Chapter 54

2487 Words

Chapter Fifty-Four: “Okay then let’s go!” The King clapped his hands and led the way out of the room down the hall and back into the gloomy room we had waited in. “Grace, Nancy should rest, Rebecca took a bit more then I would have liked so have someone keep an eye on her.” “Yes Sire!” He nodded and we walked out and down another hall, then another one, through several doors, before we landed in an office looking area, it was gloomy like the rest of the palace and the windows were blacked out so the only light was a low hanging chandelier with Red and Black lights in it. “Here we are.” The King announced as a man walked out of a room just off to the right. “Sire nice to see you Mr. Townsend and family have arrived and are getting settled. Mr. Kreider will be here in the next half an h

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