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"Yes Manik I will marry you ", said Nandani. Manik hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, and introduced Nandani to his parents.  { Raj Malhotra father of Manik. Age 48 years . Neyonika Malhotra mother of Manik. Age 45 years } Than he went to Nandani's uncle and aunt and told, "Ma'am, Sir I promise, I will keep Nandani always happy and fulfill all her wishes and desires" "Manik I am very sure about that. You will give Nandani everything which we weren't able to give", said Mr. Murthy. "No Uncle you gave me everything, best education, best life and happiness ", said Nandani hugging him. Than Manik made an announcement about their engagement, the coming week. After the birthday party got over, Manik dropped Nandani,  her younger brother, and uncle and aunt to their residence .  "Good Night baby take care ", Manik said. "You too", said Nandani and bid him farewell and went to her house. She freshened herself up, and was sitting on the sofa and was thinking how her life changed, and how she turned positive in her life. How Manik stood beside her in every trial. She realized that sometimes letting go and moving on is the best thing to do. She slept thinking about all these. The next morning, Navya came to Nandani's house. She went to her room and found Nandani sleeping . She started to hit Nandani with a pillow and told, "Oh hello you lazy a*s, you are getting engaged next week . There are so many preparations to do, get up" "Navya let me sleep", Nandani said covering her face with the blanket. "Nandani this is the last time I am asking you, Are you waking up ?", asked Navya. "No ", said Nandani. "Fine", said Navya and went to the kitchen and removed a bottle from the refrigerator and headed back to Nandani's room again. She emptied the entire bottle on her and Nandani woke up with a jerk. Navya started to laugh. "Navya are you mad?", said Nandani running behind her. They started to run around the whole room and were throwing stuffs on each other. They got tired, and sat on the bed and started laughing. "Now go freshen yourself up quickly, we are going for shopping", said Navya. Nandani freshened up quickly, and had her breakfast hurriedly, and went for shopping with Mukti, Alya and Navya. They did a lot of shopping and the preparations for the engagement were going on in both Manik's and Nandani's house.  Finally the most awaited day of engagement arrived. Manik designed Nandani's engagement dress from one of the best designer of India.  Manik was sitting on the sofa and talking to Dhruv, Cabir and Abhimanyu when Nandani came downstairs. Manik was looking at her with his mouth wide open, she looked that pretty.  "Manik mosquito will get into your mouth, better shut it", said Cabir teasing him. "Very funny Cabir", he told with a fake smile.  Manik and Nandani exchanged the rings and took blessings from the elders while Cabir was lost in Navya , Dhruv in Alya and Abhimanyu in Mukti.  They had fallen in love. They confessed their feelings and proposed to them and the girls told a yes. Love was in the air.  In evening, there was a mehendi ceremony. All the girls were applying mehendi, and the men fed them.  At night, they removed their mehendi. Nandani's mehendi had the darkest color .  "Oh Nandani,  Manik will love you crazily ", said Navya teasing them. "Navya, I love Nandani crazily and will love her crazily till my last breath", said Manik. Everyone started hooting.  Neyonika exclaimed, "God bless you both. May this love between both of you never gets lesser" "Girls lets go for the hen party ", said Mukti. "Yes, we are also accompanying you ", said Abhimanyu. "Abhimanyu its a hen party and boys are not allowed", said Mukti. "This is not fair ", said Manik "Manik come on after marriage Nandani is yours , till than you are not meeting her", said Alya laughing. "Boys we will also have our Bachelors party,  and shall have more fun", said Manik.  All the girls went to Manik's second house and the boys were in Manik's mansion.  The girls were having a pool party and the boys were sitting in the bar, which was in the mansion and were drinking.  At late night, all the girl returned  to their rooms. Navya and Nandani were sitting and chit-chatting when they heard some noise from the adjacent room. "You sit I will check and come", said Navya .  No sooner did Navya leave Manik came from the balcony and jumped inside the room. Nandani was about to scream but Manik kept his hand on her mouth and whispered, "Hey Relax its me your Manik" * SCENE CHANGE * Navya checked everywhere but found no traces of anyone. She was about to head back to Nandani when someone pulled her to the adjacent room and closed the door. It was none other than Cabir.  "Cabir what are you doing here?", asked Navya. "I was missing you so just came to meet you", said Cabir kissing her cheeks. "Cabir I need to go,  Nandani must be waiting ", said Navya "Navya,  Manik is there with her, you stay with me", said Cabir looking into her eyes. On the other hand Nandani told Manik, "Manik you go from here, what if Navya sees you over here" Manik locked the door and started to walk towards Nandani. He replied, "Navya is with Cabir and now here its just you and me" Nandani started to take step backwards until her back hits the wall. Manik caged her in between his hands. "Manik", Nandani tried to utter, but Manik slammed his lips on hers and started kissing her softly . Nandani equally responded to the kiss.  