Chapter 5: Sandy Naps

1052 Words

Chapter 5: Sandy NapsAs children, Jake used to chase Jonah up and down these stairs, screaming at him about something or other negative. When caught by his younger brother, pouncing on Jonah at either the top or bottom levels, Jake would jab fists into Jonah’s gut or back, one hit after the next, pulverizing him and being an impulsive bully. Sometimes Pam came to Jonah’s rescue, but mostly she didn’t, allowing Jake to do whatever he wanted to his sibling. As screams tore through the house during those days of summer vacations, or on winter holidays when the Icicle children were off from school, Jonah did not have a rescuer at hand, nor the strength and muscle to save himself from his younger brother’s violations. Rather, he became Jake’s victim, under the skinny boy’s weight and strength,

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