Chapter 8- Kiss

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After fixing, glamouring, and being satisfied with our outfit of the night, Sophie and I left the apartment. We decided not to use my car since we knew we might end up drunk and wasted tonight. Sawyer and Trina went early since the latter had her evening shift at the bar. The trip was short, and soon as we hopped out of the taxi, we were surprised to see the long line of party-goers queuing up to enter the club. “Damn…” I mumbled. “Don’t worry. We have reservations, so it's okay,” Sophie uttered, yanking my arm as we walked towards the door. I saw two muscular and beefy tall men wearing black shirts standing at the mini gate they put to guard the main entrance. “Hey, Phil!” my friend smiled at one of them. “Sophia!” Phil beamed at us. “Yes, your brother is waiting for you,” he said, looking at his partner, “Let them in. They’re VIPs,” he winked. “Okay,” the other guy agreed before opening the double door. “Thanks, Phil!” Sophie thanked him. I simply smiled and nodded at them then holding my friend’s arm. “No worries, enjoy your night, ladies,” The steady drumbeat and loud music bouncing off the walls welcomed us as soon as we walked into the club. The crowd was all around, singing and dancing on the dance floor. The typical colorful and blinking lights roamed around the whole stage. Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the scene. The drinks flowed across the tables and bars while the bartenders made and mixed their patriot's drinks. “I forgot to ask about our VIP room number. Let’s go to Trina!” Sophie loudly told me. “Okay!” I agreed and trailed behind Sophie towards one of the three main bars inside the club. “Hey!! Trina! Which one?!” Sophie asked. Trina acknowledged and waved at us behind the bar. “Up, third room!” pointing and showing her three fingers. “I’ll serve you in a while!” “Alrighty! See you!” Sophie beamed, leading me to the stairs for VIP members, “Let’s go, girl!” I just shook my head and smiled as I followed my friend. We walked upstairs together. Luckily, the stairs were well-lit and wide, like the vast hall leading to the doors. I saw about six open rooms overlooking the dance floor downstairs. “That’s room three!” I pointed, seeing the hanging sign on the ceiling. “Yes, let’s go!” Sophie tugged me, “She knocked three times before slowly opening it. As soon as I entered, my eyes gaped once more as I saw the people waiting inside the room. “Happy birthday, Elisha!” It was Cedrick and Layla, smiling at me. My body shivered in excitement and surprise. “Oh, my lord!” I dashed towards the couple and hugged them tight, “Why are you here?” I sniffled, trying to hold back my tears. “Ugh! It’s your birthday! And it’s a surprise!” Layla snorted, squeezing me tight, “I missed you,” “Me too! Well, five days are already long!” I laughingly said. We’ve been together almost every day ever since I arrived in our hometown ages ago, so I couldn’t blame if we genuinely missed each other. “How about me?” Cedrick puckered. “Of course, I missed you too,” I hugged him as well, “Thank you,” “You are always welcome, El,” Cedrick said, breaking the hug, “We have your gifts, but that’s for later.” “Ugh, You’re so silly, guys…You didn’t need to….” I kiddingly huffed, earning my arm a light pinch from Layla. “Stop!” I puckered before looking at Sawyer and walked toward him for protection. “Thanks, Sawyer….” “No worries, Elisha… again, happy birthday,” Sawyer rubbed my back. “Excuse me?” I heard someone behind and cleared her throat. I knew it was Sophie. I broke the hug and faced her, then drew my arms wide. This lady never failed to surprise me. “You, sneaky lady! Come here!” I rolled my eyes before embracing Sophie tightly. “Thanks, girl! Always!!” “No biggies, Elisha. You deserve happiness this time,” Sophie pinched my bum. I flinched. “Ouch! Stop!” “No stop! Let’s get the party started!” Sophie announced, hugging me again, “Happy birthday, Elisha!” “Thank you, guys! You made my day really special! I love you!” “Aww…” They all said in awe. “Group hug!” Layla declared. My friends then surrounded me and gave me the biggest hug ever. Soon after, Trina arrived with our drinks. We started it with tequila shots, and for the next hour or two, our table was filled with empty bottles and shot glasses. I drink occasionally, but this was an exception. I wasn’t sure how many shot glasses I had intaken, but I could slowly feel the alcohol’s effect on my system. “Drink, Elisha! Drink! Drink! Drink!” They all cheered as they gave me three birthday cake shots. I drank three shots on a whim and grunted. “Guys! I’m done!” I yielded while my face scrunched from the lemon. “Let’s dance here,” “Yes!!” Everyone agreed. Our room overlooks the dance floor with only a high fence separating and protecting us. Unfortunately, the crowd overflowed below, so we used our own space as our dance stage for a