Chapter 7-2

1218 Words

Tink slowly stretched her arms over her head, tilting her head back and arching her back like a cat. “Mm, what a dream,” she mused as she tried to get her brain working. Moving like she had weights tied to her arms, Tink rolled over to look at the clock. Her eyes flew open when she realized it was four in the afternoon. Groaning, she pushed herself into a sitting position. “Well, it’s about time you came back to the world of the living,” Cosmos’ deep voice said from the doorway. “I thought I was going to have to call in reinforcements if you didn’t wake up soon.” Tink let out a little yelp before flopping backward on the bed. Raising a hand to her chest, she gave the man standing in the doorway her best “evil eye.” The last thing she needed was a scare before caffeine, especially after

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