Chapter 7- Red

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“You’re lying!” Sophie poked my waist. We just recently arrived at her brother’s apartment after traveling for nearly seven hours from our hometown to New Jersey. “Tell me the truth!” Sophie nosily asked me once more. “I am f*****g not!” I giggled, “Stop… let’s rest, girl! I’m tired, and so you are!” I grumbled this time, turning my back on her as we lay in bed. “Don’t change the topic! I am tired, but you were so quiet about your date with Kyle yesterday!” Sophie moved to the other side of the bed to annoy me. She was right. I was mummed about the surprise birthday celebration Kyle had prepared for me. It wasn’t that I didn't want to tell Sophie, but I was still over the moon after all the happenstance between Kyle and me. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it, but it just happened. Nothing intimate, but the whole day went perfectly great. After our short stroll around the park, Kyle then took me to one of the best restaurants in the main city of Pittsburg for lunch. We then went to an amusement park and spent our whole afternoon playing games and riding modern, thrilling and classic rides. We bought a bunch of McDonald's meals on our way back to my hometown. We ate our food while listening to music and talking about everything under the sun. It was such a perfect pre-birthday celebration, and I never expected I would celebrate with Kyle. He just made my whole day bright and worth spending. “Can I tell you everything later? I just want to rest, girl,” I muttered. Four out of seven hours of driving was indeed tiring. “Fine! Tell me everything. I am tired too!” Sophie agreed while going back to her side of the bed. She drove the last three hours of our travel to New Jersey. We left at four in the morning, and while she was asleep, I was on the wheel, making sure we would arrive here in one piece. I yawned and stretched my arms up. “Would you tell your brother I am skipping lunch, so I have the power to celebrate tonight?” I told Sophie. It was nearly lunchtime, and I was still full from the snacks Sophie and I shared while on our way. “Oh, yes, of course! Tonight is the night!” Sophie gigglingly said, hugging me from behind. “I just can’t believe you finally went on a date without me!” she squeezed me tight. “Sophie, stop!” “No stop, Elisha! You naughty girl!” Sophie tickled me. Swatting Sophie’s arm, “Stop! You freaky girl!” I laughingly said. “I’ll tell you everything later. Promise!” “Pinky promise?” Sophie showed me her little finger. I quickly hooked it with mine before smacking her with my teddy bear pillow. Sophie just laughed. “Give that back to me.” “Goodnight! Talk to you later!” I felt her stand up and open the bedroom door, “Yup! so shut your mouth and sleep,” I snorted before closing my eyes to sleep. “I’m hungry. I’ll grab a bite and tell them you’re on your way to Lala land with Prince Charming Skylar!” “Stop!” I grumbled. Sophie and I spoke about it. I told her not to tell her brother about Kyle since I was pretty sure he was well-known in the state, if not in the city. “Just kidding you!” Sophie threw back the teddy bear before closing the door. “Bitch..” I sneered, hugging the soft toy tightly. I could finally take a nap now. Nana Delia and Ferdi already knew I had arrived safely here in New Jersey. The two were delighted to know, even though they were sad seeing me leaving. I didn’t say goodbye to mom personally. I left her a handwritten letter and told her how still thankful I was to live there, not with her but with the people I loved. The letter was just for formality and courtesy's sake. I also left voice messages for my brothers about my stay here in New Jersey. They were aware of it, and Thomas had already received it and said that he would call me later. He told me Justin was traveling at the moment and wouldn’t see or read my messages until later. "What did he do?" Sophie was taken aback and said, "Are you sure?" Her beautiful brown eyes were wide open as she stared at me. After my day at the amusement park, I informed her that Kyle had made a move again. I told Sophie everything that had transpired in the coffee shop, at the Japanese restaurant for lunch, and throughout the rest of our day at the amusement