
Bed mates

enimies to lovers

Louis Trevor, shy and fragile guy get saved from bullies by underground fighter Jenna Ryder.

To repay her for the favour, a night of steamy encounter can't just be all they will ever share or will his grey eyes be enough to make her stay.

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1. Bully
Hurried footsteps drummed through the empty street as a group of boys were chasing closely another teenage boy. A loud thud came as he stumbled on a rock and fell to the ground. He groaned out as his knees and elbow landed harshly on the floor. The groups of boys stopped right in front of him. He glanced up in fright, his eyes filled with pain and fear. "Are you tired already huh Louis"One of the boys laughed, the others joining in. They were four of them chasing him. He squat in front of Louis and patted his hair. Louis winced as his cold fingers came in contact with the slight cut on his forehead. "You didn't still learn your lessons yesterday Louis"The boy pressed hard on the cut. Louis winced in pain and the rest of the boys snickered. Louis glanced up at his bullies and tears slide his cheeks. His messy blonde fell over his forehead and his eyes were red and puffy. "You are hurting me"He cried out. "Ofcourse its suppose to hurt"The guy said in mockery. Louis tried pushing the boy's finger away from the cut but he couldn't. His hands got slapped away and he winced slightly. He hissed out as two more boys squat beside their lead bully. "Hurry up Alex and let's leave before someone catches us"The remaining one glanced around the empty street. Alex scoff and glare at his friend,"Keep watch and it's midnight already, no one will come out at this time and stop being such a chicken Jake". Alex fist collided on Louis mouth and the boy cried out in pain, the two others punch his stomach and then started kicking his legs. "Stop"He winced with his elbow blocking his face. The hard kicks kept going on and on and he felt weaker. Today's beatings was worst than any other day. "After this you will do more than let me take the second place in any assignment Louis"Alex raised his fist high when a stone landed on his back. She walked over from the end of the streets, dressed in a black leather pants and jacket with a combat boot. She had a scarf tied around her forehead holding her hair in place. Her aura freezes the air as she advances towards them. Her black hair fell to her shoulder and her slender figure moved slowly through the night. The streets lights illuminated her fair face. Alex moved his hand from Louis face and glared angrily at the intruder. His friend stood behind him as the girl approached. "Leave him alone"She coldly grunted out. Her eyes were on her fingers playing with gloves on her hand. Alex looked about in mockery "Are you referring to us or are you blind"He laughed. The girl coldly glance at him,"You had your chance". Alex laughed harder, he glance back at the whimpering Louis,"A pretty princess is here to save you, aren't you lucky"He mocked and his friends laughed. Louis glanced at her, his eyes still blurry from the tears,"Please leave, I can handle this"He begged. The girl scoff and looked at him, his lips was clearly busted and his outfit was dirty,"You seem to be handling it pretty well"She walked to the side. "You are really smart b***h"Alex laughed turning back to face Louis. Louis spat out blood, struggling to sit up, his skin was really going to bruise. The girl picked up a plank from the side and weighed it in her hand. Alex's friends tapped him and pointed at the girl that advance closer,"Who called me a b***h"Her icy voice asked. Alex straightened up and groan in irritation,"You are really asking for it b***h". He nodded at his friends to take care of her and he went back to Louis. His last companion panicked and turned to Alex,"That's enough guys let's go". The girl's aura was pretty intimidating and Louis was beaten to a pulp already. Alex glared back,"Justin are you scared of a girl". "Time up" The girl advance and landed the piece of wood on the head of one of bullies and before the other could react, her fist collided with his neck. Two of the bullies went down and groaned painfully. The last guy, Justin, ran off and before Alex could react, her boot landed harshly on his back. He groaned out and landed on top of Louis who hissed out in pain. Alex rolled to the side and stood up, glancing around, he realized how bad of a situation he was in. His two lackey laid on the floor completely passed out and the other was no way in sight. "You called me a b***h, right"She fixed her frosty gaze at him, looking so care free, wasn't she the one fighting just now. Louis rolled to the side and curled into a ball, his eyes were weakly