Chapter 7-1

205 Words

Chapter Seven Tink gasped and screamed as she was grabbed from behind and lifted over the railing like she weighed no more than a ten-pound sack of potatoes. A strong arm gripped her tight around the waist and held her snug against a huge chest. Tink was about to fight when she heard a familiar oath escape from the massive form holding her. Tink’s eyes widened even further when the familiar voice whispered in her ear, “Hang on.” One minute she was on a spaceship God-knew-where, and the next she was in Cosmos’ lab. She watched as he tossed a small smoking device onto the spaceship’s bridge. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched J’kar lunge for her a moment too late. He leaped over the railing using one hand to give him momentum, but the doorway was already closing before his fe

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