body. I am seated at the position, relaxing my back against the wall, just as I keep panting hard and trembling without measure. He finally zips up his jacket and then slowly approaches me with his hand in his pockets. The expression on his face lets me know that he is not happy at all with everything that has happened. He walks close to me and then stands before me, extending his hand towards me. I slowly take his hand, and he helps me stand up. I lean against the wall as he comes close towards me, towering high above me, and gazing down at me intensely. "I honestly do not like what I saw out there," he says, and I gulp down hard, dreading to hear what is about to say next. "Are you okay?" he asks, and I nod my head numbly, unable to say a word. "Good, because you have a lot of questions to answer. I couldn't just sit down there and watch you be humiliated when everyone knows that you are my girlfriend and my mate. So to every damn question I am asking you, you had better give me a reasonable answer, and a very valuable reason why I shouldn't hold you in the neck and send you to the underworld." The moment that sentence escapes his lips, I feel as though my spirit left my body and returned for a brief moment. "Oh crap, he is also looking at me as a pest right now." I tilt my head to look out the nearest window to see that the day is gradually returning. "It is all over, and it can't happen anymore; the solstice has ended before I can get any chance of revealing my true self; that will have to be next year." By this time, I feel slight tears begin to seep out of my eyes. "It is officially over; what am I going to do to escape this?" "Look at me, Emberlyn," he says with a deep threatening voice, and I snap my focus back to him immediately with maximum effect. "Start talking," he says, unfolding his arms as he gazes at me expectantly, with so much fury in his eyes. "Tell me what exactly happened; why couldn't you locate your beast? Have you been lying to me all this while? Have you always been a human and not a resident of this world? Stop keeping quiet and speak to me because I need a vital reason why I shouldn't kick you off right now and smash you into goddamn pieces." The tone of his voice makes me know that he means what he is saying; he is looking at me as a pest. Oh my goodness, what am I ever going to do right now? If he can look at me this way, then there is no guarantee that my parents will ever accept me back; I am already abandoned, and I have already been banished, even before I get home; I am sure my luggage will be waiting for me at the front door of our apartment. What am I going to do? What do I even want to tell him? I can't even explain everything myself; I had expected that this was going to be easy; it is supposed to be easy, just like everyone else has been able to figure it out for themselves; why is my own different? Why the hell wasn't I able to see anything? "I am listening, Emberlyn," he says with a very deep, gruesome, dark, threatening voice; the anger in his voice is so evident; he can do whatever he says he wants to do right now; my life doesn't matter to him anymore, and he can easily snuff it out within the blink of an eye. "I am listening, Emberlyn," he says, loud and clear again, forcing me to jerk in my position as I step back, but the wall is obstructing me, and I have no way to move. He steps closer and closer till his face is only an inch away from mine. "I am listening," he says again, but this time, his voice is not his normal voice; his voice is now his wolf voice, and I observe as his canines begin to extend slowly, and his eyes turn blood red. "Oh crap, he didn't protect me because he cared; he protected me because he needed answers as to why I can't meet up to the standard as expected; oh Jeez, I can't believe this is happening." "You have to give me a very vital reason right now, Emberlyn, because you are supposed to be my goddamn mate; I can feel the Bond between us, and I know that we are meant to be for each other; how am I even sure you are also feeling it too? Are you sure you are not human? Speak to me, Emberlyn; I need an answer right now," he says so loud, and his voice becomes much more enraged; I can tell that he is gradually losing it, but what do I even want to say? I don't know. I open my mouth to say something, but all I can say are whimpers due to the amount of fear rocking my senses; my lips are trembling, and I look at him with so much anxiety in my chest. "You have to give me a very vital reason right now, Emberlyn," he says again, and I know that I have to say something, but what do I even want to say? I am so confused, and I don't even know what is going on.
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