apart. The girl advanced forward and Alex stalked back, her intimidating aura was finally getting to him. A panic look crossed his eyes as he grasp the words written on her jacket, #5 MMF. "s**t"He muttered and she smiled. "More like b***h"She snickered and advanced closer, he backed away in fright. "You are one of the MMF fighter"He asked in agony. MMF was an underground casino but here, people bet on the fighter. If the girl in front of him was one of them, he knew that he was doomed for sure. She threw the plank on the floor,"I don't like bullying others so hand to hand". Alex quiver looking about for an escape route but he was trapped behind by a wall and the girl in front. Louis whimpered on the floor. Her eyes moved from Louis to Alex. Frowning she walked over to him allowing Alex to run off. She squat and roamed her eyes on his face. He was beaten up pretty bad. His lips was busted open and his forehead had a bump. His outfit was messed up,"Can you stand"The girl asked, tapping him on the shoulder. "Thank you, you can go, I'll be fine"Louis groaned out. The girl stood,"And leave you out here in the cold, where do you live"She asked. Louis shook his head"They will corner me at home"He coughed. Starring down at the boy in a big sweatshirt and over sized jean, she frowned at his frightened face. Closing her eyes and breathing deeply,"What's the use of saving you if I leave you here to die"She squat back down and stretched her hand for him. "I live around the corner, you can stay for the night and leave in the morning"She offered. "Really"He stammered coughing again. He was momentarily stunned and stood too quickly only to fall back on the ground in pain. The girl slowly reached out to his waist and slowly pulled him up. A few groan escaped his lips and he threw his hand around her shoulder. As she stood, she was extremely careful, fearing she might hurt him more. Fortunately after standing, Louis steadied his moment allow her to easily dragged him along. "I'm sorry for the trouble"He blurted out, looking embarrassed. For the first time, the girl really looked his face. His face was so small and cute. His hair was a bit long and blonde which fell over his forehead but pretty messed up. His lips were so small and rosy and as their eyes locked, he looked away. "You are making me regret already". The road was clear and it was pretty late already. The two of them moved without any trouble. She rounded the corner and walked into one of the storey building. "I live on the top floor, so hang on"She uttered. He nodded faintly and she ascended the staircase. He groaned and whimpered every now and then. "Just a few more"She patted his shoulder and he nodded. She finally reached the last floor and pulled out her key from her jacket. The cold metal loudly jingled. Using one hand to hold his waist for support, she easily slided the key in and pushed open the door. She dragged him inside and closed the door. "Can you stand now"She asked. Louis nodded pulling away from her grasped and leaning on the wall. "I'm good"He blew out. She pulled off her jacket leaving her in just a sport bra. Louis quickly closed his eyes and faced back. "What are you doing"She asked, throwing her jacket into the laundry basket. "Privacy"He blurted out and then groaned. He had opened his mouth a bit too wide. She walked further into the room"Stop acting so childish". She pulled the scarf off her head and her jet black hair fell to her shoulder. Louis turned back and watched her. His body was really aching. "Come lie down, let me heat up water"She pulled off her boots and pointed to the space beside. Louis leaped in and slowly sat down. She made to leave but he gripped her wrists and flinched afterward. "I don't know how to thank you for saving me"He blurted ignoring the pains in his tummy. She acted so aloof and cold but she offered him a place to stay. She glanced at his hand and back to his face,"You don't have to thank me"She muttered. "But.. "You don't have anything to offer me"She raised her brow, her blank grey eyes stared into his green ones. "I have money at home... "Look around, I have money and how much could you possibly give me"She teased, he was acting all cute and childish. He lifted his fingers to count. "An 100"He replied still staring at his finger. She laughed, pushing away his finger "Too small"she made to get up but he wouldn't leave her wrists. "200"He offered. The girl laughed,"Too small" He panicked and his eyes dropped,"Then I don't think that I can pay you back". She froze. Her eyes moved to his tongue that darted to lick his dry lips. She leaned closer and her gaze dropped to his lips. "Are you sure you want to pay me back?".

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