Chapter 36

2653 Words

Chapter Thirty-Six: “I think your lady friend doesn’t like me.” Said Dustin as we walked through the grounds, through the shopping center, and out the other side to find many housing for all the non-royal families that lived here. It’s as if we entered a very fancy hotel with suites of all sizes for all kinds of families.  “Tasha? Naw she’s just over-protective. She takes her job of keeping me safe way too seriously.” I chuckled and he shook his head. “Who would have thought Little Becky all grown up with private security living in a Vampire commune with her Witch Mother.” He shakes his head then his eyes turn to me as realization dawns on him. “Wait so are you a Witch then? You have to know about all this now that you guys are here, and you said you go to Mountain Royal right? So you h

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