park. I already expected her reaction when I mentioned that Kyle kissed my forehead and cheek when he sent me home last night. “He kissed me on my cheek,” I gigglingly repeated my last words. I shared how Kyle and I won the two cute teddy bears from the carnival games. He took home the pink one while I had the blue one. “Damn, Elisha! Forehead….cheek...Then where’s next?” Sophie snorted, shaking her head, “That Skylar is swift and really smooth guy, eh.” “Stop….” I grumbled while taking the towel off my body to wear the dress Sophie told me to wear. We were both comfortable seeing each other in birthday suits, and that was our usual scene whenever we took turns showering. We still conversed and spoke while doing our stuff. “Did you make me the bath bomb?” Sophie asked while munching. “Yup. It's ready,” I just finished taking a shower, and we are now preparing for our night out. “It was a spontaneous, friendly date. Plus, I don’t think it will happen again since he had no idea that I had already left Hansberg, and he still has his week off in Philly,” I elaborately shared with Sophie while putting my undies on. I was careful not to reveal my plans yesterday. Though Kyle was a great company, and I knew he had his eyes on me, I still had to be careful and be aware of what might happen to us. I still don’t trust him. He could be a player, or he could be not, but the thought of me being his new hunt somehow put a knot in my stomach. “Well, I haven’t met Kyle in person, so I don’t think I am giving him fair judgment,” Sophie shrugged before standing up from the couch. “I love your cake,” she spoke, placing the plate on the small table. I smiled at her. “I love it, thank you,” Sophie, Sawyer, and Trina surprised me with a cake earlier. I just woke up from my sated sleep and was having dinner with them when they brought out the cake with my photo on it. Such a sweet gesture made me cry, appreciating that I was blessed with great people in my life. “But I bet the next kiss will be on your lips…and maybe shortly, you and Kyle are an item now….” Sophie snorted, taking her clothes off too as she prepared to take a shower. “Whatever!” I rolled my eyes, ignoring what she stated. “Whatever your face,” Sophie snorted, throwing her clothes inside the laundry basket. “Hey, help me with the zipper,” I asked her before she entered the bathroom. I was wearing the maroon cocktail dress I bought last time. It had a little zipper on the back, and I had difficulty zipping it. “Damn, El… you look hawt, girl,” The naked Sophie eyed my body before zipping up my back, “Shall we get a tattoo birthday for you?” she added, tapping my nape. “No way!” I refused. “I would love one here on my arm, though, and my butt,” Sophie laughingly said, showing off her sexy bum. “Slay your bum, girl!” I laughed, “Add piercing to your t**s too!” I kidded. Sophie turned around and held her sizeable breasts and naughtily shook them. “My n*pples will have soon!” “Shut up!” I laughed. While she was dipping in the bathtub, Sophie and I continued talking. I started glamouring up, experimenting with my would-be look for the night. I prepared early since my brothers would call me soon. Once I was done with my makeup, I headed outside the room’s balcony to call my brothers. It was late, but I knew they were still awake, and that’s what Tom said I could phone him. “Elisha! Happy birthday, sis,” Tom greeted me right away. He was already in bed, sitting and holding his laptop. “Thanks, Tom,” I sincerely thanked my dearest brother, “You alone?” “I’m always alone, El,” Tom snorted. “Find your new lady,” I teased him. As far as I knew, Tom wasn’t dating anyone. About three or four years ago, I heard that he got smitten with another law student in Paris. He didn’t tell me everything, but Justin mentioned that the two became lovers for a while, but she broke his heart. Since then, Tom hadn’t been back to the dating pool and had focused on his studies and job. Tom scrunched his face. “Yeah, tomorrow,” he snorted. “Just kidding you, though I am serious! I want to see little Tommy soon!” I kidded again. “Give me five years.” “Five?! You’re twenty-six!” “Stop…” Tom giggled. “I’m just pulling your leg again,” I cheekily laughed, “Take your time,” “I will, sis,” Tom said before narrowing