3. Andrea

1153 Words
Andrea snatched the shirt from Louis and he winced as he hurt his injury. "I told you last night that you should let a doctor check on you before you leave"Andrea threw his shirt back on the floor,"And your clothes are still a bit wet". Louis crouched on the floor and picked up the shirt,"I don't have any other one right now". "I have a lot of male outfit in my closet, just pick any one"There was an hint of amusement in her voice. Louis paused and then stood up,"I don't need your clothes"He pressed his lips together and made to put the shirt on. She snatched the shirt and dump it on the floor and stepped on it."Stop acting so childish, I'm just trying to help". "I have class this morning so I need to leave". Annoyance flashed through her eyes as he tried dragging the shirt beneath her foot. Her gaze were fixed on him. "Are you always this annoying to deal with"She spoke. Louis increased the force of fingers "Thank you for last night but I'm leaving now". Andrea scoff, eyed him for a second or two and removed her foot from his shirt."It's your life, do what you want. I don't give a damn". Louis picked the shirt and put it on. She walked to her closet and picked out a black shirt and grey pants. "Put these on"She handed the clothes to him but he slowly shook his head. "No thank you".He replied. She smiled and went behind him, her lips went to his ear and he shiver out. She had a lot of effect on him. "Put it on or I'll help you put it on"She whispered to his ears. He shivered again. He could hear the underlying threat in her voice and he knew she wasn't bluffing. He grabbed the shirt from her hand. She walked back and sat on the bed. Her phone rang as he took off his wet shirt. "I'll step outside for a bit and don't leave without seeing me". Louis nodded and she stepped out. She walked back in after a few minute and her eyes slowly scanned the room. Louis was gone and the clothes she gave him was dropped on the bed. "It's good that way"She muttered and walked into the bathroom. She got a call from the casino and as always, a match was already scheduled for her. She cleaned up and brought out her laptop. She quickly type in the name of her opponent in the black market website. Several photos pop up and she went through them. Black cat and he was over six feet tall and never lost a match. Her uncle managed the casino she worked at and she had trained in martial art since she was a child. Andrea sneered in her heart. The level of martial art she displays at the casino was no match for this opponent. Her uncle probably did it on purpose. He was trying to send her grave. She turned off her laptop and laid down. She had to fight or risk losing everything. If she won, it will be bad for her. Trying to come up with a good plan until she slept off. Few hours later, It's almost 4:00 pm and her match was at 8pm. She stood from the bed and did some stretches and yoga poses. Her body was still aching from the previous matches, putting on a black skin tight and sport bra, she tied a scarf around her head. Staring at her reflection on the mirror, she sighed out. There was an easy way out, if she quits. The casino's successor will be one of the top five fighter. The casino was an horrific place. Her dream was to be the head of the casino and find a way to ruin it without causing a blood bath. Her father committed suicide when he realized what the family business entailed. After his death, her father's brother, Antonio took over and manipulated into learning martial arts and fighting in the casino. Her phone rang and his name flashed across the screen. She slide the answer button and turned the loud speaker on. "I hope you are getting ready Andrea"His voice ranged from the other end. "I'll soon be there Antonio"She ended the call. She knew he was probably smirking from the other end. He was waiting to watch her die and it would indeed be a good show. She ignored the discomfort in her chest and put on her shoes and her favorite necklace, gifted to her by her mother before she passed. A black car was parked outside the building and she knew it was her cue to leave. Taking a glance around her room, she stepped out and went downstairs. The bodyguard stepped out and helped her in. A bitter bile rose from the pit of her stomach, death was served to her on a beautiful plate and she was willing to eat it. The drive to casino was short and quiet. By the time the car stopped outside the club, it was 7pm already. She went into the club and into the underground arena, screams increased as she stepped in, mostly cheering for her. She handed her phone to the doorman and he searched thoroughly before letting her into the waiting room. "Andrea why are you fighting today again, have you body recovered from yesterday's match"Levi, one of the grade B fighters asked. She smiled and walked in. Her uncle was inside the waiting room already. He fixed his gaze on her as she walked in. Her face was void of emotion as she looked at him. He leaned back on the sofa, leg crossed as he stared at her. "Your match has been postponed till further notice"His cold voice rang out, pretty intimidating, added with the scar that ran from his left eye to his jaw. Andrea frowned. The tension in the room deepened,"Somehow you managed to find a way to turn things like your father, snake". Under the pressure, Andrea faced him and asked,"What do you mean". He called her in the morning to fix a match and now he's cancelling it. His eyebrow raised and his eyes full of sarcasm."The shareholders refused to let you fight, I hope you are happy but remember, how long can they protect you?"He stood from the sofa and walked to the door. "So what should I do?". "You are just like your father, too good to be evil, you can't stay on the sidelines forever"He said. "So I should go back home". He smirked."You won a lot of money for them last night, so you were granted two weeks of absense". "Huh"She stood shocked. "Go and conservate your strength and come back, so you can ruin".. "What?"Andrea gasped. "Enjoy and have s*x Andrea."He walked and Andrea fell to the ground. He knew.
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