Chapter 31

2537 Words

Chapter Thirty-One: “You okay Becka?” Tasha asked softly tugging on my elbow. I shake my head then crouch down and put my head between my knees. Too much has happened and I can’t let myself feel all the anger especially here. “There you are… are you okay?” My Father and Mother appeared around the tree. My Mother rushed forward to me and slowly walked me down to a bench where she deposited me and then a water bottle wash pushed into my hands. I sipped slowly then groaned and shook my head again. “Becka Baby talk to me what’s going on?” “She probably used too much magic. Fool hardy remedial mistake!” Snapped my Father, making me raise my head and glare at him. “You don’t know Jack!” I snapped back and we were left glaring at each other. “Becka, focus on me, what is wrong?” My Mom trie

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