Chapter 23: Snow-Walk

575 Words

Chapter 23: Snow-WalkJonah and Sandy bundle up in layers of winter clothes and head outside, braving the icy tundra. Jonah thinks they’ve walked on a Hollywood movie set. Wind immediately slashes through the air, striking their eyes, blinding them. Snow blows in circles, whipping against their bodies. Together, side by side, the men begin to tromp through the mounded snow drifts and blizzard-like conditions, walking the two blocks to Mrs. Yori’s Cape Cod. The basket of goodies is clenched in both of Jonah’s arms, pressed against his chest. He wobbles left, right, left, right, and tries not to fall in the heaping snow. It will be a blessed Christmas miracle if he doesn’t drop the gift on his travels. How he is going to make it to 379 Motts Street, a mere two blocks away, is going to be a t

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