his eyes and staring closely at his screen. “Hmmm…. It looked like you're about to paint the town red, Oui?” he laughingly asked me. “Oui,” I winked at him, “It's Sophie’s idea,” pursing my lips. “Always…” Tom sneered, “How’s your trip? How’s Nana and Ferdi? How long are you going to stay at Sawyer’s place?” he asked me. “It was tiring, but I got everything that I needed. Nana was sad, but I had already called her twice today. Ferdi offered to drive us, but I said no. Mom needs him,” I paused to breathe, “Sophie and I will start hunting for our own place tomorrow. I’ve seen a lot of options on some apps and even on the internet,” I stated. “Sweet. How about your college application? Have you settled it?” I winced and shook my head. “I have, but we are still waiting for the call to continue the process. I will check my checklist again,” I answered. I actually haven’t opened my notes lately due to my busyness and some unexpected incident in my life. Tom nodded, removing his eyeglasses. “No worries. Just let me know once you have finalized it. I will call dad’s lawyer to settle everything for you,” he stated, wiggling his brows. I gave Tom a kind grin. Aside from the trust money my father arranged for me once I reached twenty-one, my college funds were set till I finished my degree. Tom told me that dad left that part in his care with our family lawyer’s help. I was glad that mom had no hands on it. “Thank you so much, Tom. I’ll never fail you,” I promised him. “I know you will never fail, dad, and I trust you, Elisha. You are smart,” Tom smiled, “Just be careful who you will date or meet at university. Don’t settle for less. You are precious. Get it?” “Yes, your honor,” “Silly,” “Love you, Tom. By the way, where is Justin? I thought he’s with you,” I curiously asked. “Oh, he just called me before you,” Tom snorted, “After traveling, he is partying.” “Of course,” I chuckled, “Anyway, Tom. I am not going to hold you up. I know it's late over there. Please take rest, yes?” “Yes, sis,” “Good night. Talk to you soon,” “Good night, And happy birthday again. Enjoy your night. Love you, sis,” Tom bade before hanging up the call. I smiled once more while looking at my phone. I’ve seen a couple of message notifications from Kyle. I hadn’t answered it since afternoon, though I informed him that I was busy at home and thanked him for another birthday greeting. I also lied to him when I said I loved the flowers he sent me. For some reason, I wanted to live in my reality after my almost fairytale day yesterday. “Later, Skylar,” I murmured before standing up. I got inside our bedroom and saw Sophie nearly done and ready for the night. She was wearing a very sexy and tight open-back black party dress. Her white heels were about five inches high compared to my black three inches ones. “Damn… you up for some hook-ups tonight?” I kiddingly asked Sophie. My best friend only slept once with her first boyfriend.Her first short but disturbing and abusive relationship. She said it wasn’t a pleasant one and a very traumatizing experience, so she never did it again. “Yes, virgin Mary,” Sophie snorted, “Take the house keys with you. I might end up going home with a hot-hottie tonight,” she winked. She’s clearly joking because I know careful Sophie now was. “Whatever!” I sneered, “Just go on with your makeup. Make your eyes smokey, girl….” I suggested before I shared with her what Tom and I talked about while glamouring up. “You are lucky, El,” Sophie said, “At least you didn’t need to worry about your college fees and stuff,” she added. Sophie had already applied for a scholarship, and like me, she was still waiting for the answers. “I know… I still need to work, though, so I can pay for our apartment,” I mumbled, crouching to check my face in the mirror. “We can do it, girl,” I winked at her. Sophie slightly sp*nked my bum. “Yes, girl!” “Ouch!” I rubbed my behind. Sophie scanned my whole body with her smokey eyes, “Slay, stunning birthday girl!” she whistled. “Thanks, man.” “Shall we go now?” Inhaling deeply, “Fine! Let's paint the town red!” I cheerfully replied. xx I know it's a slow update, but I shall do a daily one next month. Please bear with me and my overlooked errors. I love you all.
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