Chapter 6-2

2251 Words

“This is so beautiful,” Tink whispered softly to the man next to her. She knew he couldn’t understand her from the looks she was getting so far. She pulled out her cell phone and aimed the camera on it toward the shuttle docking with the other spaceship. She took several pictures of it before turning around to the man standing next to her. Tink turned to take a picture of the man standing beside her. Tink drew in a swift breath, drawing in his scent. Pure male fragrance swirled through her. He had a wonderful musky scent with a hint of sweat, almost like a combination of sage, leather, and mountain air. Normally, she thought, guys had more of a tendency to smell, well, like an old car, or after flag football, a sewer. This man’s scent was doing some really weird things to her thought pr

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