while. “Shall we join the people downstairs?” Layla asked us. “Hell, yeah!” Sophie excitedly shrieked, “Come, El! Let’s find some hottie downstairs!” she tugged my hand. “Give me a second!” I refused, fixing my dress and finishing my drink. I was already dizzy and fogged. “Fine! Yeah, later,” Sophie poured more wine into her wine glass. Glass after glass, and drink after drink, we then decided to join the people on the main stage. We carefully went down and found our spot on the floor. A minute later, Sophie, Layla, Cedrick, and I were on the dance floor. We were dancing and grinding our bodies with the other party-goers. Cedrick and Layla had their own world, while Sophie and I began mingling with some young guys she spotted near the DJ’s booth. The dance floor was filled with sweaty bodies swaying to the beat, but I couldn’t care less. It’s my night, and I truly felt freedom for a moment. The music was enticing and indeed boosted our energy. We stayed there for god-knows-how long, enjoying ourselves while grooving and drinking. A while later, Sophie gigglingly hugged me and placed her lips on my ear. “El…look…hihi…love… it….” I couldn’t comprehend what Sophie was telling me. “Say it again?!” “Him! See! Looking! You! Gorgeous!” I was struggling to hear over the thumping music or see what she was pointing to me. People filled the dance floor, and the flickering colorful lights made it difficult to identify faces. “What?” I scowled, not paying attention to the drink I was holding. The next thing I knew, the glass was knocked over the floor, spilling my drinks. “s**t…” “I’m sorry, Miss….” The man apologized. I ignored him and slightly crouched to pick up broken shards when a hand ceased me from doing it. I quickly looked up at the owner, and my eyes almost popped out of the socket to see who it was. But, before I could speak, “Don’t…” he said, shaking his head. ‘Kyle’ Kyle was holding my wrist. I wasn’t expecting him to see him here. His gorgeous appearance was blank, but I saw the concern in his eyes. I gently stood straight, “K…Kyle…” murmuring his name while looking at him. His gaze was off, and I saw him staring at my hand. “You’re bleeding….” I quickly overheard his words, even though the booming sound surrounding us didn’t stop. I shifted my eyes to the arm he was holding, and boy, he was right. My fingers were bleeding. The blood was dropping like water on the dimmed dance floor. “s**t…” “Come with me,” Kyle quickly said, gently tugging me. “Wait…” I stopped, looking at Sophie. The lady wasn’t on the dance floor anymore. Instead, she was near the toilet entrance, making out with a stranger while leaning against the wall, “Damn it…Sophie…” “Elisha! Your hand!” Cedrick said, “You need to get aided!” he added, looking at Kyle and me. “But Sophie!” I refused, looking in her direction. Cedrick shook his head, “Don’t worry about her,” he assured me before looking at Layla, “Honey, you know the drill,” he loudly told. Layla nodded. “Go, we will handle it. Go clean that.” I looked at Kyle before my bleeding hand. “Okay,” I slowly agreed. My mind was muddled by so much alcohol. “Let’s go,” “Okay…” Kyle sweetly smiled at me. I didn’t know where we went. I could remember entering a secluded hallway, climbing two flights up, and opening a sizeable double-door room. “Here, sit down, please,” Kyle instructed, guiding me to the massive L-shaped couch. “Damn…this office is humongous….” I murmured, squinting my eyes as I looked around the place. I could see about five large monitors next to a big office table on my left. “Oh… CCTV…” I peaked, trying to see if I could find my friends. “Wait for a second,” Kyle took my attention back to him. He quickly dashed inside a room I assumed was the bathroom. Within seconds, Kyle came back with a white towel. “Here…” he gave it to me, wrapping my bloody hand, compressing it for a while. “I’ll get the first aid kit,” he mumbled before standing up. I simply nodded. My mind was buffering. I couldn’t feel anything in my hand. It was numb though I could see that the bleeding lessened when I checked it. “Damn…” I murmured, seeing a long cut on my index, thumb, and middle finger. The skin was slashed and scraped, and I was astonished why I didn’t feel the pain right away. “Elisha…Here,” I heard someone say, “Let’s wash it first,” I looked at Kyle and nodded. I was about to stand when I felt woozy. “Oh, fucker…” I grunted, but Kyle caught me on time before my tipsy body reached the floor. “You’re drunk….” I heard him chuckle while hugging me. “No, I am not….” “Silly. Let’s go….” Kyle snorted, almost carrying me inside the toilet. As soon as we got in, my eyes gaped once more. It wasn’t just a toilet or washroom. It was a massive bathroom with a big jacuzzi tub in the middle of the room. “Damn…” “I know…let’s wash your hands first,” Kyle said, guiding me to the massive sink. “Ouch! f**k! Stop!” I yelled as soon as the warm water touched