When Nandani was breathless, Manik kissed her forehead and whispered, "Tomorrow you will be Mrs. Nandani Manik Malhotra " Nandani blushed and Manik pecked her cheeks. *SCENE CHANGE* "Navya, lets go for a romantic drive", said Cabir. Navya nodded and went towards the main door. No sooner did Navya open the door, she saw an old woman coming out of the cab. Navya shut the door and told, "Cabir run and hide" "Why ", asked Cabir "Nandani's grand mom is here ", said Nandani. Cabir and Navya were about to run to the guest room, and hide over there, but while running the vase fell down . Neyonika Manik's mom, and Mrs. Murthy Nandani's aunt, came to check. Cabir and Navya immediately hid behind the sofa. Neyonika saw someone hiding behind the sofa. She told sternly, "Whosoever is hiding behind the sofa come out, or I else I will call the cops" Navya got scared so she crawled out from behind the sofa. Neyonika, and Mrs. Murthy were astonished to see Navya. Mrs Murthy asked, "Navya dear, what are you doing behind the sofa?" "Ma'am I --I ", Navya started to stammer. "Yes Navya, speak up", said Neyonika "Nandani and I were playing hide and seek, so she's searching for me, and I was thus hiding", Navya lied. Neyonika and Mrs. Murthy found hard to digest her clarification. They were about to question her,  but somebody knocked at the door.  Neyonika went and opened the door . It was Nandani's grandmom. Mrs. Murthy hugged her and touched her feet and took blessings. Neyonika said, "Ma'am please come in and have a seat" "Where is Nandani ", asked her grandma "She is in her room ", said Neyonika Nandani's grand mom sat on the sofa and Cabir took advantage of the situation and sneaked out from the door.  He called Manik immediately when Manik was about to kiss Nandani.  He received the call and told irritably, "What the hell Cabir why are you disturbing me" "Manik you can continue with your romance tomorrow, for now just run ", said Cabir. "Why should I run?", asked Manik "Nandani's grandma is here, and she is coming upstairs to meet Nandani, so before she comes just leave ", said Cabir and hung up the call. "What happened Manik?", asked Nandani "Your grandma is here, and she is coming upstairs to meet you", said Manik worriedly. "Manik go away from here before she sees you!", said Nandani. Manik was climbing down from the balcony when he saw Dhruv and Alya taking stroll in the garden by holding their hands. In the attempt to climb down from the balcony his shoe fell on Dhruv and his leg got stuck in the balcony.. Dhruv and Alya were shocked to see Manik hanging from the balcony . At that time, Cabir also came and he was also astonished to see Manik. Dhruv inquired, "What happen to Manik?" "Nandani's grand mom has come over. I informed Manik and told him to run, but I really have no idea why that crazy is committing suicide", said Cabir worriedly. "Manik what are you doing,  you will hurt yourself", shouted Dhruv "Manik get down", shouted Cabir.  Manik muttered, "These idiotic friends of mine, I think, I will surely be caught by Nandani's grandmother." Hearing Cabir and Dhruv shouting,  Neyonika, Mrs. Murthy, Nandani's grandma and Navya came to the garden. Neyonika and Mrs. Murthy were shocked to see the boys but they were even more shocked to see Manik hanging from the balcony. Neyonika told worriedly, "Manik what are you doing, get down" Navya asked Cabir in a low tone, "What happened to Manik why is he committing suicide" "I have no idea", replied Cabir. "Manik climb down, what are you doing?", asked Nandani "My leg got stuck, I am not able to climb down", said Manik "What?", asked Nandani shockingly "Stop giving this expressions and pull me up", said Manik. Nandani tried pulling Manik upwards, and after many attempts she succeeded in pulling him up. Manik and Everyone came inside the bungalow, and Manik and Nandani went downstairs.  Neyonika asked angrily, "Can someone tell me what's going on over here, and Manik why the hell were you committing suicide?" ""Mom--I -- I wasn't committing suicide", Said Manik stammering "So can you do the honors to explain to me what were you doing, by hanging from the balcony ", asked Neyonika.  "Ma'am I guess he got too inspired by Spiderman ", Cabir said laughing.  "Cabir I am not joking over here, and Manik I need a serious answer", said Neyonika sternly. "Mom I was doing pull ups ", said Manik "By hanging from the balcony?", asked Neyonika sarcastically, "Yes Mom", said Manik. "Alright Cabir, Dhruv you both were also doing pull ups?", Neyonika asked sarcastically. "No Ma'am we came to take a stroll in the garden", said Dhruv. "Yes Ma'am ", Cabir added. "Oh is it, despite of there being a huge garden in Malhotra mansion, Dhruv Cabir you came to take stroll over here and Manik you, my fitness freak son there is  a gym in our mansion, despite that you were doing pull ups by hanging from the balcony? Stop giving lame excuse's we know why did you guys come over here. Could't you wait till the morning to meet your girlfriends, and Manik you were going to get married with Nandani tomorrow, don't you have patience?", she told sternly. Manik, Dhruv, Cabir felt embarrassed,  they apologized . "Go back to Malhora mansion and drive safely ", said Neyonika.  Cabir, Dhruv and Manik bid farewell, and went to Malhotra mansion.

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