Chapter 25

2916 Words

Chapter Twenty-Five: Tasha and I walked side by side and suddenly my parents were there next to us. “Will I get grandchildren from you? Or are you a dud?” My Father asked and my Mom rolled her eyes. “Leave her alone Sebastian she can be whatever she chooses to be.” “God you two stop getting along, it's weird! And for the record I haven’t made up my mind of what I am. I just exist right now.” “Oh Darling just be yourself!” My Mom pushed back a lock of my hair out of my face and she leaned in and kissed my temple. “No matter what I support you baby girl. I love you and as they have been saying for years Love is Love no matter what form it comes in.” She smiled and looped her arm through mine. “Let’s go get some dinner!” “Mom!” I groaned. “That would be perfect. Let's pick the place an

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