my skin. It was stinging like hell. “Stop… Ouch….” I cried. “Hey, calm down….” Kyle calmly whispered, kissing my hair, “We need to wash it before aiding it,” he soothingly murmured while gently cleaning my wound. “It hurts….ouch….” I whimpered, burying my face, and sobbed on his chest. I could feel the amount of pain of my stupidity. Kyle continuously aided my hand. He was tall, and his arms were long enough to help me while I was whining endlessly in his hold. “There’s a small shard… it's going to hurt…breath….” I took a breath, “Stop….” I muttered from pain. “It’s okay now. I don’t think you need stitches….” “Thanks…” I sniffled. The water had stopped, and I felt Kyle reach for another towel and dry my sore fingers. “Let’s go,” Kyle softly said, guiding me outside again. He let me sit on the couch once more. He then opened a medium-sized box I assumed was a medicine kit. “This will hurt again, but you’ll be fine,” he sweetly warned me before kissing my forehead. “Kyle…” I sniffled. Kyle just beamed and began putting solutions on my wound. It did freaking hurt, but Kyle was doing his best, so I silently endured all the pain. And within ten minutes and after crying from so much pain from the medicine, Kyle finally wrapped and aided my hand with gauze. “Take this. It will help you with the pain,” he then gave me a familiar pain reliever pill and a water bottle. “Thanks,” I took them and chugged it one go. After finishing the whole bottle, I looked at my bandage, “You did it like a real doctor,” I sadly smiled at it. “Mom used to bring me to her clinic when I was a kid. I loved watching her helping her patients,” Kyle replied, scooting closer to me. “Stop crying,” he sweetly added. “I can’t help but thank you….” I sniffled, wiping my tears with my not-injured hand. “You are welcome, baby….” Kyle softly mumbled. ‘Baby,’ I wasn’t sure if it was my drunkness who overheard what he said. “What……say? Hik…” I hiccupped I slowly looked at him after wiping my blurry eyes. His face was bright, and he seemed happy. “Here, don’t cry…my baby…” he whispered, dabbing my tear-stained cheeks with his handkerchief. I swallowed the invisible lump in my throat. I silently hoped to sober up now. I didn’t know if I was still drunk or already blacked out. “Baby?” “Yes…aren’t you my baby?” Kyle sneered. “I…I don’t know….” I shook my head in innocence. I didn’t know what he meant. Kyle gave me the sweetest smile, tucking my messy hair behind my ear. “You cried like a baby a while ago,” he chucklingly said. I glared at him, lips quivering in confusion. “I’m just kidding,” he added, his face getting closer to mine. His warm and minty breath almost touched my skin. “No…” “Come,” Kyle suddenly held my arms and picked me up. In an instant, I was already sitting on his lap. Our eyes were staring at each other. Amber to Hazel. Hazel to Amber. “Kyle…” I whispered. My eyes never left his gorgeous face. His mesmerizing orbs were staring at me, asking something I should've known the answer to before. “El…” He whispered back. His lips were wet and promising. Then he kissed me, just like that. His red and luscious lips touched mine. I wasn’t an expert in the making-out department, and he was actually my first true kiss. I was busy thinking about my first kiss when I felt him squeeze my leg. By then, I realized that I wasn’t responding to him. “It’s okay….” I heard him whisper in my ear. I held his cheek with my injured hand, “No, it's fine… teach me….” All I said before kissing him. I applied all I’ve learned from watching Korean film series and whatnot. I knew it was messy, but Kyle seemed expert as he returned to my initiation. Little by little, our kisses rhythmed with each other. It became warm and gentle. Moans came out of our mouths as we both enjoyed ourselves together. It didn’t take much time for me to follow and learn to kiss back. Just like that, Kyle and I spent the next few minutes making out on the couch. Though I was still tipsy, I could feel Kyle’s hands begin to roam around my skin. His fingers caressed my back and waist while my free hand could only squeeze his arm. I was indeed enjoying it so much that my body calmed and soothed. I couldn’t feel any pain from my injury or discomfort in my entity. All I could sense was relief and peace in his hold. This was a first, and I couldn’t help but cherish it. No man ever made me feel this way. I felt secure and desired that I didn’t want to let go and stop whatever we were doing. The onset of ease and the effect of the medicine truly relaxed my body. All I could remember doing before passing out as I laid my head on his broad shoulder was a short plea, "Please never let me go….” ~ Great news! This baby is finally signed. I shall start updating it starting May 1. Again, thank you for your patience. Your comments are always appreciated and give me motivation. Love you all, thank you!
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