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EP 2 CHAPTER 6 EMBERLYN WOLFSONG Oh good God, my adrenaline kicks in, and I see an open space beneath her as she leaps towards me. I shut my eyes and then clenched my fists as all the combat lessons my dad had taught me over the years began to spin endlessly in my brain. "I can't afford to be humiliated amid my peers in this large arena and be looked at as someone who can't fend for herself." I somersault beneath Sage as she leaps and then dive through the open space, finding my way as I begin to sprint and run far away from the wolves as fast as I can. "I have to locate the entrance of the arena and run out." I hear the yapping and snarling sounds of the wolves as they begin to storm towards me furiously with their killing intent aura filling up the air and choking the living hell out of me. Oh goodness me, I am so finished; the fear that I am feeling right now is enough to make me lose control of my body, but I can't let that happen. I have to find a way to escape this; I can't end up being a pest right here and be humiliated in front of everyone in the entire school because I can't summon my inner self. "Maybe I just have to find a way to locate my core; I just have to try my best; maybe I wasn't focusing hard enough." But it looks like I don't have much time. As I run, I look up to see the full moon slowly disappearing, and I know that with time, the dark cloud will disperse, and then the day will return. "I have to do things quickly, as fast as I can; what am I going to do? Why the hell is everything so goddam hard?" I have to just find a way to escape this arena and then figure out the next step in my plan. I glance at the entrance of the arena which is an iron gate, still wide open, and extreme joy sails through my heart. "I guess now is my chance." I look back to see the wolves speeding and sprinting toward me with full force, leaving a cloud of dust behind them with Sage at the forefront. "Oh sweet cheese, the fact that they are only seven, and they are leaving behind this much dust, shows just how fast and determined they are to get to me and make my life so useless right now." Crap, I focus my mind on my ankle and clench my fists together, keeping all my concentration on the entrance of the arena before stomping and sprinting towards it with every power in my bones. "I have to do this; I can't let this happen; I have to get out of here as quickly as possible and find a place where I can concentrate and locate my inner soul before the full moon disappears." I have to do this. Before I can get another chance; it will have to be this time next year, and I can't wait that long; that is going to be another whole year of intense torture and disgrace. "Crap, no, that is so not happening, and I won't let it even happen, talkless of taking place." I squinted my eyelids and increased my pace, speeding so fast. I am about a few meters away from the entrance when I realize to my horror that the door to the entrance is slowly closing. "What the hell, who is doing this? Oh crap, " "I am so sorry, Emberlyn, but don't think it's going to be that easy." I hear the voice of Principal sounding through the speakers, and my eyes go wide; it is now that I know that I'm so doomed and finished; this has been their plan all along; this has just been the plan for anyone who isn't able to locate their beast; they are planning to make a show of me; they are planning to just useless me before the entire school. How am I even sure it's going to be that easy with Sage on the run for me? She is going to end my life; that has been her desire from the beginning, and I can sense it; I can sense it coming from the Aura of her wolf, which is currently fixated on me with so much danger and fury erupting from her pupils. "Oh crap, I am so doomed; I have to get out of here before that door closes; oh help me, moon goddess, moon goddess, please don't do this to me; please help me accelerate my speed and make me fly so that I may escape the foes currently after my being; help me, please." I clench my fist and find myself screaming with so much determination as I increase my speed, feeling my leg muscles begin to ache. "God, I don't think I can go anymore faster than this, but the door is already closing gradually and gradually; it closed to the point where I know I won't be able to pass through, and just as I'm about a few feet away from the door, it shuts before my face, and I slam against the door with my entire body, too weak to run again. Oh great, I guess that does it; I have exhausted the entire strength I am supposed to use to escape from these wolves, to escape from the arena, and now all that plan is futile; the door is locked, and there is no escape for me. I can't even move a bone; I can't move anymore; I can't even move a muscle as I slump to the ground and sit at the foot of the gate, glancing at the hordes of wolves currently stomping towards my direction, snarling and yapping for my life. When the hell did my life get to this? I do not understand; I don't understand what is going on; this is not how my life is supposed to be; why did everything have to become this... Oh, good god, I shut my eyes and clenched my fists, "Emberlyn, if there is anything you need to do, you need to do it right now because the moment these wolves get to you, your life is officially over," I tell myself, "fight Emberlyn, fight; god dammit, you are not a weakling as they say; fight and break through the barriers that are obstructing you from locating your core; fight and breakthrough; you can do this." I keep on thinking to myself as I shut my eyes, looking at the void of darkness deep down within me. "Why is it so hard to find? Why does everything just have to be so goddamn difficult?" I growl with frustration and find myself screaming in my position as the wolves begin to move closer and closer toward me. Just as they are about an inch away from me, I open my eyes to see Sage close to me with her jaws wide apart, about to bite through my arm. But then the next thing happens so quickly, like a flash; I can't even get enough time to figure out what happened. A very large, gigantic figure suddenly stands in front of me, backing me and confronting the wolves that were about to attack me. I hear a very loud howl and watch as Sage and her gang slowly retreat, gazing at the gigantic wolf with shock in their eyes. "What the hell is going on? Who is this wolf?"
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