Chapter 6-1

691 Words

Chapter Six “This is so totally wicked!” Tink exclaimed excitedly as she moved to the railing running under the giant view-screen. As far as she could see, there was nothing but the darkness of space. She leaned over, raising one leg up in the air behind her to help give her more balance, unaware it showed off more of her long legs, and looked to the left side. “Oh!” she exclaimed. Tink turned around and looked at the dark-haired man who’d tried to grab her on her way to the front view-screen and who now stood slightly behind her watching every move she made. “There’s a spaceship!” she said in awe, looking up into his dark silver eyes. “Do you see that?” Tink whispered in excitement as she grabbed his hand without thinking and pointed out the front window. “Oh. My. God! My dad is going

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