Chapter 21

2802 Words

Chapter Twenty-One:  A loud buzzing noise went off in my ear making me jump and gasp sitting straight up. I couldn’t see anyone and I was clearly in the hospital wing but the curtains were open and the room was empty and beds filled the room row after row. I looked around and saw my phone on the nightstand. I grabbed it and saw my Mom’s number displayed. I quickly swiped it to answer. “Mom, where is everyone?” I asked as soon as it answered.  “Darling you're awake! I’m packing all your things and loading up the plane with all your things do you want me to come get you? I’m so glad you have finally woken up we were worried I was going to have to carry you to the plane” “No that’s fine I’m fine don’t worry so much, where is Tasha?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. “I think she’s around there so

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